The genus Hieracium (Asteraceae) in Catalonia (Northeastern Iberian Peninsula, Spain)
Se presenta un listado comentado de las especies actualmente conocidas en Cataluña, con referencias a su distribución y relaciones taxonómicas, afectando a un total de 141 unidades. An account of the Hieracium species of Catalonia (northeastern Spain) is presented. Comments on the distribution and the taxonomic relationships are provided for a total of 141 accepted species.
Taxonomy of the genusBrimeura (Hyacinthaceae)
A taxonomic reevaluation of two little-knownBrimeura taxa,B. fontqueri (Pau)Speta andB. duvigneaudii (L. Llorens)Rossello et al., has been made.Brimeura fontqueri, described from the Iberian peninsula, has been put into synonymy ofB. amethystina (L.)Salisb., since it could not be distinguished on morphological, anatomical or cytogenetic grounds.Brimeura duvigneaudii, from the Balearic Islands, is closely related toB. amethystina and has 2n=28 chromosomes. It differs from the latter by its naked bulbs lacking dark cataphylls, and its narrower leaves and whitish corollas. Accessory chromosomes are reported for the first time in the genus. Karyological instability (with chromosome numbers rang…
Sobre una nueva especie catalana del género Hieracium L. (Asteraceae)
Se proponen una nueva especie del género Hieracium L. (Compositae, Lactuceae) en el norte de Cataluña. New species of Hieracium L. (Asteraceae, Lactuceae) in Catalonia (NE Spain). Here we describe a new species of Hieracium L. (Compositae, Lacutuceae) from Catalonia (NE Spain).
Index Balearicum (III). Catàleg comentat de les plantes vasculars descrites de les Illes Balears. Addicions (2008-2016) i correccions
Aquesta compilació inclou actualitzacions nomenclaturals i taxonòmiques per al catàleg de plantes vasculars descrites de les Illes Balears. Aquesta actualització inclou plantes descrites entre 2008 i 2016 a més de correccions per a altres tractades en treballs anteriors.
Cotoneaster Majoricensis L. Sáez & Rosselló (Rosaceae), a New Species from Majorca (Balearic Islands, Spain)
Abstract Saez, L. & J. A. Rossello (2012). Cotoneaster majoricensis L. Saez & Rossello (Rosaceae), a new species from Majorca (Balearic Islands, Spain). Candollea 67: 243–253. In English, English and French abstracts. A new species from the northern mountains of Mallorca (Balearic Islands), Cotoneaster majoricensis L. Saez & Rossello (Rosaceae), is described and illustrated. It belongs to section Cotoneaster Medik. and is morphologically close to Cotoneaster tomentosus (Aiton) Lindl. and Cotoneaster raboutensis K. E. Flink & al., differing however by various morphological characters. Data on taxonomic relationships, ecology, and conservation status of this new apparently narrow-ranged endem…
<i>Limonium marisolii</i> L. Llorens (Plumbaginaceae) revisited
A new triploid agamic species, L. leonardi-llorensii , is described from coastal populations of South-West Mallorca. The new species is closely related, on morphological grounds, to the endemic L. marisolii L. Llorens, from which it could be distinguished by several morphological characters (leaves without papillae, longer calyx, more flowers per spikelet) and by a different chromosome number ( 2n = 26, L. leonardi-llorensii ; 2n = 27, L. marisolii ). The relationships between both species are discussed, and it is suggested that both taxa might share some common evolutionary history despite their divergent chromosome number. The origin of L. marisolii from L. leonardi-llorensii through chro…
Aportaciones al conocimiento del género Hieracium L. en España, XXVII: especies del macizo del Cardó (Tarragona)
Hieracium vinyasianum Font Quer is revalided and also five new othes species of Hieracium L. (Compositae, Lacutuceae) are here described from Cardó Mountains (Tarragona, NE Spain).
