Mikhail Kozlov

Fast apparent oscillations of fundamental constants

Precision spectroscopy of atoms and molecules allows one to search for and to put stringent limits on the variation of fundamental constants. These experiments are typically interpreted in terms of variations of the fine structure constant $\alpha$ and the electron to proton mass ratio $\mu=m_e/m_p$. Atomic spectroscopy is usually less sensitive to other fundamental constants, unless the hyperfine structure of atomic levels is studied. However, the number of possible dimensionless constants increases when we allow for fast variations of the constants, where "fast" is determined by the time scale of the response of the studied species or experimental apparatus used. In this case, the relevan…

research product

Prediction of quantum many-body chaos in protactinium atom

Energy level spectrum of protactinium atom (Pa, Z=91) is simulated with a CI calculation. Levels belonging to the separate manifolds of a given total angular momentum and parity $J^\pi$ exhibit distinct properties of many-body quantum chaos. Moreover, an extremely strong enhancement of small perturbations takes place. As an example, effective three-electron interaction is investigated and found to play a significant role in the system. Chaotic properties of the eigenstates allow one to develop a statistical theory and predict probabilities of different processes in chaotic systems.

research product

Constraints on Exotic Spin-Dependent Interactions Between Matter and Antimatter from Antiprotonic Helium Spectroscopy.

Heretofore undiscovered spin-0 or spin-1 bosons can mediate exotic spin-dependent interactions between standard-model particles. Here we carry out the first search for semileptonic spin-dependent interactions between matter and antimatter. We compare theoretical calculations and spectroscopic measurements of the hyperfine structure of antiprotonic helium to constrain exotic spin- and velocity-dependent interactions between electrons and antiprotons.

research product

Measuring molecular parity nonconservation using nuclear-magnetic-resonance spectroscopy

The weak interaction does not conserve parity and therefore induces energy shifts in chiral enantiomers that should in principle be detectable in molecular spectra. Unfortunately, the magnitude of the expected shifts are small and in spectra of a mixture of enantiomers, the energy shifts are not resolvable. We propose a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiment in which we titrate the chirality (enantiomeric excess) of a solvent and measure the diasteriomeric splitting in the spectra of a chiral solute in order to search for an anomalous offset due to parity nonconservation (PNC). We present a proof-of-principle experiment in which we search for PNC in the \textsuperscript{13}C resonances…

research product

Dependence of atomic parity-violation effects on neutron skins and new physics

We estimate the relative contribution of nuclear structure and new physics couplings to the parity non-conserving spin-independent effects in atomic systems, for both single isotopes and isotopic ratios. General expressions are presented to assess the sensitivity of isotopic ratios to neutron skins and to couplings beyond standard model at tree level. The specific coefficients for these contributions are calculated assuming Fermi distribution for proton and neutron nuclear densities for isotopes of Cs, Ba, Sm, Dy, Yb, Pb, Fr, and Ra. The present work aims to provide a guide to the choice of the best isotopes and pairs of isotopes for conducting atomic PNC measurements.

research product

Detection of the Lowest-Lying Odd-Parity Atomic Levels in Actinium

Two lowest-energy odd-parity atomic levels of actinium, 7s27pP21/2o, 7s27pP23/2o, were observed via two-step resonant laser-ionization spectroscopy and their respective energies were measured to be 7477.36(4) and 12 276.59(2) cm-1. The lifetimes of these states were determined as 668(11) and 255(7) ns, respectively. In addition, we observed the effect of the hyperfine structure on the line for the transition to P23/2o. These properties were calculated using a hybrid approach that combines configuration interaction and coupled-cluster methods, in good agreement with the experiment. The data are of relevance for understanding the complex atomic spectra of actinides and for developing efficien…

research product

Revisiting spin-dependent forces mediated by new bosons : potentials in the coordinate-space representation for macroscopic- and atomic-scale experiments

The exchange of spin-0 or spin-1 bosons between fermions or spin-polarised macroscopic objects gives rise to various spin-dependent potentials. We derive the coordinate-space non-relativistic potentials induced by the exchange of such bosons, including contact terms that can play an important role in atomic-scale phenomena, and correct for errors and omissions in the literature. We summarise the properties of the potentials and their relevance for various types of experiments. These potentials underpin the interpretation of experiments that search for new bosons, including spectroscopy, torsion-pendulum measurements, magnetometry, parity nonconservation and electric dipole moment experiment…

research product

Molecular parity nonconservation in nuclear spin couplings

The weak interaction does not conserve parity, which is apparent in many nuclear and atomic phenomena. However, thus far, parity nonconservation has not been observed in molecules. Here we consider nuclear-spin-dependent parity nonconserving contributions to the molecular Hamiltonian. These contributions give rise to a parity nonconserving indirect nuclear spin-spin coupling which can be distinguished from parity conserving interactions in molecules of appropriate symmetry, including diatomic molecules. We estimate the magnitude of the coupling, taking into account relativistic corrections. Finally, we propose and simulate an experiment to detect the parity nonconserving coupling using liqu…

research product

High magnetic fields for fundamental physics

Various fundamental-physics experiments such as measurement of the birefringence of the vacuum, searches for ultralight dark matter (e.g., axions), and precision spectroscopy of complex systems (including exotic atoms containing antimatter constituents) are enabled by high-field magnets. We give an overview of current and future experiments and discuss the state-of-the-art DC- and pulsed-magnet technologies and prospects for future developments.

research product

Probing fast oscillating scalar dark matter with atoms and molecules

Light scalar Dark Matter with scalar couplings to matter is expected within several scenarios to induce variations in the fundamental constants of nature. Such variations can be searched for, among other ways, via atomic spectroscopy. Sensitive atomic observables arise primarily due to possible changes in the fine-structure constant or the electron mass. Most of the searches to date have focused on slow variations of the constants (i.e. modulation frequencies $<$ 1 Hz). In a recent experiment \mbox{[Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 141102 (2019)]} called WReSL (Weekend Relaxion-Search Laboratory), we reported on a direct search for rapid variations in the radio-frequency band. Such a search is particu…

research product

Constraints on exotic spin-dependent interactions between electrons from helium fine-structure spectroscopy

Agreement between theoretical calculations of atomic structure and spectroscopic measurements is used to constrain possible contribution of exotic spin-dependent interactions between electrons to the energy differences between states in helium-4. In particular, constraints on dipole-dipole interactions associated with the exchange of pseudoscalar bosons (such as axions or axion-like particles) with masses ${10}^{\ensuremath{-}2}\ensuremath{\lesssim}m\ensuremath{\lesssim}{10}^{4}\mathrm{eV}$ are improved by a factor of $\ensuremath{\sim}100$. The first atomic-scale constraints on several exotic velocity-dependent dipole-dipole interactions are established as well.

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