Bertrand Matrion
Les forages de Juzanvigny (Aube, France): lithobiostratigraphie des formations du Barrémien à l'Albien moyen dans l'est du bassin de Paris et datations par les ammonites
RESUME Dans le departement de l'Aube, region stratotypique de l'etage Albien, plusieurs forages realises en 2013 ont traverse la plus grande partie des Argiles tegulines de Courcelles ou « Gault » auct. (Albien inferieur et moyen), les Sables verts de l'Aube (Aptien superieur), les Argiles a Plicatules (Aptien inferieur), les Sables et argiles bariolees (Barremien superieur) et la partie superieure des Argiles ostreennes (Barremien inferieur). Une description lithologique detaillee de la succession est realisee dans le but d'ameliorer la connaissance du Cretace inferieur de la bordure orientale du bassin de Paris dont les affleurements sont peu nombreux et discontinus. En ce qui concerne l'…
Stratigraphie et corrélations de l’Albien (Crétacé inférieur) du Sud-Est du bassin de Paris.
27 pages; National audience
Microcrinoids from the lower and middle Albian of the Anglo-Paris Basin (southern England, UK, Seine Maritime, Pas de Calais and Aube, France).
16 pages; International audience; Microcrinoids of the family Roveacrinidae Peck, 1943 are described from lower and middle Albian clays of the Anglo-Paris Basin (Seine Maritime, Pas de Calais and Aube, France; Kent and Bedfordshire, UK). They are referred to two subfamilies - the Orthogonocrininae Gale, 2019 and the Plotocrininae Gale, 2020. Orthogonocrinines include the long-ranging (middle Albian-lower Cenomanian) species Orthogonocrinus apertus Peck, 1943, and Styracocrinus peracutus (Peck, 1955), known from Texas, USA, Morocco, the UK and France, and two stratigraphically successive species of the genus Hyalocrinus, H. magniezii Destombes, 1984 and H. bulliensis Destombes, 1984, known o…
Record of latest Barremian-Cenomanian environmental change in tectonically controlled depressions from the Jura-Burgundy threshold (Jura Mountains, eastern France and western Switzerland).
The area of the western Jura Mountains constitutes the former Jura-Burgundy threshold between the Tethys Ocean and the epicontinental Paris Basin Sea. During the Barremian, the area was covered by a shallow-water Urgonian carbonate platform. Tectonic processes influenced the architecture of the Urgonian platform and were notably responsible for the formation of fault-related depressions on top of the Urgonian series, which were subsequently transformed into incised valleys and then to marine depocenters. Their sedimentary infills are mostly represented by the Perte-du-Rhône Formation and record stepwise environmental change on the innermost platform, which was strongly influenced by the nea…
Report on the 4th International Meeting of the IUGS Lower Cretaceous ammonite working group, the "Kilian Group" (Dijon, France, 30th August 2010).
8 pages; International audience; The 4th Kilian Group meeting (Dijon, France, 30th August 2010) focused on the Aptian and Albian Stages. For the Aptian, a two-fold division of the stage was adopted for the Mediterranean area with a boundary between the Dufrenoyia furcata and Epicheloniceras martini Zones. The main changes to the zonal scheme concern the Lower Aptian with: the introduction of a Deshayesites luppovi Subzone in the upper part of the Deshayesites oglanlensis Zone; the replacement of Deshayesites weissi by Deshayesites forbesi as new indexspecies of the second interval zone; the introduction of a Roloboceras hambrovi Subzone in the upper part of the D. forbesi Zone; and the subd…
Romaniceras (Yubariceras) ornatissimum (Stoliczka, 1864) : une ammonite rare dans les craies du Turonien moyen de l'Aube (France).
9 pages; International audience
Gastroplites cantianus Spath, 1937: an arctic ammonite in the Upper Albian from the anglo-Paris basin (Wissant section, northern France).
Gastroplites cantianus Spath, 1937, an ammonite from the arctic province of the boreal realm, is described in the Upper Albian ofWissant, Pas-de-Calais (northern France). The occurrence of this exotic ammonite in the anglo-Paris basin, which itself belongs to thenorth european province of the boreal realm, is linked to an overall rise of the sea level (transgressive interval of a third-order eustaticcycle superimposed on a second order cycle). It is probably a shell that drifted post-mortem to Europe. This discovery allows to clarifythe correlations between the northern european and arctic provinces of the boreal realm.
