Tumminelli G
During the year 2020, the vulnerable conditions of “unaccompanied foreign minors” were amplified primarily due to the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, which led to additional problems in the reception system too. In 2020, in Italy, the minors are 7.080. Sicily is the main region where 25,3% of the Unaccompanied Foreign Minors are present. There are several critical issues, for example, from April 2020, the Italian Ministry of the Interior and Civil Protection introduced measures to ensure the quarantine of persons arriving by sea in quarantine ships. Other difficulties that the reception system has had to face in the last year, such as the interruption of forms of socio-labor insertion or t…
The second generations (2G) do not have a static and homogeneous ethnic identity, but multiple and transnational identities. The lack of recognition as citizens and their perceived discrimination and feelings of exclusion often can have backwash on the process of reconstruction of identity and creation of hybrid identity as a synthesis between identity and difference. From the analysis of the interviews with 2G young people, collected in 7 cities in Italy, emerges the constant attempt to assert themselves through the transformation of “double absence” into “double presence” and of their invisibility in visibility. Our paper deals with the different ways of this transition comparing the inte…
Women on the Run: Human Suffering and Empowerment during Their Travel Towards Italy
In Italy, in recent years, the attention to female in migration has been linked to the increase in the number of women who emigrate alone to look for work like men. Women who become breadwinners, provide economic resources for the needs of their families; women who give rise to chain migration, and also family reunions, in which husbands are reunited, to reach them. Women engaged in jobs that have an importance for the functioning of the receiving society, but also women who are present as refugees and asylum seekers, women on the increase in trafficking in human beings and trafficking for sexual exploitation. Women have always emigrated, but today in the Mediterranean countries they are in…
Seconde generazioni : specchio dell'integrazione?
Cosa accade quando affrontiamo il tema dell’integrazione facendo riferimento alle “seconde generazioni”? È possibile ipotizzare che le “seconde generazioni”, le “terze generazioni”, … siano lo “specchio” dell’avvenuto processo di integrazione dei migranti nella società? Il tema delle seconde generazioni è centrale per riflettere sulle capacità della società d’arrivo di mettere in campo, attraverso interventi legislativi e non solo, azioni di inclusione realmente calibrati sui processi e sulle caratteristiche reali dei soggetti coinvolti.
Simulazioni e dissimulazioni nella costruzione dello scenario: gli esami online durante la pandemia
Due to the pandemic, in the University of Palermo (Italy) the remote mode was used for both teaching and final exams. Specifically, our reflection aimed at understanding the impact of the online exams on the “private dimension” of the students. According to the regulations of the University of Palermo, during the exams, the students must be visible in their own space, while the teachers were allowed to insert different screens to protect their private space. The result was, for the students, the public sharing of their spaces, the collective insertion into their private dimension and the manifestation of individual differences and inequalities in access to resources. Smart working involved …
During 2020, the Mediterranean Sea was again the testing ground for migration flows from North Africa and the Middle East to Italy, Greece and Spain. 2020 was also a complex year due to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Movements between countries were affected by the spread of the virus that spared no one and imposed the need to reflect on 'global health' and the consequences that this has, also in the relationship between countries and in travel.
Integrazione dei rifugiati: un percorso complesso
Negli ultimi anni, le migrazioni sono rientrate tra i temi più dibattuti dall’opinione pubblica per le implicazioni che comportano a livello politico, economico, sociale e culturale. Per non parlare, poi, di tutti i problemi definitori che hanno innescato e per i dubbi, per gli errori epistemologici, per gli scontri e i conflitti che le categorie utilizzate (ad esempio, regolare/ irregolare, rifugiato/richiedente asilo) continuano ad alimentare.È come se le migrazioni fossero diventate, da una parte, un banco di prova sul quale le forze politiche alimentano gli scontri, per non arrivare, però, a soluzioni condivise; dall’altra, un capro espiatorio per giustificare le difficoltà che il Paese…
Talking about Migration: the Online Discourse of Some Italian Political Party Leaders
The aims of the article are to deconstruct the frames of migration crisis embedded on the official web sites, social networks and blogs belonging to the leaders of the main Italian political parties, positioned on different points of the left or right political spectrum, in the period 2015-2016. According to the relevance of the Italian context, we are also going to study the position of a party that can be considered a post-ideological movement that represents itself as outside of a traditional political spectrum: the Five-star Movement. We analysed text, images and videos published on the Internet 2.0 sites in order to show the legacy of colonialism that was characterized by the ambivalen…
Abitudini e stili di vita dei ragazzi e delle ragazze di Palermo
Il volume riporta i risultati della ricerca “Abitudini e stili di vita dei ragazzi e delle ragazze a Palermo”. La ricerca, tenendo sullo sfondo il tema della povertà educativa, si è mossa sostenendo l’ipotesi che analizzando gli stili di consumo culturale e mediale, di fruizione del tempo libero, e altri indicatori specifici, sia possibile fornire una definizione più ampia e complessa di povertà educativa, come molta della più recente letteratura sull’argomento sta peraltro già sostenendo.
The Co-Design of a Counter-Narrative Social Campaign: Second Generation Youths Against Radicalization
This paper deals with the OLTRE project (ISF - DG Migration and Home Affairs, EU) funded for preventing the radicalization of the second-generation of migrants in Italy. This essay aims to study the production of an online communication campaign co-designed by second-generation youths. The four Universities engaged in the project, in order to collect the issues for the campaign made an in-depth sociological research and an interdisciplinary social network analysis. We will present the results of the non-standard field research. Starting from the different dimensions of the risk of radicalization proposed by the kaleidoscopic overview of risk factors (Sieckelinck and Gielen 2018: 5; Ranstorp…