Oleksiy Khriyenko
Adaptive Vocabulary Learning Environment for Late Talkers
The main aim of this research is to provide children who have an early language delay with an adaptive way to train their vocabulary taking into account individuality of the learner. The suggested system is a mobile game-based learning environment which provides simple tasks where the learner chooses a picture that corresponds to a played back sound from multiple pictures presented on the screen. Our basic assumption is that the more similar the concepts (in our case, words) are, the harder the recognition task is. The system chooses the pictures to be presented on the screen by calculating the distances between the concepts in different dimensions. The distances are considered to consist o…
Propaganda Barometer : A Supportive Tool to Improve Media Literacy Towards Building a Critically Thinking Society
To smartly consume a huge and constantly growing volume of information, to identify fake news and resist propaganda in the context of Information Warfare, to improve personal critical thinking capabilities and increase media literacy, people require supportive environment with sophisticated technology facilitated tools. With rapid development of media, widespread popularity of social networks and fast growing amount of information distribution channels, propaganda and information warfare enter an absolutely new digital technology supported cyber era. Propaganda mining is not a trivial and very time consuming process for human. And, as with any new technology, human need certain time to unde…
Ontosmartresource: an industrial resource generation in semantic web
Semantic Web is a logical evolution of the existing Web. It was meant to serve for machines as today's Web does for humans. The term "machines" according to the existing semantic Web's vocabulary mostly means "computers". However industry needs such applications, which consider machines also as embedded computational entities within field devices, personal devices, microwave ovens, etc. In other words, now we should involve the real (industrial) world objects as resources into semantic Web. Still the main object of such a world will be a human, which becoming a resource (not just a user of resources) in the distributed environment. In this paper we introduce an extension of the semantic Web…
Emotional Business Intelligence : Enabling experience-centric business with the FeelingsExplorer
The domain of Emotional Business Intelligence (EBI) aims to support business-relevant emotional and emotionaware decisions in addition to rational decision making. EBI originates from three root domains: Emotional Business, Emotional Intelligence and Business Intelligence (BI). In this paper we emphasize emotional empowerment of the traditional BI function; outline its main characteristics as a business working model of an emotionally smart, continuously learning organization; and introduce a first candidate of the EBI Toolkit, the FeelingsExplorer (FE). FE is a mash-up browser based on 4i (“ForEye”) technology, capable of visualizing objects in an emotional semantic space and thereby suppo…
Cognitive Computing supported Medical Decision Support System for Patient’s Driving Assessment
To smartly utilize a huge and constantly growing volume of data, improve productivity and increase competitiveness in various fields of life; human requires decision making support systems that efficiently process and analyze the data, and, as a result, significantly speed up the process. Similarly to all other areas of human life, healthcare domain also is lacking Artificial Intelligence (AI) based solution. A number of supervised and unsupervised Machine Learning and Data Mining techniques exist to help us to deal with structured data. However, in a real life, we pretty much deal with unstructured data that hides useful knowledge and valuable information inside human-readable plain texts,…
Smart Educational Process Based on Personal Learning Capabilities
Personalized learning is increasingly gaining popularity, especially with the development of information technology and modern educational resources for learning. Each person is individual and has different knowledge background, different kind of memory, different learning speed. Teacher can adapt learning course, learning instructions or learning material according to the majority of learners in class, but that means that learning process is not adapted to the personality of each individual learner. That is why it is important to have smart educational process based on personal learning capabilities. This paper presents a literature survey on different learning systems which detects learni…
Emotional Business Intelligence
The domain of Emotional Business Intelligence (EBI) aims to support business-relevant emotional and emotion-aware decisions in addition to rational decision making. EBI originates from three root domains: Emotional Business, Emotional Intelligence and Business Intelligence (BI). In this paper we emphasize emotional empowerment of the traditional BI function; outline its main characteristics as a business working model of an emotionally smart, continuously learning organization; and introduce a first candidate of the EBI Toolkit, the FeelingsExplorer (FE). FE is a mash-up browser based on 4i (“ForEye”) technology, capable of visualizing objects in an emotional semantic space and thereby supp…
Customer Perception Driven Product Evolution - Facilitation of Structured Feedback Collection
Competitive environment not only requires effective advertising strategies from the product producers and service providers, but also to do comprehensive and sufficient analysis of their customers to understand their needs and expectations. Successfully involving customers into a product/service co-creation process, companies more likely increase their future revenue. Customer feedback analysis is widely applied in marketing and product development. Among other challenges (e.g. customer engagement, feedback collection, etc.) automation of customer feedback analysis becomes very demanding task and requires advance intelligent tools to understand customers’ product perception and preferences.…
General Adaption Framework
Integration of heterogeneous applications and data sources into an interoperable system is one of the most relevant challenges for many knowledge-based corporations nowadays. Development of a global environment that would support knowledge transfer from human experts to automated Web services, which are able to learn, is a very profit-promising and challenging task. The domain of industrial maintenance is not an exception. This paper outlines in detail an approach for adaptation of heterogeneous Web resources into a unified environment as a first step toward interoperability of smart industrial resources, where distributed human experts and learning Web services are utilized by various devi…
