Carlos A. Gutierrez


Modelling and Analysis of Nonstationary Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Channels with Time-Variant Angles of Arrival

In mobile radio channel modelling, it is generally assumed that the angles of arrival (AOAs) are independent of time. This assumption does not in general agree with real-world channels in which the AOAs vary with the position of a moving receiver. In this paper, we first present a mathematical model for the time-variant AOAs. This model serves as the basis for the development of two nonstationary multipath fading channels models for vehicle-to-infrastructure communications. The statistical properties of both channel models are analysed with emphasis on the time-dependent autocorrelation function (ACF), time-dependent mean Doppler shift, time-dependent Doppler spread, and the Wigner-Ville sp…

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An Ergodic Sum-of-Cisoids Simulator for Multiple Uncorrelated Rayleigh Fading Channels Under Generalized Scattering Conditions

In this paper, we present a new method for the design of ergodic sum-of-sinusoids (SOS) simulators for multiple uncorrelated narrowband Rayleigh fading channels. The method, which is intended for a special class of SOS models known as sum-of-cisoids (SOC) models, enables the generation of an unlimited number of mutually uncorrelated Rayleigh fading waveforms with specified autocorrelation properties. This is in contrast to all known methods proposed for SOS simulators, which are restricted to the simulation of multiple uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels characterized by autocorrelation functions (ACFs) derived under the isotropic scattering assumption. The excellent performance of this n…

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The Wigner Distribution of Sum-of-Cissoids and Sum-of-Chirps Processes for the Modelling of Stationary and Non-Stationary Mobile Channels

This paper concerns the time-frequency analysis of stationary and non-stationary multipath flat fading channels. For the modelling of stationary multipath fading channels, we use a sum-of-cisoids (SOCi) process, while the non-stationary channel is modelled by a sum-of-chirps (SOCh) process that captures the time-variant Doppler effect caused by speed variations of the mobile station. For the time-frequency analysis, we apply the concept of the Wigner distribution. Closed-form solutions are provided for the Wigner distribution of SOCi and SOCh processes. It is shown that the obtained Wigner distributions can be expressed by the sum of an auto-term representing the true Doppler power spectral…

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A generalized method for the design of ergodic sum-of-cisoids simulators for multiple uncorrelated rayleigh fading channels

In this paper, we present a new method for the design of ergodic sum-of-sinusoids (SOS) simulation models for multiple uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels. The method, which is intended for a special class of SOS models, known as sum-of-cisoids (SOC) models, can be used to generate an arbitrary number of uncorrelated Rayleigh fading waveforms with specified Doppler power spectral characteristics. This is in contrast to the SOS simulators currently available in the open literature that have been designed under the isotropic scattering assumption, which are limited to the simulation of uncorrelated channels characterized by Clarke's U-shaped Doppler power spectral density (DPSD). The excell…

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Doppler Shift Characterization of Wideband Mobile Radio Channels

The prevailing approach for characterizing the Doppler shift (DS) of mobile radio channels assumes the transmission of an unmodulated carrier. This consideration is valid for the analysis of narrowband channels, but its pertinence is questionable in regards to the modeling of wideband channels. In this correspondence, we redefine the DS from a time-frequency analysis perspective that does not depend on the aforementioned assumption. We systematically demonstrate that the DS can be characterized by the instantaneous frequency of the channel transfer function. This generic definition makes evident a fundamental aspect of the DS that is seldom acknowledged, namely, the DS is a frequency-varyin…

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A Non-WSSUS Mobile-to-Mobile Channel Model Assuming Velocity Variations of the Mobile Stations

This paper aims to characterize the effects that the velocity variations of the mobile stations (MSs) produce on the correlation properties of non-stationary time-frequency (TF) dispersive mobile- to-mobile (M2M) fading channels. Toward that end, we propose a novel geometrical model for non-wide-sense stationary uncorrelated scattering (non-WSSUS) M2M channels that incorporates such variations following a plane wave propagation approach. Capitalizing on the mathematical simplicity of this approach, we derive a general expression for the four-dimensional (4D) TF correlation function (TFCF) of the proposed channel model. From this expression, we analyze the influence of the MSs' acceleration#…

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The design of sum-of-cisoids rayleigh fading channel simulators assuming non-isotropic scattering conditions

In this letter, we introduce the Riemann sum method (RSM) as an effective tool for the design of sum-of-cisoids (SOC) simulators for narrowband mobile Rayleigh fading channels under non-isotropic scattering conditions. We compare the performance of the RSM with that of the generalized method of equal areas (GMEA) and the Lp-norm method (LPNM), which were until now the only methods available for the design of SOC simulators for non-isotropic scattering channels. The obtained results indicate that the RSM is better suited than the GMEA and the LPNM to emulate the channel's autocorrelation function (ACF), whereas the latter two methods are more precise regarding the approximation of the envelo…