<i>Limonium carvalhoi (Plumbaginaceae)</i>, a new endemic species from the Balearic Islands
ROSSELLO, J.A., L. SAEZ & A.C. CARVALHO (1998). Limonium carvalhoi (Plumbaginaceae), a new endemic species from the Balearic Islands. Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 56(1): 23-31. Limonium carvalhoi Rossello & L. Saez is described from a single salt marsh locality in southwest Majorca. Morphologically, L. carvalhoi is ciose to L. inexpectans, L. migjornense and L. magallufianum , all Balearic endemics. The new species has an apomictic breeding system and shows a single pollen/stigma combination (B/papillate type). Chromosome number ranges from 2n = 24 to 2n = 26. Based on the occurrence of a long metacentric chromosome in all cells examined, it is suggested that the original chromosome complement …
The taxonomy of Galium crespianum J.J. Rodr. (Rubiaceae), a Balearic Islands endemic revisited
Abstract Galium crespianum J.J. Rodr. is a perennial plant inhabiting cliffs and crevices on the Balearic Islands. Although it was described from the mountains of Mallorca, several populations from the islands of Eivissa and Formentera have been traditionally considered as belonging to the same species. A careful comparison of specimens from the western and eastern Balearics revealed several discriminant features in gross morphology (robustness and habit of the stems, presence or absence of hairs at the internodes and leaves, waxiness of stems and leaves, shape of the inflorescence, flower colour and scent) and stem anatomy. In addition, several mutations in the ribosomal ITS sequences dist…
A new species of Agrostis (Gramineae) in the A. alpina complex
Abstract A new species of Agrostis L. ( A. barceloi ) is described from the northern mountains of Mallorca (Balearic Islands). The new taxon belongs to sect. Agrostis and is mainly related to A. alpina Scop. and A. schleicheri Jord. & Verl. on morphological grounds. However, A. barceloi differs from A. alpina by its narrowly-lanceolate inflorescence, with panicle branches erect during and after anthesis, non-scabrid leaves, and by smaller lemmas and others. The new species is distinguished from A. schleicheri by the smaller spikelets, lemma, palea, and anthers. In addition, A. barceloi is tetraploid (2 n =28), and differs cytologically from the diploid A. alpina (2 n =14) and the hexaploid …
A new taxonomic arrangement in "Linaria" sect. "supinae" ("Antirrhineae")
Como resultado de un estudio macromorfológico y de los caracteres seminales de Linaria benitoi Fern. Casas, endemismo de los alrededores del Cabo de Gata (SE Península Ibérica) y de los táxones del grupo de L. oblongifolia, se discuten la variabilidad y las relaciones morfológicas de este conjunto de plantas. Así, se propone la siguiente nueva combinación: Linaria oblongifolia subsp. benitoi (Fern. Casas) L. Sáez, M.B. Crespo, Juan & M. Bernal, comb. & stat. nov. As a result of a study of macromorphological and seed features of Linaria benitoi Fern. Casas, endemic to Cabo de Gata (SE Iberian Peninsula) and taxa included in the L. oblongifolia group, the variability and morphological relatio…
Limonium ilergabonum (Plumbaginaceae), a new species from northeastern Iberian Peninsula
A new species of Limonium (Plumbaginaceae), L . ilergabonum sp. nov. , is described from the inland gypsum soils of the northeastern Iberian Peninsula (Flix, Tarragona province, Spain). The new species is closely related to the Iberian L. hibericum on morphological traits as assessed by multivariate ordination analysis (PCA), but it can be distinguished by the narrower leaves, inflorescence shape, and longer calyx. Limonium ilergabonum shows mixoploidy (2 n = 18, 2 n = 27), irregular pollen shapes, low levels of pollen stainability, and a single pollen-stigma combination morph (B type). All evidences suggest that L . ilergabonum is a polyploid relict species with an apomictic breeding syste…
A new Biscutella (Brassicaceae) species from the western Balearic Islands
Abstract A new diploid species, Biscutella ebusitana is described from coastal cliffs of the western Balearic islands. It is related to B. sempervirens L. and B. montana Cav. from which it can be distinguished by a combination of vegetative (shape, size, petiole and hairs of leaves, petiolate leaves) and reproductive features (shape of inflorescence, calyx indument). Earlier Balearic records of B. frutescens Coss. should be referred to B. ebusitana .
