Antonio López-alemany

Relación entre signos y síntomas para valorar la función lagrimal y la superficie ocular en sujetos colombianos y españoles sin patología ocular aparente

<p>Objetivo: encontrar una relación entre los síntomas y signos hallados al valorar la función lagrimal y la superficie ocular con pruebas diagnósticas de ojo seco, en un grupo de sujetos colombianos y españoles aparentemente sanos. Método: un total de cien sujetos sanos, cincuenta de población colombiana y cincuenta de población española sin historia previa de lentes de contacto se reclutaron y evaluaron. Los sujetos contestaron el cuestionario para ojo seco de McMonnies y se les realizó tiempo de ruptura lagrimal no invasivo (NIBUT), tiempo de ruptura de la película lagrimal (TFBUT), tinción con fluoresceína y tinción con lisamina y citología de impresión (IC). Para el análisis esta…

research product

Microscopic observation of unworn siloxane-hydrogel soft contact lenses by atomic force microscopy

In the present study, samples of lotrafilcon A, balafilcon A, and galyfilcon A contact lenses were observed by atomic force microscopy (AFM) in tapping mode at areas ranging from 0.25 to 400 m2. Mean roughness (Ra), root-mean-square roughness (Rms) and maximum roughness (Rmax) in nanometers were obtained for the three lens materials at different magnifications. The three contact lenses showed significantly different surface topography. However, roughness values were dependent of the surface area to be analyzed. For a 1 m2 area, statistics revealed a significantly more irregular surface of balafilcon A (Ra = 6.44 nm; Rms = 8.30 nm; Rmax = 96.82 nm) compared with lotrafilcon A (Ra = 2.40 nm; …

research product

Determination of the oxygen transmissibility and permeability of hydrogel contact lenses

To test the validity of the method of stacked hydrogel contact lenses to obtain the oxygen permeability and transmissibility coefficients of the lenses, the coefficients of one low hydration (38% water) and two high hydration (55 and 58% water) hydrogel contact lenses stacked one to five on an oxygen electrode were deter- mined. From the oxygen diffusion through the lenses, the current intensity in the stationary state was determined, and from this the "instrument" the oxygen transmis- sibility was obtained. The permeability coefficients of the lenses, corrected for edge effects, were obtained from the slope of the plot of the reciprocal of the transmissibility coefficients versus the lens …

research product

Recommendations for eye care during the alarm state by the coronavirus disease pandemic COVID-19.

Abstract Objective Minimize exposure to the SARS-CoV-2, reduce the chances of cross-transmission between patients and healthcare personnel, and prevent the development of postoperative complications from the management of patients with eye diseases during the 2019 coronavirus disease pandemic (COVID-19). Methods COVID-19 literature review and consensus establishment between different Spanish ophthalmology societies in order to provide guidelines and recommendations of maximum resources primarily conditioned by the state of alert, confinement and social distancing that occurs in Spain since March 16, 2020. Results The recommendations will promote the adoption of action and protection measure…

research product

Porous structure of Purevision™ versus Focus® Night&Day™ and conventional hydrogel contact lenses

The surface and bulk structures of hydrogel contact lenses that contain siloxane moieties, Purevision™ (balafilcon A) and Focus®Night&Day™ (lotrafilcon A), were investigated. Standard hydrogel lenses of low (Seequence®), medium (Acuvue®), and high water content (Precision UV®) were used as controls. All the lenses were dehydrated in a series of ethanol solutions of increased concentration, critical-point dried in CO2, and sputter coated with gold/palladium before they were examined by scanning electron microscopy. Of all lenses examined, only the balafilcon lenses presented, in addition to the polymer network porosity characteristic of all hydrogels, a macroporous structure that was observe…

research product

Dynamic in vitro dehydration patterns of unworn and worn silicone hydrogel contact lenses.