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Spectrogram Analysis of Multipath Fading Channels under Variations of the Mobile Speed

When modelling, analysing, and simulating mobile radio channels, it is generally assumed that the speed of the mobile station (MS) is constant. In practice, however, the mobile speed varies with time. Mobile speed variations result in nonwide- sense stationary multipath fading channels, which can be modelled by a sum-of-chirps (SOCh) processes. In this paper, we analyse the local Doppler power spectral density (PSD) of SOCh processes by using the concept of the spectrogram. The spectrogram provides an estimate of the local Doppler PSD and gives insight into how the Doppler PSD changes over time if the MS increases or decreases its speed. A closed-form solution is presented for the spectrogr…

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An Exact Solution for the Level-Crossing Rate and the Average Duration of Fades of the Envelope of Sum-of-Cisoids Processes

Authors version of an article published in the journal: Procedia Technology. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.protcy.2012.03.004 Sum-of-cisoids (SOC) processes provide a physically and numerically appealing framework for the modelling and simulation of a wide class of mobile radio channels. This paper is concerned with the problem of finding a general solution for the level-crossing rate (LCR) and the average duration of fades (ADF) of the envelope of SOC processes. Exact expressions are derived for the LCR and the ADF by taking into account that the inphase component, the quadrature component, and the time derivatives of the inphase and quadrature component…

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On the spectral moments of non-WSSUS mobile-to mobile double-Rayleigh fading channels

This paper deals with the mathematical analysis of the spectral moments of non-wide-sensestationary uncorrelated-scattering (non-WSSUS) mobile-to-mobile (M2M) double-Rayleigh fading channels. The point of departure is a recently proposed geometry-based statistical model (GBSM) for M2M double-Rayleigh fading channels from which general analytical expressions are derived for the average Doppler shift, Doppler spread, average delay, and delay spread. Closed-form solutions of such expressions are presented for the particular case of the geometrical two-rings scattering model. The obtained results indicate that the average Doppler shift and Doppler spread are directly influenced by not only the …

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Modelling and Analysis of Non-Stationary Multipath Fading Channels with Time-Variant Angles of Arrival

In mobile radio channel modelling, it is generally assumed that the angles of arrival (AOAs) are independent of time. This assumption does in general not agree with real-world channels in which the AOAs vary with the position of a moving receiver. In this paper, we first present a mathematical model for the time-variant AOAs. This model serves as the basis for the development of two non-stationary multipath fading channels models. The statistical properties of both channel models are analysed with emphasis on the time-dependent autocorrelation function (ACF), time-dependent mean Doppler shift, time-dependent Doppler spread, and the Wigner-Ville spectrum. It is shown that these characteristi…

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Geometry-Based Statistical Modeling of Non-WSSUS Mobile-to-Mobile Rayleigh Fading Channels

In this paper, we present a novel geometry-based statistical model for small-scale non-wide-sense stationary uncorrelated scattering (non-WSSUS) mobile-to-mobile (M2M) Rayleigh fading channels. The proposed model builds on the principles of plane wave propagation to capture the temporal evolution of the propagation delay and Doppler shift of the received multipath signal. This is different from existing non-WSSUS geometry-based statistical channel models, which are based on a spherical wave propagation approach, that in spite of being more realistic is more mathematically intricate. By considering an arbitrary geometrical configuration of the propagation area, we derive general expressions …

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Enhancing the Resolution of the Spectrogram of Non-Stationary Mobile Radio Channels by Using Massive MIMO Techniques

This paper is concerned with the enhancement of the resolution of the spectrogram of non-stationary mobile radio channels using massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) techniques. By starting from a new generic geometrical model for a non-stationary MIMO channel, we derive the complex MIMO channel gains under the assumption that the mobile station (MS) moves with time-variant speed. Closed-form solutions are derived for the spectrogram of the complex MIMO channel gains by using a Gaussian window. It is shown that the window spread can be optimized subject to the MS's speed change. Furthermore, it is shown that the spectrogram can be split into an auto-term and a cross-term. The auto-t…

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On the Consistency of Non-Stationary Multipath Fading Channels with Respect to the Average Doppler Shift and the Doppler Spread

This paper is concerned with the consistency of non-stationary multipath fading channels. We introduce conditions under which a channel model is consistent w.r.t. the average Doppler shift and the Doppler spread. The conditions are applied to two classes of non-stationary channel models. The first class, which is termed Class A, is characterized by channel models based on an integral relationship between the path phases and the associated time-variant Doppler frequencies. The second class of models, called the Class B models, emerges from standard sum-of-cisoids (SOC) models by replacing the time-independent Doppler frequencies by time-dependent Doppler frequencies. It is shown that the Cla…

