L. Kalvans

Nonlinear magneto-optical resonances atD1excitation ofRb85andRb87in an extremely thin cell

Nonlinear magneto-optical resonances have been measured in an extremely thin cell (ETC) for the ${D}_{1}$ transition of rubidium in an atomic vapor of natural isotopic composition. All hyperfine transitions of both isotopes have been studied for a wide range of laser power densities, laser detunings, and ETC wall separations. Dark resonances in the laser induced fluorescence (LIF) were observed as expected when the ground-state total angular momentum ${F}_{g}$ was greater than or equal to the excited-state total angular momentum ${F}_{e}$. Unlike the case of ordinary cells, the width and contrast of dark resonances formed in the ETC dramatically depended on the detuning of the laser from th…

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F-resolved magneto-optical resonances in theD1excitation of cesium: Experiment and theory

Bright and dark nonlinear magneto-optical resonances associated with the ground state Hanle effect have been studied experimentally and theoretically for ${D}_{1}$ excitation of atomic cesium. This system offers the advantage that the separation between the different hyperfine levels exceeds the Doppler width, and hence transitions between individual levels can be studied separately. At the same time, the system retains the advantages offered by ordinary glass cells, including simplicity and subnatural width Hanle resonances. Experimental measurements for various laser power densities and transit relaxation times are compared with a model based on the optical Bloch equations, which averages…

research product

Alignment-to-orientation conversion in a magnetic field at nonlinear excitation of theD2line of rubidium: Experiment and theory

We studied alignment-to-orientation conversion caused by excited-state level crossings in a nonzero magnetic field of both atomic rubidium isotopes. Experimental measurements were performed on the transitions of the $D_2$ line of rubidium. These measured signals were described by a theoretical model that takes into account all neighboring hyperfine transitions, the mixing of magnetic sublevels in an external magnetic field, the coherence properties of the exciting laser radiation, and the Doppler effect. In the experiments laser induced fluorescence (LIF) components were observed at linearly polarized excitation and their difference was taken afterwards. By observing the two oppositely circ…

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Dependence of the shapes of nonzero-field level-crossing signals in rubidium atoms on the laser frequency and power density

We studied magneto-optical resonances caused by excited-state level crossings in a nonzero magnetic field. Experimental measurements were performed on the transitions of the ${D}_{2}$ line of rubidium. These measured signals were described by a theoretical model that takes into account all neighboring hyperfine transitions, the mixing of magnetic sublevels in an external magnetic field, the coherence properties of the exciting laser radiation, and the Doppler effect. Good agreement between the experimental measurements and the theoretical model could be achieved over a wide range of laser power densities. We further showed that the contrasts of the level-crossing peaks can be sensitive to c…

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Nonlinear magneto-optical resonances for systems withJ∼100observed in K2molecules

We present the results of an experimental as well as a theoretical study of nonlinear magneto-optical resonances in diatomic potassium molecules in the electronic ground state with large values of the angular momentum quantum number $J\ensuremath{\sim}100$. At zero magnetic field, the absorption transitions are suppressed because of population trapping in the ground state due to Zeeman coherences between magnetic sublevels of this state along with depopulation pumping. The destruction of such coherences in an external magnetic field was used to study the resonances in this work. K${}_{2}$ molecules were formed in a glass cell filled with potassium metal at a temperature above 150 ${}^{\ensu…

research product

Nonlinear magneto-optical resonances atD1excitation ofR85bandR87bfor partially resolved hyperfineFlevels

Experimental signals of nonlinear magneto-optical resonances at ${D}_{1}$ excitation of natural rubidium in a vapor cell have been obtained and described with experimental accuracy by a detailed theoretical model based on the optical Bloch equations. The ${D}_{1}$ transition of rubidium is a challenging system to analyze theoretically because it contains transitions that are only partially resolved under Doppler broadening. The theoretical model took into account all nearby transitions, the coherence properties of the exciting laser radiation, and the mixing of magnetic sublevels in an external magnetic field and also included averaging over the Doppler profile. The experimental signals wer…

research product

Conversion of bright magneto-optical resonances into dark resonances at fixed laser frequency forD2excitation of atomic rubidium

Nonlinear magneto-optical resonances on the hyperfine transitions belonging to the ${D}_{2}$ line of rubidium were changed from bright to dark resonances by changing the laser power density of the single exciting laser field or by changing the vapor temperature in the cell. In one set of experiments atoms were excited by linearly polarized light from an extended cavity diode laser with polarization vector perpendicular to the light's propagation direction and magnetic field, and laser-induced fluorescence was observed along the direction of the magnetic field, which was scanned. A low-contrast bright resonance was observed at low laser power densities when the laser was tuned to the ${F}_{g…

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Relaxation mechanisms affecting magneto-optical resonances in an extremely thin cell: Experiment and theory for the cesiumD1line

We have measured magneto-optical signals obtained by exciting the $D_1$ line of cesium atoms confined to an extremely thin cell (ETC), whose walls are separated by less than one micrometer, and developed an improved theoretical model to describe these signals with experimental precision. The theoretical model was based on the optical Bloch equations and included all neighboring hyperfine transitions, the mixing of the magnetic sublevels in an external magnetic field, and the Doppler effect, as in previous studies. However, in order to model the extreme conditions in the ETC more realistically, the model was extended to include a unified treatment of transit relaxation and wall collisions wi…

research product

Cascade coherence transfer and magneto-optical resonances at 455 nm excitation of Cesium

We present and experimental and theoretical study of nonlinear magneto-optical resonances observed in the fluorescence to the ground state from the 7P_{3/2} state of cesium, which was populated directly by laser radiation at 455 nm, and from the 6P_{1/2} and 6P_{3/2} states, which were populated via cascade transitions that started from the 7P_{3/2} state and passed through various intermediate states. The laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) was observed as the magnetic field was scanned through zero. Signals were recorded for the two orthogonal, linearly polarized components of the LIF. We compared the measured signals with the results of calculations from a model that was based on the optica…

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