Laura Tolos

Odd parity bottom-flavored baryon resonances

The LHCb Collaboration has recently observed two narrow baryon resonances with beauty. Their masses and decay modes look consistent with the quark model orbitally excited states Lambda(b)(5912) and Lambda(b)*(5920), with quantum numbers J(P) = 1/2(-) and 3/2(-), respectively. We predict the existence of these states within a unitarized meson-baryon coupled-channel dynamical model, which implements heavy-quark spin symmetry. Masses, quantum numbers and couplings of these resonances to the different meson-baryon channels are obtained. We find that the resonances Lambda(0)(b)(5912) and Lambda(0)(b)(5920) are heavy-quark spin symmetry partners, which naturally explains their approximate mass de…

research product

Charm and hidden charm scalar mesons in the nuclear medium

We study the renormalization of the properties of low-lying charm and hidden charm scalar mesons in a nuclear medium, concretely of the D-s0(2317) and the theoretical hidden charm state X(3700). We find that for the D-s0(2317), with negligible width at zero density, the width becomes about 100 MeV at normal nuclear-matter density, while in the case of the X(3700) the width becomes as large as 200 MeV. We discuss the origin of this new width and trace it to reactions occurring in the nucleus, while offering a guideline for future experiments testing these changes. We also show how those medium modifications will bring valuable information on the nature of the scalar resonances and the mechan…

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Hidden charmNandΔresonances with heavy-quark symmetry

c and one c quarks). We analyze several possible sectors and, for the sector with zero net charm, we write down the most general Lagrangian consistent with SU(3) and heavy quark spin symmetry. We explicitly study theN andstates, which are produced from theS-wave interaction of pseudoscalar and vector mesons with 1/2 + and 3/2 + baryons within the charmless and strangeless hidden charm sector. We predict seven odd parityN-like and five �-like states with masses around 4GeV, most of them as bound states. These states form heavy-quark spin multiplets, which are almost degenerate in mass. The predicted new resonances definitely cannot be accommodated by quark models with three constituent quark…

research product

s-wave charmed baryon resonances from a coupled-channel approach with heavy quark symmetry

We study charmed baryon resonances which are generated dynamically within a unitary meson-baryon coupled channel model that treats the heavy pseudoscalar and vector mesons on equal footing as required by heavy-quark symmetry. It is an extension of recent SU(4) models with t-channel vector meson exchanges to a SU(8) spin-flavor scheme, but differs considerably from the SU(4) approach in how the strong breaking of the flavor symmetry is implemented. Some of our dynamically generated states can be readily assigned to recently observed baryon resonances, while others do not have a straightforward identification and require the compilation of more data as well as an extension of the model to d-w…

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Antistrange meson-baryon interaction in hot and dense nuclear matter

We present a study of in-medium cross sections and (off-shell) transition rates for the most relevant binary reactions for strange pseudoscalar meson production close to threshold in heavy-ion collisions at FAIR energies. Our results rely on a chiral unitary approach in coupled channels which incorporates the $s$- and $p$-waves of the kaon-nucleon interaction. The formalism, which is modified in the hot and dense medium to account for Pauli blocking effects, mean-field binding on baryons, and pion and kaon self-energies, has been improved to implement full unitarization and self-consistency for both the $s$- and $p$-wave interactions at finite temperature and density. This gives access to i…

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Charmed hadrons in nuclear medium

5th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP09).Inst High Energy Phys Chinese Acad Sci, Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA, SEP 21-25, 2009

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Interaction of vector mesons with baryons and nuclei

After some short introductory remarks on particular issues on the vector mesons in nuclei, in this paper we present a short review of recent developments concerning the interaction of vector mesons with baryons and with nuclei from a modern perspective using the local hidden gauge formalism for the interaction of vector mesons. We present results for the vector baryon interaction and in particular for the resonances which appear as composite states, dynamically generated from the interaction of vector mesons with baryons, taking also the mixing of these states with pseudoscalars and baryons into account. We then venture into the charm sector, reporting on hidden charm baryon states around 4…

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Charmed Mesons in Nuclei with Heavy-Quark Spin Symmetry

