G. Pistor
Functional Colonic Ultrasonography: Normal Findings of Colonic Motility and Follow-Up in Neuronal Intestinal Dysplasia
Three types of neuronal intestinal dysplasia (type A, type B, and combination with Hirschsprung’s disease) can be distinguished. Functional assessment of the affected bowel segments can be achieved by functional colonic ultrasonography, thus providing exact parameters for further therapeutical procedure. The technique is described. Ten children with neuronal intestinal dysplasia in whom functional colonic ultrasonography was employed and results of their follow-up examinations are reported.
Antenatal Ultrasound Diagnosis of Congenital Malformations of the Urinary Tract: Results and Criticism
From October 1979 to June 1983 220 malformations were diagnosed antenatally at our hospital; 55 (25%) were malformations of the urinary tract, 21 of them hydronephroses and 34 of them dysplasias.
Intraoperative vascular assessment for estimation of risk in primary closure of omphalocele and gastroschisis.
Surgical repair of anterior abdominal wall defects is often complicated by a discrepancy between the eviscerated organs and the intra-abdominal space available. Primary closure of the abdominal wall may result in increased intra-abdominal pressure and consecutive circulatory impairment. We report the results of a retrospective and consecutive prospective study evaluating the influence of different witameters on mortality and morbidity in children with gastroschitis and omphalocele. Both studies demonstrated that real-time sonographic investigations, intraoperative Doppler duplex sonography, and colour-coded Doppler sonography provide the oppurtunity to collect objective intraoperative data.…
Significance of ultrasound for the diagnosis of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
The sonographic features of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (HPS) were evaluated in a 5-year prospective study (1981–1985) at the University Clinic of Pediatric Surgery in Mainz. In 37 cases real-time ultrasound was performed preoperatively to measure muscle thickness, diameter, and length of the pylorus; the recorded values were compared with those of a control group. Muscular wall thickness proved to be the most reliable parameter, while pyloric canal length was the most difficult measurement to obtain. Diameter alone was not adequate to establish the sonographic diagnosis, which depends on the individually and functionally different luminal width and submucosal thickness. Significant sonog…