Otitis media with effusion in children: Cross-frequency correlation in pure tone audiometry.
Different guidelines are adopted in clinics and countries to assess pure tone hearing sensitivity in children with otitis media with effusion (OME). Some guidelines specify a broad range of audiometric frequencies that must be tested and from which average thresholds determined, while others leave test frequencies unspecified. For guidelines that suggest specific frequencies there are various pure tone frequencies and frequency ranges given. The present study investigated whether (1) a full range of audiometric frequencies is required to evaluate hearing loss caused by OME in children, or if neighboring frequencies provide essentially the same threshold information, and (2) if different com…
Insights from sodium into the impacts of elevated pCO2 and temperature on bivalve shell formation
Ocean acidification and warming are predicted to affect the ability of marine bivalves to build their shells, but little is known about the underlying mechanisms. Shell formation is an extremely complex process requiring a detailed understanding of biomineralization processes. Sodium incorporation into the shells would increase if bivalves rely on the exchange of Na+/H+ to maintain homeostasis for shell formation, thereby shedding new light on the acid-base and ionic regulation at the calcifying front. Here, we investigated the combined effects of seawater pH (8.1, 7.7 and 7.4) and temperature (16 and 22 °C) on the growth and sodium composition of the shells of the blue mussel, Mytilus edul…
Transgenerational acclimation to seawater acidification in the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum: Preferential uptake of metabolic carbon
Abstract Ocean acidification may interfere with the calcifying physiology of marine bivalves. Therefore, understanding their capacity for acclimation and adaption to low pH over multiple generations is crucial to make predictions about the fate of this economically and ecologically important fauna in an acidifying ocean. Transgenerational exposure to an acidification scenario projected by the end of the century (i.e., pH 7.7) has been shown to confer resilience to juvenile offspring of the Manila clam, Ruditapes philippinarum. However, whether, and to what extent, this resilience can persist into adulthood are unknown and the mechanisms driving transgenerational acclimation remain poorly un…
Strain-Controlled Giant Magnetoresistance in Spin Valves Grown on Shape Memory Alloys
We report a strain-mediated giant magnetoresistance (GMR) in spin valves (SPVs) grown on shape memory alloys (SMAs). The SPVs with a stacking structure of Al2O3/Co90Fe10/Cu/Co90Fe10/IrMn/Pt were de...
Tone perception in Mandarin-speaking school age children with otitis media with effusion.
Objectives The present study explored tone perception ability in school age Mandarin-speaking children with otitis media with effusion (OME) in noisy listening environments. The study investigated the interaction effects of noise, tone type, age, and hearing status on monaural tone perception, and assessed the application of a hierarchical clustering algorithm for profiling hearing impairment in children with OME. Methods Forty-one children with normal hearing and normal middle ear status and 84 children with OME with or without hearing loss participated in this study. The children with OME were further divided into two subgroups based on their severity and pattern of hearing loss using a h…
Trace elemental alterations of bivalve shells following transgenerational exposure to ocean acidification: Implications for geographical traceability and environmental reconstruction.
Trace elements of bivalve shells can potentially record the physical and chemical properties of the ambient seawater during shell formation, thereby providing valuable information on environmental conditions and provenance of the bivalves. In an acidifying ocean, whether and how seawater acidification affects the trace elemental composition of bivalve shells is largely unknown. Here, we investigated the transgenerational effects of OA projected for the end of the 21st century on the incorporation of trace elements into shells of the Manila clam, Ruditapes philippinarum. Neither seawater pH nor transgenerational exposure affected the Mg and Sr composition of the shells. Compared with clams g…
Seasonal Variations in Biochemical Composition of the ClamDosinia corrugatein Relation to the Reproductive Cycle and Environmental Conditions
ABSTRACT Seasonal variations in biochemical composition of the clam Dosinia corrugate were investigated from August 2013 until July 2014 in Zhuanghe Bay in relation to environmental conditions and reproductive cycle. Separate biochemical analyses of the mantle, adductor muscle, foot, and gonad-visceral mass in each sex were undertaken. Spawning took place once a year from July to August and the massive spawning occurred in August with the highest water temperature and chlorophyll a levels. Utilization of glycogen took place during the spawning period, whereas protein was biosynthesized as the mature gametes formed. The glycogen value increased during the resting stage (autumn—winter). The r…
A review of transgenerational effects of ocean acidification on marine bivalves and their implications for sclerochronology
Abstract Ocean acidification can negatively impact marine bivalves, especially their shell mineralization processes. Consequently, whether marine bivalves can rapidly acclimate and eventually adapt in an acidifying ocean is now increasingly receiving considerable attention. Projecting the fate of this vulnerable taxonomic group is also pivotal for the science of sclerochronology – the study which seeks to deduce records of past environmental changes and organismal life-history traits from various geochemical properties of periodically layered hard tissues (bivalve shells, corals, fish otoliths, etc.). In this review, we provide a concise overview of the long-term and transgenerational respo…
Sodium provides unique insights into transgenerational effects of ocean acidification on bivalve shell formation
Abstract Ocean acidification is likely to have profound impacts on marine bivalves, especially on their early life stages. Therefore, it is imperative to know whether and to what extent bivalves will be able to acclimate or adapt to an acidifying ocean over multiple generations. Here, we show that reduced seawater pH projected for the end of this century (i.e., pH 7.7) led to a significant decrease of shell production of newly settled juvenile Manila clams, Ruditapes philippinarum. However, juveniles from parents exposed to low pH grew significantly faster than those from parents grown at ambient pH, exhibiting a rapid transgenerational acclimation to an acidic environment. The sodium compo…
Sodium provides unique insights into transgenerational effects of ocean acidification on bivalve shell formation
Ocean acidification is likely to have profound impacts on marine bivalves, especially on their early life stages. Therefore, it is imperative to know whether and to what extent bivalves will be able to acclimate or adapt to an acidifying ocean over multiple generations. Here, we show that reduced seawater pH projected for the end of this century (i.e., pH 7.7) led to a significant decrease of shell production of newly settled juvenile Manila clams, Ruditapes philippinarum. However, juveniles from parents exposed to low pH grew significantly faster than those from parents grown at ambient pH, exhibiting a rapid transgenerational acclimation to an acidic environment. The sodium composition of…
Seawater carbonate chemistry and growth, physiological performance of the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum
Ocean acidification may interfere with the calcifying physiology of marine bivalves. Therefore, understanding their capacity for acclimation and adaption to low pH over multiple generations is crucial to make predictions about the fate of this economically and ecologically important fauna in an acidifying ocean. Transgenerational exposure to an acidification scenario projected by the end of the century (i.e., pH 7.7) has been shown to confer resilience to juvenile offspring of the Manila clam, Ruditapes philippinarum. However, whether, and to what extent, this resilience can persist into adulthood are unknown and the mechanisms driving transgenerational acclimation remain poorly understood.…
Insights fromsodium into the impacts of elevated pCO2 and temperature on bivalve shell formation
Ocean acidification and warming are predicted to affect the ability of marine bivalves to build their shells, but little is known about the underlying mechanisms. Shell formation is an extremely complex process requiring a detailed understanding of biomineralization processes. Sodium incorporation into the shells would increase if bivalves rely on the exchange of Na+/H+ to maintain homeostasis for shell formation, thereby shedding new light on the acid-base and ionic regulation at the calcifying front. Here, we investigated the combined effects of seawater pH (8.1, 7.7 and 7.4) and temperature (16 and 22 °C) on the growth and sodium composition of the shells of the blue mussel, Mytilus edul…