We study the properties of charmed pseudoscalar and vector mesons in dense matter within a unitary meson-baryon coupled-channel model which incorporates heavy-quark spin symmetry. This is accomplished by extending the SU(3) Weinberg-Tomozawa Lagrangian to SU(8) spin-flavor symmetry and implementing a suitable flavor symmetry breaking. Several resonances with negative parity are generated dynamically by the s-wave interaction between pseudoscalar and vector meson multiplets with $1/2^+$ and $3/2^+$ baryons. Those states are then compared to experimental data as well as theoretical models. Next, Pauli-blocking effects and meson self-energies are introduced in a self-consistent manner to obtai…

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The in-medium (K)over-barN interaction within a chiral unitary approach

The s- and p-wave contributions to the K¯N interaction in dense nuclear matter are obtained using a chiral unitary approach. We perform a self-consistent calculation of the K¯ self-energy including Pauli blocking effects, meson self-energies modified by short-range correlations and baryon binding potentials. We find that the on-shell factorization cannot be applied to evaluate the in-medium corrections to p-wave amplitudes. Furthermore, the Λ and Σ develop a mass shift of -30 MeV at saturation density while the Σ∗ width increases to 80 MeV. We conclude that no deep and narrow K¯ bound states could be observed.

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Resonances in chiral unitary approaches

The extension of chiral theories to the description of resonances, via the incorporation of unitarity in coupled channels, has provided us with a new theoretical perspective on the nature of some of the observed excited hadrons. In this contribution some of the early achievements in the field of baryonic resonances are reviewed, the recent evidence of the two-pole nature of the Lambda(1405) is discussed and results on charmed baryon resonances are presented.

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Chiral approach to antikaons in dense matter

Antikaons in dense nuclear matter are studied using a chiral unitary approach which incorporates the s- and p-waves of the \( \bar K \) N interaction. We include, in a self-consistent way, Pauli blocking effects, meson self-energies modified by nuclear short-range correlations and baryon binding potentials. We show that the on-shell factorization cannot be applied to evaluate the in-medium corrections to p-wave amplitudes. We also obtain an attractive shift for the Λ and Σ masses of −30 MeV at saturation density while the Σ* width gets sensibly increased to about 80 MeV. The moderate attraction developed by the antikaon does not support the existence of very deep and narrow bound states.

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Selected topics on Hadrons in Nuclei

In this talk we report on selected topics on hadrons in nuclei. The first topic is the renormalization of the width of the $\Lambda(1520)$ in a nuclear medium. This is followed by a short update of the situation of the $\omega$ in the medium. The investigation of the properties of $\bar{K}$ in the nuclear medium from the study of the $(K_{flight},p)$ reaction is also addressed, as well as properties of X,Y,Z charmed and hidden charm resonances in a nuclear medium. Finally we address the novel issue of multimeson states.

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Heavy-quark spin symmetry for charmed and strange baryon resonances

We study charmed and strange odd-parity baryon resonances that are generated dynamically by a unitary baryon-meson coupled-channels model which incorporates heavy-quark spin symmetry. This is accomplished by extending the SU(3) Weinberg-Tomozawa chiral Lagrangian to SU(8) spin-flavor symmetry plus a suitable symmetry breaking. The model generates resonances with negative parity from the s-wave interaction of pseudoscalar and vector mesons with 1/2(+) and 3/2(+) baryons in all the isospin, spin, and strange sectors with one, two, and three charm units. Some of our results can be identified with experimental data from several facilities, such as the CLEO, Belle, or BaBar Collaborations, as we…

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Compositeness of the strange, charm and beauty odd parity $\Lambda$ states

14 pages.- 2 figures.- 5 tables

research product

The Large Observatory For x-ray Timing

The Large Observatory For x-ray Timing (LOFT) was studied within ESA M3 Cosmic Vision framework and participated in the final down-selection for a launch slot in 2022-2024. Thanks to the unprecedented combination of effective area and spectral resolution of its main instrument, LOFT will study the behaviour of matter under extreme conditions, such as the strong gravitational field in the innermost regions of accretion flows close to black holes and neutron stars, and the supra-nuclear densities in the interior of neutron stars. The science payload is based on a Large Area Detector (LAD, 10 m 2 effective area, 2-30 keV, 240 eV spectral resolution, 1 deg collimated field of view) and a WideFi…

