Denise Benatuil
Children’s Feeling of Security
This chapter outlines the authors’ work as a research team participating in CUWB (Children’s Understanding of Well Being) since it was first created, based on a project registered with the CICS-UP, School of Social Sciences of the Universidad de Palermo, Argentina. The chapter focuses on a key aspect of their findings: children’s feelings of security. The general objective of the project is to understand the social, cultural and political dimensions of the life experiences of children living in different geographic contexts in the Buenos Aires Region, Argentina, taking account of the children’s own words. This is a qualitative study that recognizes the importance of the contexts and the mea…
Researching with Children
La adaptación cultural en estudiantes extranjeros
En este trabajo, se desarrolla el concepto de adaptación cultural, particularmente se aborda la adaptación de los estudiantes extranjeros. Se plantean diferentes modelos explicativos y se comentan diferentes niveles de adaptación. Se trabaja con conceptos como aculturación y estrés por aculturación. Por último, se comentan algunas de las investigaciones que abordaron los factores que favorecen la integración del estudiante extranjero.
El bienestar psicológico en adolescentes desde una perspectiva cualitativa
In the last years the thematic of the psychological well-being has generated great interest among the psychologists. In this article a brief revision of the main definitions and investigations is carried out on the topic. The results of a study are presented on the selfperception of the psychological well-being carried out with 271 Argentinean adolescents. For this study one three instruments have been used: a qualitative survey, the scale BIEPS and the SWLS. The data have been analyzed from a qualitative focus. From the results obtained in the scales BIEPS and SWLS they conformed two groups; one with high and the other with low selfperception well-being. The differences are analyzed in ea…
As dimensões do bem-estar das crianças que vivem em Buenos Aires
This paper presents the concept of Well-being, defined as the cognitive and affective evaluation that a person makes of his/her own life. The interest is centered in understanding what makes them happy and what generates well-being among boys and girls. In order to do so, different areas of children’s lives were accessed, trying to encompass the social, cultural and political dimensions of Well-being. Qualitative method was used, giving the children a protagonist role. Two groups of boys and girls between 8 and 12 years old participated, living in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The group technique was used, we gave voice to the children and focused on the following topics: significant people in t…
El perfil laboral y educativo de los jóvenes psicólogos
En este trabajo se analiza la inserción ocupacional de una muestra de jóvenes profesionales egresados de la Licenciatura en Psicología. Se trata de una temática de gran relevancia y poco abordada hasta la actualidad Su estudio permite conocer la situación de los jóvenes profesionales hoy y su grado de inserción laboral. Este estudio contribuye a la comprensión de las características propias de un campo profesional singular, con rasgos distintivos. A su vez los datos arrojados tienen un alto grado de trasferencia ya que aportan información para evaluar y repensar la formación actual del Psicólogo en la Argentina, considerando sus fortalezas y debilidades, analizando los logros y las deudas p…
Paternidad adolescente ¿Factor de riesgo o de resiliencia?
The study of the adolescent pregnancy has been historically centered in the mother, the preponderant focus has been considers the maternity in this stage of the vital cycle as a factor of risk. Nowadays, have begun some studies that focus the problem of the adolescent pregnancy being centered in the father’s figure to appear and proposing a healthy focus, starting from the introduction of such concepts like Resilience. The present article, is a theoretical work, it is carried out to leave of secondary data. The objective is the compilation of studies and information on the subject of adolescent fatherhood from a less explored focus, considering the factors of risk and resilience. Different…
Recreation, Non-formal Education and Socialization as Factors Enhancing Well-Being. The Place of the Madrich in the Jewish Community
Non-formal education and recreation hold a highly significant place within the Jewish community. These spaces are usually run by Madrichim—young people who can play an important role as non-formal educators.
Sports and Community Well-Being
This chapter explores the relationship between sports and community well-being, taking into account factors such as social bonds, social and cultural integration, health, improved quality of life, and the enhancement of personal and community well-being. Well-being is a concept with a long history and development. Originally used in the field of philosophy, it then spread to psychology. Community well-being is a relatively recent, little-explored term, which builds on the concepts of well-being and quality of life. This chapter provides a theoretical assessment based on the concepts of well-being, community well-being, and sports, distinguishing the latter from mere physical activity. Final…
Diseño y validación de un instrumento para evaluar el conocimiento tácito de líderes militares
ResumenEn este trabajo se presenta un instrumento para evaluar el conocimiento tacito para el ejercicio del liderazgo en ambitos militares (CTLM). Se analizan las propiedades psicometricas del mismo. Se trata de un instrumento disenado sobre la base de la Teoria de la Inteligencia practica de Sternberg (1997).La muestra estuvo compuesta de 150 oficiales militares subalternos a los que se les administro el CTLM (conocimiento tacito para el liderazgo militar), el test DAT y se evaluo el rendimiento academico y militar.El instrumento demostro ser confiable y valido. Se verifico que el conocimiento tacito esta relacionado con la aplicacion practica de conocimientos militares (adiestramiento) y …