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The Riemann sum method for the design of sum-of-cisoids simulators for Rayleigh fading channels in non-isotropic scattering environments

©2009 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. Article also available from publisher: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICUMT.2009.5345371 In this paper, we introduce the Riemann sum method (RSM) as an effective tool for the design of sum-of-cisoids (SOC) simulators for narrowband mobile Rayleigh fading channels under non-isotropic scattering conditions. We show that the RSM results in an excellent approximation of…

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On the Correlation and Ergodic Properties of the Squared Envelope of SOC Rayleigh Fading Channel Simulators

Published version of an article in the journal: Wireless Personal Communications. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11277-011-0493-2 In this paper, we investigate the correlation and ergodic properties of the squared envelope of a class of autocorrelation-ergodic (AE) sum-of-cisoids (SOC) simulation models for mobile Rayleigh fading channels. Novel closed-form expressions are presented for both the ensemble and the time autocorrelation functions (ACFs) of the SOC simulation model’s squared envelope. These expressions have been derived by assuming that the SOC model’s inphase and quadrature (IQ) components have arbitrary autocorrelation and cross-correlation pr…

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The generalized method of equal areas for the design of sum-of-cisoids simulators for mobile Rayleigh fading channels with arbitrary Doppler spectra

We present in this paper a generalized version of the method of equal areas (MEA) that is well suited for the design of sum-of-cisoids (SOC) simulators for narrowband mobile Rayleigh fading channels characterized by any type of Doppler power spectral densities (DPSDs). Unlike the original MEA, the generalized MEA (GMEA) can be applied to the simulation of fading channels with asymmetrical DPSDs. This is an important feature because the simulation of such channels is of great interest for the laboratory analysis of mobile communication systems under non-isotropic scattering conditions. We show that irrespective of the underlying DPSD, the GMEA results in a very good approximation to the auto…

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Modelling of Non-WSSUS Channels with Time-Variant Doppler and Delay Characteristics

This paper deals with the modelling of non-wide-sense stationary uncorrelated scattering (non-WSSUS) channels in which the angles of arrival (AOAs), Doppler frequencies, and propagation delays vary with time. Starting from a geometrical model in which the mobile station (MS) travels along a predefined path with time-variant velocity, it is shown how the parameters of the non-WSSUS model can be computed analytically assuming that the scatterers are fixed. One of the key results of our analysis is that the time-variant Doppler frequencies and the time-variant propagation delays of WSSUS and non-WSSUS channels are connected by a fundamental relationship. Furthermore, the time-variant channel t…

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Geometrical Modeling of Non-Stationary Polarimetric Vehicular Radio Channels

This paper presents a geometry-based statistical model (GBSM) of polarimetric wideband multipath radio channels for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications. The proposed model captures the effects of depolarization caused by multipath propagation, and it also accounts for the non-stationary characteristics of wideband V2V channels. This is a novel feature, because the existing polarimetric channel models are built on the assumption that the channel is a wide-sense stationary random process. In the modeling framework described in this paper, the channel depolarization function is given by a linear transformation in the form of a simple rotation matrix. This linear transformation is transpare…

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A Non-Stationary Mobile-to-Mobile Channel Model Allowing for Velocity and Trajectory Variations of the Mobile Stations

In mobile-to-mobile (M2M) communication systems, both the transmitter and the receiver are moving with a certain velocity, which is usually assumed to be constant over time. However, in realistic propagation scenarios, the velocity of the mobile stations (MSs) is subject to changes resulting in a non-stationary fading process. In this paper, we develop a non-stationary narrow-band M2M multipath fading channel model, where the transmitter and the receiver experience changes in their velocities and trajectories. For this model, we derive expressions for the local autocorrelation function (ACF), the Wigner-Ville spectrum, the local average Doppler shift, and the local Doppler spread under isot…

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Classes of sum-of-cisoids processes and their statistics for the modeling and simulation of mobile fading channels

Published version of an article in the journal: EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1687-1499-2013-125 Open access In this paper, we present a fundamental study on the stationarity and ergodicity of eight classes of sum-of-cisoids (SOC) processes for the modeling and simulation of frequency-nonselective mobile Rayleigh fading channels. The purpose of this study is to determine which classes of SOC models enable the design of channel simulators that accurately reproduce the channel’s statistical properties without demanding information on the time origin or the time-consuming computation of an ensemble ave…

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Modeling and Simulation of Mobile Radio Channels

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