Risto Tornberg
Short communication: Landscape and season effects on the diet of the Goshawk
There are two general effects of habitat loss and frag-mentation of mature boreal forests (Schmiegelow &Monkkonen 2002). First, fragmentation by farmlandcreates stable structures such as permanent edge zoneswith enrichment of species diversity and density(Andren 1992, Berg & Part 1994). Secondly, modernforestry with clear-cuts creates sharp, unstable bound-aries between forest and open areas, usually with lesspronounced edge effects (Helle 1983, Schmiegelow &Monkkonen 2002). Considering the vast array of stud-ies on the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation onbird populations, relatively little attention has beenpaid to the role of predators, other than nest preda-tors, across different…
Breeding near heterospecifics as a defence against brood parasites: can redstarts lower probability of cuckoo parasitism using neighbours?
Breeding habitat choice based on the attraction to other species can provide valuable social information and protection benefits. In birds, species with overlapping resources can be a cue of good quality habitats; species with shared predators and/or brood parasites can increase joint vigilance or cooperative mobbing, while raptors may provide a protective umbrella against these threats. We tested whether the migratory common redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus) is attracted to breed near active nests of the great tit (Parus major), a keystone-information source for migrant passerine birds, or a top predator, the northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis). This system is unique to test these quest…
Degradation in landscape matrix has diverse impacts on diversity in protected areas.
Introduction: A main goal of protected areas is to maintain species diversity and the integrity of biological assemblages. Intensifying land use in the matrix surrounding protected areas creates a challenge for biodiversity conservation. Earlier studies have mainly focused on taxonomic diversity within protected areas. However, functional and especially phylogenetic diversities are less studied phenomena, especially with respect to the impacts of the matrix that surrounds protected areas. Phylogenetic diversity refers to the range of evolutionary lineages, the maintenance of which ensures that future evolutionary potential is safeguarded. Functional diversity refers to the range of ecologic…