Giorgio Terracina



In this paper a technique to improve protein secondary structure prediction is proposed. The approach is based on the idea of combining the results of a set of prediction tools, choosing the most correct parts of each prediction. The correctness of the resulting prediction is measured referring to accuracy parameters used in several editions of CASP. Experimental evaluations validating the proposed approach are also reported.

research product

JSSPrediction: a Framework to Predict Protein Secondary Structures Using Integration

Identifying protein secondary structures is a difficult task. Recently, a lot of software tools for protein secondary structure prediction have been produced and made available on-line, mostly with good performances. However, prediction tools work correctly for families of proteins, such that users have to know which predictor to use for a given unknown protein. We propose a framework to improve secondary structure prediction by integrating results obtained from a set of available predictors. Our contribution consists in the definition of a two phase approach: (i) select a set of predictors which have good performances with the unknown protein family, and (ii) integrate the prediction resul…

research product

Flexible pattern discovery with (extended) disjunctive logic programming

The post-genomic era showed up a wide range of new challenging issues for the areas of knowledge discovery and intelligent information management. Among them, the discovery of complex pattern repetitions in string databases plays an important role, specifically in those contexts where even what are to be considered the interesting pattern classes is unknown. This paper provides a contribution in this precise setting, proposing a novel approach, based on disjunctive logic programming extended with several advanced features, for discovering interesting pattern classes from a given data set.

research product

Protein Structure Metapredictors

research product

Experimental Evaluation of Protein Secondary Structure Predictors

Understanding protein biological function is a key issue in modern biology, which is largely determined by its 3D shape. Protein 3D shape, in its turn, is functionally implied by its amino acid sequence. Since the direct inspection of such 3D structures is rather expensive and time consuming, a number of software techniques have been developed in the last few years that predict a spatial model, either of the secondary or of the tertiary form, for a given target protein starting from its amino acid sequence. This paper offers a comparison of several available automatic secondary structure prediction tools. The comparison is of the experimental kind, where two relevant sets of proteins, a non…

research product

Discovering representative models in large time series databases

The discovery of frequently occurring patterns in a time series could be important in several application contexts. As an example, the analysis of frequent patterns in biomedical observations could allow to perform diagnosis and/or prognosis. Moreover, the efficient discovery of frequent patterns may play an important role in several data mining tasks such as association rule discovery, clustering and classification. However, in order to identify interesting repetitions, it is necessary to allow errors in the matching patterns; in this context, it is difficult to select one pattern particularly suited to represent the set of similar ones, whereas modelling this set with a single model could…

research product

Improving protein secondary structure predictions by prediction fusion

Protein secondary structure prediction is still a challenging problem at today. Even if a number of prediction methods have been presented in the literature, the various prediction tools that are available on-line produce results whose quality is not always fully satisfactory. Therefore, a user has to know which predictor to use for a given protein to be analyzed. In this paper, we propose a server implementing a method to improve the accuracy in protein secondary structure prediction. The method is based on integrating the prediction results computed by some available on-line prediction tools to obtain a combined prediction of higher quality. Given an input protein p whose secondary struct…

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