Purpose: To evaluate the effect of wear on dynamic in vitro dehydration of silicone hydrogel (Si-Hi) contact lens (CL) using a previously described gravimetric procedure. Methods: Five different silicone hydrogel (Si-Hi) contact lenses (CL) were evaluated after being worn by patients under daily wear conditions for 15 days to 1 month. Lenses were conditioned and disinfected with a multipurpose solution after each day of wear. Lenses were left to dehydrate in an analytical balance under controlled conditions of temperature and relative humidity and the results compared with data from new lens samples of the same power and material. Several quantitative parameters were obtained and compared b…

research product

pH of multipurpose contact lens solutions over time

The pH of nine different brands of multipurpose contact lens solutions available in Spain was determined over a period of 32 days after opening the bottles. Five bottles of nine solutions were used, each of which was buffered and obtained from different manufacturers. The pH measurements were taken using a micropH 2002 Crison pH-meter (accuracy +/- 0.001 pH units). Each solution was measured three times daily over the test period using 10-ml samples taken from the same container. Fluctuations in pH over time were observed but these were within the range of ocular comfort. The average pH of all the solutions tested proved to be between 6.99 and 7.56.

research product

pH stability of ophthalmic solutions.

Background In this study, we evaluated the pH value of 17 ophthalmic solutions, and we investigated whether the pH of these solutions changed over time after the bottle was opened. Methods Fifteen bottles of each type of solution were chosen at random from different production lots. A 0.05-ml increment was taken from each bottle and was measured daily using a micropH 2002 Crison pH-meter over a period of 30 days. Results The results revealed differences between the pH values of the solutions; nine solutions presented pH values within ocular comfort range and eight solutions presented pH values between 3.5 and 6.4. Ten solutions presented non-statistically significant variations over time ( …

research product

Refractive index and equilibrium water content of conventional and silicone hydrogel contact lenses

Prova tipográfica (In Press)

research product

Qualitative and quantitative characterization of the in vitro dehydration process of hydrogel contact lenses

Purpose: To investigate the in vitro dehydration process of conventional hydrogel and silicone-hydrogel contact lens materials. Methods: Eight conventional hydrogel and five silicone-hydrogel contact lenses were dehydrated under controlled environmental conditions on an analytical balance. Data were taken at 1-min intervals and dehydration curves of cumulative dehydration (CD), valid dehydration (VD), and dehydration rate (DR) were obtained. Several quantitative descriptors of the dehydration process were obtained by further processing of the information. Results: Duration of phase I (r 2 5 0.921), CD at end of phase I (r 2 5 0.971), time to achieve a DR of � 1%/min (r 2 5 0.946) were stron…

research product

Recomendaciones para la atención oftalmológica durante el estado de alarma por la pandemia de enfermedad por coronavirus COVID-19

Resumen Objetivo Minimizar la exposicion al virus SARS-CoV-2, reducir las posibilidades de transmision cruzada entre pacientes y personal sanitario, y evitar el desarrollo de complicaciones postoperatorias por la atencion a pacientes con enfermedades oculares durante la pandemia de enfermedad por coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). Metodos Elaboracion de un documento de revision del estado del conocimiento sobre COVID-19 y consenso entre diferentes sociedades oftalmologicas espanolas y afines, al objeto de proporcionar guias y recomendaciones de maximos recursos primariamente condicionadas por el estado de alerta, confinamiento y distanciamiento social que acontece en Espana desde el 16 de marzo d…

research product

New method to determine the true transmissibilities and permeabilities of oxygen in hydrogel membranes

In the present paper, an electrochemical method to obtain the true transmissibilities and permeabilities of hydrogels to oxygen is proposed. The method involves the measurement of the electric current arising from the flow of oxygen through a potentiostat cell integrated by a top water layer, the hydrogel membrane, and a thin water layer between the membrane and the cathode, where the oxygen is reduced. Varying the thickness of the top water layer, the true permeation characteristics of the hydrogels are obtained. A parallel study was carried out in which the transmissibilities and permeation coefficients were obtained from the variation of the steady state current with the thickness of the…

research product

Surface AFM microscopy of unworn and worn samples of silicone hydrogel contact lenses

