Juris Vanags

Crypthecodinium cohnii Growth and Omega Fatty Acid Production in Mediums Supplemented with Extract from Recycled Biomass

Crypthecodinium cohnii is a marine heterotrophic dinoflagellate that can accumulate high amounts of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), and thus has the potential to replace conventional PUFAs production with eco-friendlier technology. So far, C. cohnii cultivation has been mainly carried out with the use of yeast extract (YE) as a nitrogen source. In the present study, alternative carbon and nitrogen sources were studied: the extraction ethanol (EE), remaining after lipid extraction, as a carbon source, and dinoflagellate extract (DE) from recycled algae biomass C. cohnii as a source of carbon, nitrogen, and vitamins. In mediums with glucose and DE, the highest specific biomass gr…

research product

Factors influencing myopic shift in children after intraocular lens implantation.

Introduction:Intraocular lenses have always been a controversial topic in pediatric cataract surgery. In the early 1990s in the post-Soviet states of Eastern Europe, intraocular lenses promised an easier full-time correction and amblyopia treatment. Since 1991, ophthalmologists in Latvia have been implanting intraocular lenses in infants. Amount of the postoperative myopic shift and its influencing factors, analyzed in this article, are important indicators of congenital cataract treatment.Materials and methods:A retrospective chart review off 85 children (137 eyes) who underwent foldable posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation at the Clinical University Hospital in Riga, Latvia, fr…

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Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is the analysis of fluid behaviour employing numerical solution methods. Using CFD it is possible to analyse simple and complex fluid-gas, fluid-fluid or fluid-solid interactions. Fluid dynamics is described with laws of physics in the form of partial differential equations also known as Navier-Stokes equations. Sophisticated CFD solvers transform these laws into algebraic equations which are solved by numerical methods. In this paper Ansys CFX and Fluent analysis systems as research methods are used to visualize flow patterns in a stirred tank bioreactor. The results obtained are informative and can be used to improve the yield of biomass. CFD analysis ca…

research product

Anterior Capsule Opening Contraction and Late Intraocular Lens Dislocation after Cataract Surgery in Patients with Weak or Partially Absent Zonular Support

Background and Objectives: To evaluate anterior capsule opening (ACO) contraction and late intraocular lens (IOL) dislocation after cataract surgery in patients with weak or partially absent zonular support and assess methods of reducing these complications. Materials and Methods: For this prospective study, we enlisted cataract surgery patients in our hospital with preoperative diagnoses of weak zonules. All patients received phacoemulsification surgery with implantation of a hydrophobic acrylic IOL and capsular tension ring (CTR). ACO reductions were measured for six months after enrolment. Data on late IOL dislocations were collected five years after enrolment of the last patient. Result…

research product

Rīgas Jūrmalas policijas iecirknis 1918-1940: struktūra, darbības specifika

Policija nodrošina sabiedrības un valsts kopējo mērķu sasniegšanau un aizsargā cilvēkus no nelikumībām un pārkāpumiem. Rīgas jūrmala jau 19.gs. izvedojās kā plaši zināms kūrorts. Pēc 1918.g. 1.decembra ar nelieliem pārtraukumiem tur sāka strādāt jaunās Latvijas Republikas policija. Darba mērķis ir izpētīt kāda bija Rīgas Jūrmalas policijas struktūra un darba specifika laikā no 1918.g. līdz 1940.g. Rīgas Jūrmalas policijas iecirknis neskatoties uz samērā biežo priekšnieku maiņu bija labi organizēts un apgādāts. Iecirkņa struktūra izveidojās jau darbības sākumā un saglabājās gandrīz nemainīga visu starpkaru perioda darbības laiku. Darba specifikā ietilpa pilsētas un lauku policijai raksturīgi…

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