Environmental and climatic controls of the clay mineralogy of Albian deposits in the Paris and Vocontian basins (France)
18 pages; International audience; High-resolution clay mineral analyses were performed on lower and middle Albian deposits from the Paris and Vocontian basins in order to specify the weathering conditions that prevailed at that time. The clay mineral assemblages are composed of small proportions of chlorite and vermiculitic clays associated with abundant illite, R0 type illite-smectite mixed-layers (smectite) and kaolinite. Clay minerals originated from the physical alteration and chemical weathering of rocks and soils outcropping on the Variscan massifs bordering the studied areas. In the Paris Basin, the covariation of illite and kaolinite suggests the reworking of these latter minerals f…
The Albian clays from Saint-Florentin (Yonne): stratigraphic markers and sequences in a condensed sedimentary succession. Mineralogy and climato-eustatic control.
To the south-east of the Paris Basin, the Albian Gault clays of Saint-Florentin in Yonne department, regionally known as « Argiles desPommerats Formation », are the subject of detailed biostratigraphic (ammonites and inoceramids) and lithological descriptions.Five 3rd order eustatic sequences are identified within the formation which corresponds to the upper part of the « Argiles tégulines deCourcelles Formation » in the Aube department. The comparison with coeval succession of Aube (38,91 m) and Yonne (10,70 m), 75 kmapart, reveals the condensed nature of the Argiles des Pommerats Formation. X-ray diffraction analyses of clay minerals show that theclay assemblages are dominantly composed o…
Les ammonites.
Une coupe lithologique synthétique dans l'Albien-type de l'Aube, France.
17 pages; National audience
Les Argiles albiennes (Gault) de la Baie de Wissant (Pas-de-Calais) : nouvelles observations lithologiques.
L’Albien type de l’Aube (France) : première description litho- biostratigraphique de la totalité des Argiles tégulines de Courcelles.
16 pages; National audience
Les autres macrofossiles.
New data on middle Turonian tuffeaux of southern Touraine and on their ammonites faunas.
The knowledge of the Turonian stratotype, “from Saumur till Montrichard“, along the Loire and the Cher valleys waspublished in 2018 by Amédro et alii. Since then, the study of recent collecting of ammonites in southern Touraine provided significant informationto state more precisely the Turonian zonation. New outcrops are described at Bourgueil, Chinon, Loudun, Usseau, Sossay,Marigny-Marmande, Séligny and Ports-sur-Vienne where the following formations were recognized: the Amboise Chalk, the tuffeaux ofArdilliers, of Saumur, of Bourré and the Tuffeau Jaune de Touraine.In these southern countries, it is pointed out that: (1) more than the upper half of the Amboise Chalk appears like the Tuff…
Les affleurements de la Touraine (partie orientale du stratotype).
17 pages; National audience
A North American ammonite fauna from the late Middle Turonian of Vaucluse and Gard, southern France: the Romaniceras mexicanum, Prionocyclus hyatti and Coilopoceras cf. springeri association
Abstract An unusual, exotic, ammonite fauna including Romaniceras mexicanum Jones, 1938, Prionocyclus hyatti (Stanton, 1894) and Coilopoceras cf. springeri Hyatt, 1903 is recorded from the late Middle Turonian of Vaucluse and Gard, southern France. It is the first record of this ammonite association outside the Gulf Coast region and the Western Interior of the United States of North America. Up to present, these species were considered as endemic to the Western Interior sea-way. The migration of numerous ammonites from North America to western Europe during the late Middle Turonian suggests it is linked to a transgressive event or to a short sea-level high.
Record of latest Barremian-Cenomanian environmental change in tectonically controlled depressions from the Jura-Burgundy threshold (Jura Mountains, eastern France and western Switzerland)
Abstract The area of the western Jura Mountains constitutes the former Jura-Burgundy threshold between the Tethys Ocean and the epicontinental Paris Basin Sea. During the Barremian, the area was covered by a shallow-water Urgonian carbonate platform. Tectonic processes influenced the architecture of the Urgonian platform and were notably responsible for the formation of fault-related depressions on top of the Urgonian series, which were subsequently transformed into incised valleys and then to marine depocenters. Their sedimentary infills are mostly represented by the Perte-du-Rhone Formation and record stepwise environmental change on the innermost platform, which was strongly influenced b…