Abstract: Purpose. To evaluate the qualitative and quantitative topographic changes in the surface of worn contact lenses (CLs) of different materials using atomic force microscopy (AFM). Methods. The topography of five different CL materials was evaluated withAFM over a surface of 25 lm2 according to previously published experimental setup. Average roughness (Ra) and root mean square (Rms) values were obtained for unworn and worn samples. Results. The Ra value increased for balafilcon A (11.62–13.68 nm for unworn and worn samples, respectively), lotrafilcon A (3.67–15.01 nm for unworn and worn samples, respectively), lotrafilcon B (4.08–8.42 nm for unworn and worn samples, respectively), g…

research product

Oxygen permeability of hydrogel contact lenses with organosilicon moieties

Oxygen transport through two extended wear (day and night) hydrogel contact lenses that contain organosilicon moieties (balafilcon A and lotrafilcon A) was studied in the hydrate (hydrogel) and dry (xerogel) states. The water uptake increased the oxygen permeability [(Dk)app] and transmissibility [Dk/L(av)] coefficients of the dry materials by about 70%. The (Dk)app for the hydrated lenses was determined following the so-called stack procedure. The values obtained were 107 +/- 4 barrer for balafilcon A and 141 +/- 5 barrer for lotrafilcon A, about 5-10 times larger than those previously reported for conventional (without organosilicon moieties) extended wear hydrogels contact lenses. The Dk…

research product

Equivalences between refractive index and equilibrium water content of conventional and silicone hydrogel soft contact lenses from automated and manual refractometry

PURPOSE: The purpose of the present study was to develop mathematical relationships that allow obtaining equilibrium water content and refractive index of conventional and silicone hydrogel soft contact lenses from refractive index measures obtained with automated refractometry or equilibrium water content measures derived from manual refractometry, respectively. METHODS: Twelve HEMA-based hydrogels of different hydration and four siloxane-based polymers were assayed. A manual refractometer and a digital refractometer were used. Polynomial models obtained from the sucrose curves of equilibrium water content against refractive index and vice-versa were used either considering the whole range…

research product

Oxygen Transmissibility of Piggyback Systems With Conventional Soft and Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lenses

To investigate the apparent oxygen transmissibility of various piggyback systems using conventional and silicone hydrogel soft contact lenses of different water content and permeability, rigid poly(methyl methacrylate), and rigid gas-permeable lenses of medium, high, and ultrahigh oxygen permeability. The aim of the study was to establish which material (rigid or hydrogel) is more representative of the resulting oxygen performance of piggyback systems. METHODS: The apparent oxygen transmissibility of 66 piggyback systems was measured with an electrochemical method. Eighteen of these combinations involved the use of silicone hydrogel contact lenses currently available. One hyperpermeable rig…

research product

Comparative study of pH for different saline and multi-purpose contact lens solutions.

In this study, we determined the pH of different saline and multipurpose contact lens solutions available on the Spanish market. We examined 10 samples of 14 solutions, seven of which are saline solutions and seven multipurpose ones, from different manufacturers. Both types of solution were found to have significant variations in pH, with values ranging from 6.70 to 7.57 for the saline solutions and 6.84 to 7.63 for the multipurpose solutions. We concluded that the solutions should not affect the ocular physiological performance because their pH values are within the buffering capacity of the eye.

research product

Biological oxygen apparent transmissibility of hydrogel contact lenses with and without organosilicon moieties.

The instrument oxygen transmissibility (IOT) of organosilicon hydrogels, measured by electrochemical procedures, is 5-10 times larger than that of conventional hydrogels. A method is described that allows the estimation of the oxygen tension at the lens-cornea interface for closed- and open-eyelids situations by combining the IOT of the hydrogels and corneal parameters such as corneal thickness, corneal permeability and oxygen flux across the cornea. From these results the biological oxygen apparent transmissibility (BOAT) is obtained, an important parameter which an multiplication with the pressure of oxygen on the external part of the lens gives the oxygen flux onto the cornea. Contact le…

research product

Microscopic observations of superficial ultrastructure of unworn siloxane-hydrogel contact lenses by cryo-scanning electron microscopy

The purpose of this study was to analyze three commercial siloxane-hydrogel contact lens materials, lotrafilcon A, balafilcon A, and galyfilcon A, by cryogenic scanning electron microscopy (cryoSEM). The fully hydrated lenses were frozen in slush liquid nitrogen and qualitatively observed in a cryogenic scanning electron microscope. The superficial ultrastructure of the siloxane-hydrogels was observed at the areas where the lens fractured during sample cryogenic preparation. There are qualitative differences among the three examined materials in the complex polymer network structure existing between the outer layer and the underlying polymer. CryoSEM, although destructive, is a useful tool …

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