research product

Strangeness and charm in nuclear matter

The properties of strange (K, (K) over bar and (K) over bar*) and open-charm (D, (D) over bar and D*) mesons in dense matter are studied using a unitary approach in coupled channels for meson-baryon scattering. In the strangeness sector, the interaction with nucleons always comes through vector-meson exchange, which is evaluated by chiral and hidden gauge Lagrangians. For the interaction of charmed mesons with nucleons we extend the SU(3) Weinberg-Tomozawa Lagrangian to incorporate spin-flavor symmetry and implement a suitable flavor symmetry breaking. The in-medium solution for the scattering amplitude accounts for Pauli blocking effects and meson self-energies. On one hand, we obtain the …

research product

Charmed and strange baryon resonances with heavy-quark spin symmetry

We study charmed and strange baryon resonances that are generated dynamically by a unitary baryon-meson coupled-channel model which incorporates heavy-quark spin symmetry. This is accomplished by extending the SU(3) Weinberg-Tomozawa chiral Lagrangian to SU(8) spin-flavor symmetry plus a suitable symmetry breaking. The model produces resonances with negative parity from s-wave interaction of pseudoscalar and vector mesons with $1/2^+$ and $3/2^+$ baryons. Resonances in all the isospin, spin, and strange sectors with one, two, and three charm units are studied. Our results are compared with experimental data from several facilities, such as the CLEO, Belle or BaBar Collaborations, as well as…

research product

The In-Medium \barK NInteraction within a Chiral Unitary Approach

The s- and p-wave contributions to the $\bar K N$ interaction in dense nuclear matter are obtained using a chiral unitary approach. We perform a self-consistent calculation of the $\bar K$ self-energy including Pauli blocking effects, meson self-energies modified by short-range correlations and baryon binding potentials. We find that the on-shell factorization cannot be applied to evaluate the in-medium corrections to p-wave amplitudes. Furthermore, the $\Lambda$ and $\Sigma$ develop a mass shift of -30 MeV at saturation density while the $\Sigma^*$ width increases to 80 MeV. We conclude that no deep and narrow $\bar K$ bound states could be observed.

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Charm and Hidden Charm Scalar Resonances in Nuclear Matter

18th Particles and Nuclei International Conference (PANIC08). Eilat, ISRAEL, NOV 09-14, 2008

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D^- mesic atoms

The anti-D meson self-energy is evaluated self-consistently, using unitarized coupled-channel theory, by computing the in-medium meson-baryon T-matrix in the C=-1,S=0 sector. The heavy pseudo-scalar and heavy vector mesons, anti-D and anti-D^*, are treated on equal footing as required by heavy quark spin symmetry. Results for energy levels and widths of D^- mesic atoms in 12C, 40Ca, 118Sn and 208Pb are presented. The spectrum contains states of atomic and of nuclear types for all nuclei. anti-D^0--nucleus bound states are also obtained. We find that, after electromagnetic and nuclear cascade, these systems end up with the anti-D bound in the nucleus, either as a meson or as part of a exotic…

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D mesic nuclei

The energies and widths of several D-0 meson bound states for different nuclei are obtained using a D-meson selfenergy in the nuclear medium, which is evaluated in a selfconsistent manner using techniques of unitarized coupled-channel theory. The kernel of the meson-baryon interaction is based on a model that treats heavy pseudoscalar and heavy vector mesons on equal footing, as required by heavy quark symmetry. We find D-0 bound states in all studied nuclei, from C-12 up to Pb-208. The inclusion of vector mesons is the keystone for obtaining an attractive D-nucleus interaction that leads to the existence of D-0-nucleus bound states, as compared to previous studies based on SU(4) flavor sym…

research product

The width of the omega meson in the nuclear medium

We evaluate the width of the omega meson in nuclear matter. We consider the free decay mode of the omega into three pions, which is dominated by rho IEuro decay, and replace the rho and pi propagators by their medium-modified ones. We also take into account the quasielastic and inelastic processes induced by a vector-baryon interaction dominated by vector meson exchange, as well as the contributions coming from the mechanism with medium-modified K , propagators. We obtain a substantial increase of the omega width in the medium, reaching a value of 121 +/- 10 MeV at normal nuclear matter density for an omega at rest, which comes mainly from omega N -> pi pi N, omega NN -> pi NN processes ass…

research product

Charmed baryon resonances with heavy-quark symmetry

We study charmed baryon resonances that are generated dynamically from a coupled-channel unitary approach that implements heavy-quark symmetry. Some states can already be identified with experimental observations, such as $\Lambda_c(2595)$,$\Lambda_c(2660)$, $\Sigma_c(2902)$ or $\Lambda_c(2941)$, while others need a compilation of more experimental data as well as an extension of the model to include higher order contributions. We also compare our model to previous SU(4) schemes.

