Constraints on Exotic Spin-Dependent Interactions Between Matter and Antimatter from Antiprotonic Helium Spectroscopy.
Heretofore undiscovered spin-0 or spin-1 bosons can mediate exotic spin-dependent interactions between standard-model particles. Here we carry out the first search for semileptonic spin-dependent interactions between matter and antimatter. We compare theoretical calculations and spectroscopic measurements of the hyperfine structure of antiprotonic helium to constrain exotic spin- and velocity-dependent interactions between electrons and antiprotons.
Revisiting spin-dependent forces mediated by new bosons : potentials in the coordinate-space representation for macroscopic- and atomic-scale experiments
The exchange of spin-0 or spin-1 bosons between fermions or spin-polarised macroscopic objects gives rise to various spin-dependent potentials. We derive the coordinate-space non-relativistic potentials induced by the exchange of such bosons, including contact terms that can play an important role in atomic-scale phenomena, and correct for errors and omissions in the literature. We summarise the properties of the potentials and their relevance for various types of experiments. These potentials underpin the interpretation of experiments that search for new bosons, including spectroscopy, torsion-pendulum measurements, magnetometry, parity nonconservation and electric dipole moment experiment…
Constraining exotic interactions
Beyond-the-standard-model interactions mediated by an exchange of virtual "new" bosons result in a finite set of possible effective interaction potentials between standard-model particles such as electrons and nucleons. We discuss the classification of such potentials and briefly review recent experiments searching for such exotic interactions at spatial scales from sub-nanometers to tens of thousand kilometers.
Pseudovector and pseudoscalar spin-dependent interactions in atoms
Hitherto unknown elementary particles can be searched for with atomic spectroscopy. We conduct such a search using a potential that results from the longitudinal polarization of a pseudovector particle. We show that such a potential, inversely proportional to the boson's mass squared, $V \propto 1/M^2$, can stay finite at $M \to 0$ if the theory is renormalizable. We also look for a pseudoscalar boson, which induces a contact spin-dependent potential that does not contribute to new forces searched for in experiments with macroscopic objects, but may be seen in atomic spectroscopy. We extract limits on the interaction constants of these potentials from the experimental spectra of antiprotoni…
Constraints on exotic spin-dependent interactions between electrons from helium fine-structure spectroscopy
Agreement between theoretical calculations of atomic structure and spectroscopic measurements is used to constrain possible contribution of exotic spin-dependent interactions between electrons to the energy differences between states in helium-4. In particular, constraints on dipole-dipole interactions associated with the exchange of pseudoscalar bosons (such as axions or axion-like particles) with masses ${10}^{\ensuremath{-}2}\ensuremath{\lesssim}m\ensuremath{\lesssim}{10}^{4}\mathrm{eV}$ are improved by a factor of $\ensuremath{\sim}100$. The first atomic-scale constraints on several exotic velocity-dependent dipole-dipole interactions are established as well.