On developing adaptive vocabulary learning game for children with an early language delay
Vocabulary replenishment is an ordinary child development process. Deviations in this process can significantly affect the further progress and perception of the educational material in the school. A hypothesis was proposed that the similarity of words on various factors can influence the child's understanding. To test this hypothesis in this work, we propose the development of AdapTalk game for children. This game is concentrated on learning words, in the context of animals. The game will create the basis for further testing the influence of the semantic similarity of words for the child. This work describes the development background, the basic principles of calculating the semantic simil…
RgbDF: Resource Goal and Behaviour Description Framework
Agent-oriented approach has proven to be very efficient in engineering complex distributed software environments with dynamically changing conditions. The efficiency of underlying modelling framework for this domain is undoubtedly of a crucial importance. Currently, a model-driven architecture has been the most popular and developed for purposes of modelling different aspects of multi-agent systems, including behaviour of individual agents. UML is utilized as a basis for this modelling approach and variety of existing UML-based modelling tools after slight extension are reused. This paper proposes an ontology-driven approach to modelling agent behaviour as an emerging paradigm that originat…
Customer Feedback System : Evolution Towards Semantically-enchanced Systems
The digital economy requires services be created in nearly real time – while continuously listening to the customer. Managing and analysing the data collected about products and customers become very critical. Successful companies must collect data regarding customer behaviour in a sensible manner, understand their customers and engage in constant interaction with them. Nowadays, having a huge data storage capacity, everyone collects data and hopes that it will be useful someday. But, it is frustrating when you do not know whether something useful will come out of it. It is not a problem to collect data, but it is very difficult to analyse it. To utilize the data they collect and analyse cu…
Zero-shot Semantic Segmentation using Relation Network
Zero-shot learning (ZSL) is widely studied in recent years to solve the problem of lacking annotations. Currently, most studies on ZSL are for image classification and object detection. But, zero-shot semantic segmentation, pixel level classification, is still at its early stage. Therefore, this work proposes to extend a zero-shot image classification model, Relation Network (RN), to semantic segmentation tasks. We modified the structure of RN based on other state-of-the-arts semantic segmentation models (i.e. U-Net and DeepLab) and utilizes word embeddings from Caltech-UCSD Birds 200-2011 attributes and natural language processing models (i.e. word2vec and fastText). Because meta-learning …
An intelligent learning support system
Fast-growing technologies are shaping many aspects of societies. Educational systems, in general, are still rather traditional: learner applies for school or university, chooses the subject, takes the courses, and finally graduates. The problem is that labor markets are constantly changing and the needed professional skills might not match with the curriculum of the educational program. It might be that it is not even possible to learn a combination of desired skills within one educational organization. For example, there are only a few universities that can provide high-quality teaching in several different areas. Therefore, learners may have to study specific modules and units somewhere e…
Adaptive semantic web based environment for web resources
Tulevaisuuden kaikkialle ulottuvassa internetissä tietojärjestelmät kommunikoivat paitsi käyttäjien kanssa, myös toisten sovellusten ja instrumentoitujen laitteiden kanssa. Tämän dynaamisen ja heterogeenisen digitaalisen ympäristön hallinnoimiseksi ja hyödyntämiseksi käyttämiemme laitteiden tulisi olla nykyistä proaktiivisempia ja tiedon tulisi olla kuvattu nykyistä kontekstitietoisemmalla tavalla.Lisäksi tulevaisuuden verkon resurssit tulisi kyetä kuvaamaan semanttisesti, jotta eri resurssit voidaan löytää ja sovittaa yhteen automaattisesti. Tämä mahdollistaa myös päätelmien tekemisen järjestelmien tiedoista sekä monimutkaisen kokonaisuuden komponenttien käyttäytymisen ohjaamisen helpommin…
Stroke Cognitive Medical Assistant (StrokeCMA)
Stroke is the number two killer after heart disease since it is responsible for almost 10% of all deaths worldwide. The main problem with a stroke is a significant delay in treatment that happened mainly due to inappropriate detection of stroke symptoms or inability of a person to perform further necessary actions, and might cause death, permanent disabilities, as well as more expensive treatment and rehabilitation. Nowadays assessment of a stroke is done by human, following widely adopted FAST approach of stroke assessment. Since a human factor become one of the causes of treatment delay, offered solution will try to minimize this factor. Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Computing, Machi…
A framework for context-sensitive metadata description
Expectations regarding the new generation of Web depend on the success of Semantic Web technology. Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a basis for explicit and machine-readable representation of semantics. However RDF is not suitable for describing dynamic and context-sensitive resources (eg. processes). We present the Context Description Framework (CDF) as an extension of the RDF by adding a 'TrueInContext' component to the basic RDF triple ('subject-predicate-object'), and consider contextual value as a container of RDF statements. We also add a probabilistic component, which allows multilevel contextual dependence descriptions as well as presumes possibility for Bayesian reasoning wi…
Emotion Based Music Recommendation System
Nowadays, music platforms provide easy access to large amounts of music. They are working continuously to improve music organization and search management thereby addressing the problem of choice and simplify exploring new music pieces. Recommendation systems gain more and more popularity and help people to select appropriate music for all occasions. However, there is still a gap in personalization and emotions driven recommendations. Music has a great influence on humans and is widely used for relaxing, mood regulation, destruction from stress and diseases, to maintain mental and physical work. There is a wide range of clinical settings and practices in music therapy for wellbeing support.…