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Chiral approach to antikaons- andp-wave interactions in dense nuclear matter

The properties of the antikaons in nuclear matter are investigated from a chiral unitary approach which incorporates the $s$- and $p$-waves of the $\overline{K}N$ interaction. To obtain the in-medium meson-baryon amplitudes we include, in a self-consistent way, Pauli blocking effects, meson self-energies corrected by nuclear short-range correlations and baryon binding potentials. We pay special attention to investigating the validity of the on-shell factorization, showing that it cannot be applied in the evaluation of the in-medium corrections to the $p$-wave amplitudes. In nuclear matter at saturation energy, the \ensuremath{\Lambda} and \ensuremath{\Sigma} develop an attractive potential …

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Exotic dynamically generated baryons with negative charm quantum number

Following a model based on the SU(8) symmetry that treats heavy pseudoscalars and heavy vector mesons on an equal footing, as required by heavy quark symmetry, we study the interaction of baryons and mesons in coupled channels within an unitary approach that generates dynamically poles in the scattering T-matrix. We concentrate in the exotic channels with negative charm quantum number for which there is the experimental claim of one state.

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The width of the omega meson in dense matter

We obtain the width of the $\omega$ meson in dense nuclear matter by taking into account (i) the free decay of the $\omega$ into three pions, which is dominated by $\rho \pi$ mode, (ii) the processes induced by a vector-baryon interaction dominated by vector meson exchange, and (iii) the $\omega \to K \bar K$ mechanism in matter. The $\omega$ meson develops an important width in matter, coming from the dominant $\omega \to \rho\pi$ decay mode, with a value of $121 \pm 10$ MeV at normal nuclear matter density for an $\omega$ at rest. At finite momentum, the width of the $\omega$ meson increases moderately with values of 200 MeV at 600 MeV/c.

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Strange meson production at high density and temperature

The properties of strange mesons ($K$, $\bar K$ and $\bar K^*$) in dense matter are studied using a unitary approach in coupled channels for meson-baryon scattering. The kaon-nucleon interaction incorporates $s$- and $p$-wave contributions within a chiral model whereas the interaction of $\bar K^*$ with nucleons is obtained in the framework of the local hidden gauge formalism. The in-medium solution for the scattering amplitude accounts for Pauli blocking effects, mean-field binding on baryons, and meson self-energies. We obtain the $K$, $\bar K$ and $\bar K^*$ (off-shell) spectral functions in the nuclear medium and study their behaviour at finite density, temperature and momentum. We also…

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The effect of the in-medium Θ+ pentaquark on the kaon optical potential

The kaon nuclear optical potential is studied including the effect of the $\Theta^+$ pentaquark. The one-nucleon contribution is obtained using an extension of the J\"ulich meson-exchange potential as bare kaon-nucleon interaction. Significant differences between a fully self-consistent calculation and the usually employed low-density $T\rho$ approach are observed. The influence of the one-nucleon absorption process, $K N \to \Theta^+$, on the kaon optical potential is negligible due to the small width of the pentaquark. In contrast, the two-nucleon mechanism, $K N N \to \Theta^+ N$, estimated from the coupling of the pentaquark to a two-meson cloud, provides the required amount of addition…

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Dense matter with eXTP

In this White Paper we present the potential of the Enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry (eXTP) mission for determining the nature of dense matter; neutron star cores host an extreme density regime which cannot be replicated in a terrestrial laboratory. The tightest statistical constraints on the dense matter equation of state will come from pulse profile modelling of accretion-powered pulsars, burst oscillation sources, and rotation-powered pulsars. Additional constraints will derive from spin measurements, burst spectra, and properties of the accretion flows in the vicinity of the neutron star. Under development by an international Consortium led by the Institute of High Energy Physics o…

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