M. Schwamb
Polarization observables in deuteron photodisintegration below 360 MeV
High precision measurements of induced and transferred recoil proton polarization in d(polarized gamma, polarized p})n have been performed for photon energies of 277--357 MeV and theta_cm = 20 degrees -- 120 degrees. The measurements were motivated by a longstanding discrepancy between meson-baryon model calculations and data at higher energies. At the low energies of this experiment, theory continues to fail to reproduce the data, indicating that either something is missing in the calculations and/or there is a problem with the accuracy of the nucleon-nucleon potential being used.
Spin Asymmetry and Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Sum Rule for the Deuteron
An explicit evaluation of the spin asymmetry of the deuteron and the associated GDH sum rule is presented which includes photodisintegration, single and double pion and eta production as well. Photodisintegration is treated with a realistic retarded potential and a corresponding meson exchange current. For single pion and eta production the elementary operator from MAID is employed whereas for double pion production an effective Lagrangean approach is used. A large cancellation between the disintegration and the meson production channels yields for the explicit GDH integral a value of 27.31 $\mu$b to be compared to the sum rule value 0.65 $\mu$b.
Unified description of hadronic and electromagnetic reactions of the two-nucleon system
Abstract Studies of the two-nucleon system are essential for a profound understanding of nuclear structure and for the exploration of the limits of the effective description of atomic nuclei in terms of nucleons, mesons and isobars. In the present work, a unified description of hadronic and electromagnetic reactions on the two-nucleon system is developed in the framework of a coupled-channel N N / N Δ -approach which is based on one general Hamiltonian and which treats the pion exchange in the hadronic baryon–baryon interaction as well as in the meson exchange currents in the exact retarded manner. Unitarity and gauge invariance are at least approximately fulfilled. Several hadronic and ele…
Meson retardation in deuteron electrodisintegration
The effect of meson retardation in $NN$-interaction and exchange currents on deuteron electrodisintegration is studied in a coupled channel approach including $NN$-, $N \Delta$- and $\pi d$-channels. It is shown that the influence of retardation depends on the energy regime: Whereas below $\pi$-threshold calculations with static and retarded operators yield almost identical results, they differ significantly in the $\Delta$-region. Especially, the longitudinal and the longitudinal-transverse interference structure functions are strongly affected.
On the NN-final-state-interaction in the $^{16}{O}(e,e' pp)$ reaction
The influence of the mutual interaction between the two outgoing nucleons (NN-FSI) in the $^{16}{O}(e,e' pp)$ reaction has been investigated. Results for various kinematics are discussed. In general, the effect of NN-FSI depends on kinematics and the chosen final state in the excitation spectrum of $^{14}{C}$.
Role of the D 13 and S 11 Resonances in Deuteron Photodisintegration
The influence of the N(1520) and N(1535) isobar resonances in deuteron photodisintegration is investigated. The isobar configurations are treated in impulse approximation using one-pion exchange for the transition potentials. Isobar admixtures are included in scattering waves as well as in the deuteron. Their influence on the total and differential cross section and various polarization observables, e.g., nucleon polarization and photon asymmetry is small in the Δ resonance region, but not any longer negligible at higher energies.
Helicity dependence of the total inclusive cross section on the deuteron
Abstract A measurement of the helicity dependence of the total inclusive photoabsorption cross section on the deuteron was carried out at MAMI (Mainz) in the energy range 200 E γ 800 MeV . The experiment used a 4 π detection system, a circularly polarized tagged photon beam and a frozen spin target which provided longitudinally polarized deuterons. These new results are a significant improvement on the existing data and allow a detailed comparison with state-of-the-art calculations.
Final State Interaction Effects in Incoherent Pion Photoproduction on the Deuteron
In the present work [1] incoherent photoproduction of pions on the deuteron in the Δ(1232) resonance region is investigated where besides the impulse approximation (IA) complete two-body rescattering in the nucleon-nucleon (NN) and pion-nucleon (πN) final state subsystems is included (see Fig. 1). The elementary γN → πN amplitude including Born and Δ(1232) resonance contributions is taken from previous work of [2].
The Two-Nucleon System beyond the Pion Threshold
A model is developed for the hadronic and electromagnetic interaction in the two-nucleon system above pion threshold in the framework of meson, nucleon and Δ degrees of freedom. It is based on time-ordered perturbation theory and includes full meson retardation in potentials and exchange currents as well as loop contributions to the nucleonic one-body current. Results for some selected processes are discussed.