<i>Limonium vigoi (Plumbaginaceae)</i>, a new tetraploid species from the Northeast of the Iberian Península
SAEZ, L., A. CURCO & J.A. ROSSELLO (1998). Limonium vigoi (Plumbaginaceae), a new tetraploid species from the Northeast of the Iberian Peninsula. Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 56(2): 269-278. A new tetraploid agamic species, Limonium vigoi, is described from coastal populations of the Northeast of the Spain (Ebro delta). The new species is related, on morphological grounds, to L. girardianum (Guss.) Fourr. and L. grosii L. Llorens, from which it could be easily discriminated by its retuse leaves, the basal ones usually withered at anthesis, the very short (or even absent) leaf apiculum, the denser and longer (up to 0.7 mm) hairs of the calyx tube and the deeper colour of the corolla. In addition…
A new subspecies ofArenaria grandiflora (Caryophyllaceae) from the Rif mountains (Northern Morocco)
A new subspecies,A. grandiflora subsp.gomarica (Caryophyllaceae), is described from the mountains of northern Morocco. The new taxon is tetraploid and has been confused in the past either with the Balearic endemicA. grandiflora subsp.glabrescens or with the widespreadA. grandiflora subsp.grandiflora, which is also present in the African continent. Detailed morphological analysis showed that plants from the Rif mountains are closely related toA. grandiflora subsp.glabrescens, but differ from it in having a longer calyx, smaller seed size, and a glandular indument on pedicels, leaves and calyx.Arenaria grandiflora subsp.gomarica can be distinguished from all infraspecific taxa of theA. grandi…
Sobre la presencia de Fumaria bicolor Nicotra (Papaveraceae) en la Península Ibérica, 3-7
Sur la présence de Fumaria bicolor Nicotra (Papaveraceae) dans la péninsule Ibérique. Les auteurs relatent la découverte de Fumaria bicolor Nicotra pour la région de Catalogne. Ils présentent des illustrations et une carte actualisée de sa répartition en Espagne
Index Balearicum (II): An Annotated check-list of the vascular plants described from the balearic islands. Additions (2002-2007) and corrections
Se presentan adiciones y correcciones al listado de plantas vasculares cuyo tipo nomenclatural es originario de las islas Baleares. Se propone una nueva combinación nomenclatural: Sonchus willkommii (Burnat & Barbey) comb. nov. Additions and corrections to the check-list of vascular plants described from the Balearic Islands are presented. A nomenclatural change is proposed: Sonchus willkommii (Burnat & Barbey) comb. nov.
<p><strong>A new type designation of <em>Thymus microphyllus</em>, basionym of <em>Micromeria</em> <em>microphylla</em> (Lamiaceae)</strong></p>
Micromeria Bentham (1829: sub t. 1282) (Lamiaceae) is a monophyletic and taxonomically intricate genus, represented by nearly 70 species. These are distributed from the Macaronesian-Mediterranean region to southern Africa, India, and China (Morales 1991b, Govaerts 1999, Harley et al. 2004, Bräuchler et al. 2005, 2008; Puppo & Meimberg 2015, Puppo et al. 2014, 2015).
New national and regional bryophyte records, 56
WOS: 000441652000006
<strong>Nomenclatural types of <em>Hieracium</em> (Asteraceae) species described from the Balearic Islands (Spain) and several related taxa</strong>
A nomenclatural revision of the genus Hieracium in the Balearic Islands (Spain) is presented and the typification of five names: H. aragonense Scheele, H. balearicum Arvet‑Touvet, H. elisaeanum Arvet-Touvet ex Willkomm, H. majoricanum Arvet-Touvet and H. microscapum Arvet-Touvet, is discussed. The names are lectotypified using specimens preserved at COI, GRM, and P herbaria. Several comments for the names H. cataractarum Arvet-Touvet & Huter and H. praecox subsp. brachypus Freyn in Porta & Rigo are also provided.
Helianthemum scopulicolum (Cistaceae), a new species from Majorca (Balearic Islands, Spain)
Rupicolous plants coming from a single Balearic locality are described as a new species, Helianthemum scopulicolum. The plant is diploid (2n=20) and belongs to Helianthemum subgenus Helianthemum sect. Helianthemum. On morphological grounds, Helianthemum scopulicolum is related to some members of the H. apenninum aggregate, notably H. apenninum s.l., H. asperum and H. violaceum. However, the new species can be distinguished on the basis of leaves green, shining, glabrescent on the adaxial surface, deciduous short bracts, glabrescent inner sepals lacking long setae and pink-purple flowers.
Remarks on the type material of Linaria cavanillesii Chav. (Antirrhineae, Veronicaceae)
ABSTRACT Some aspects concerning the type material of Linaria cavanillesii Chav. (Antirrhineae, Veronicaceae), which are conserved in different herbaria, are discussed. This name had previously been lectotypified on Tournefort's collections that are kept at the herbarium P, though they had been regarded erroneously as syntypes. Evidence is shown on the existence of a duplicate of the lectotype (isolectotype), which is conserved among the Salvador herbarium at BC (Institut Botanic de Barcelona), as well as of syntypes deposited in MA on which the illustration by Cavanilles cited in the protologue was drawn. Historical data are reported on collection sites and dates for all cited syntypes of …
<p><strong>Type designation of the Lamarck’s name <em>Buxus balearica</em> (<em>Buxaceae</em>)</strong></p>
The Lamarck’s name Buxus balearica is discussed and neotypified from a specimen preserved at MA collected in Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Spain). In addition, the lectotypes of B. longifolia and B. balearica f. granatensis, currently treated as two heterotypic synonyms of B. balearica, are designated from original material preserved at G-BOIS and MA, respectively
Index Balearicum: An annotated check-list of the vascular plants described from the Balearic Islands
190 pages, 21 figures.
On the circumscription and taxonomic status of Centaurea caballeroi (Compositae)
Se aportan datos sobre algunos táxones del grupo de Centaurea linifolia presentes en las sierras de la Comunidad Valenciana y áreas limítrofes. Como resultado se propone reconocer en C. antennata tres subespecies, con síndromes de caracteres propios, que ocupan áreas geográficas bien delimitadas y presentan un comportamiento ecológico diferenciado. Según esto, se propone la nueva combinación C. antennata subsp. caballeroi para las poblaciones del sur de Tarragona y norte de Castellón, seleccionándose además un lectótipo. Para cada taxon aceptado se indican sus caracteres morfológicos diferenciales, distribución y ecología. Además, se aporta una clave de identificación. Data are reported on …
Plagiochasma appendiculatumLehm. & Lindenb. (Marchantiales, Aytoniaceae), a species new to the European bryophyte flora
Abstract The liverwort Plagiochasma appendiculatum Lehm. & Lindenb. is reported for the first time in Europe from Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Spain). The species is described and illustrated and its distribution and ecology are discussed. Plagiochasma appendiculatum differsfromP. rupestre (J. R. Forst. & G. Forst.) Steph., the only species of the genus known at present in Europe, by characters such as the bright green or green-yellowish thallus and the orbicular and obtusescale appendages which are markedly constricted and folded at the base.
<p><strong>Typification of two Gandoger’s names in <em>Rhamnus </em>(Rhamnaceae)</strong></p>
Gandoger’s names for Rhamnus bourgaeana and R. hispanorum (Rhamnaceae) are typified. A neotype is selected for R. bourgaeana, and a specimen preserved at M is designated as the lectotype of R. hispanorum.
Is <i>Limonium cavanillesii</i> Erben (Plumbaginaceae) really an extant species?
A new triploid apomictic species (Limonium perplexum) is described from a single coastal locality of E Spain. The new species has been previously confused with L cavanillesii Erben, which is only known from few herbarium specimens and it is believed to be extinct. Overall morphology, chromosome number, and the pollen/stigma combination suggest that L perplexum belongs to the L. duriusculum complex. Based on morphological grounds it is suggested that L. cavanillesii Erben could have been originated through a crossing between L perplexum and L dufourii .