Hannele Polku

Ikääntyneiden ihmisten elinpiirin laajuuden yhteys masennusoireisiin

Masennus on ikääntyneiden ihmisten yleisin psyykkinen häiriö. Masennukseen yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä on tutkittu paljon, mutta tutkimus on keskittynyt enemmän ikääntyvään yksilöön, kun taas ympäristön merkityksen tarkastelu on jäänyt vähemmälle. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, onko elinpiirin laajuudella yhteyttä ikääntyneiden ihmisten masennusoireisiin ja selittääkö liikkumiskyky, fyysinen aktiivisuus, sairauksien lukumäärä ja kodin ulkopuoliseen harrastustoimintaan osallistuminen tätä yhteyttä. Tutkimuksen aineistona käytettiin iäkkäiden ihmisten liikkumiskykyä ja elinpiiriä tutkivan ”Life-Space Mobility in Old Age” (LISPE) tutkimushankkeen aineistoa. Tutkimukseen osallistui 84…

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Additional file 3: of Hearing loss and use of health services: a population-based cross-sectional study among Finnish older adults

Table on the associations between self-reported hearing difficulty and health service use in older adults when accounting for missing data with maximum likelihood. Multivariable adjusted odds ratios (OR) for self-reported hearing difficulty explaining use of health services when accounting for missing data with maximum likelihood method (N = 2144). (PDF 6 kb)

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Additional file 2: of Hearing loss and use of health services: a population-based cross-sectional study among Finnish older adults

Table on health service use in older adults with (pure-tone hearing level > 25 dB) and without hearing loss. Age-sex adjusted proportions person with (N = 787) and without hearing loss (better-ear hearing level at frequencies 0.5–2 kHz >25 dB, N = 893) and multivariable-adjusted odds ratios for hearing loss explaining use of health services. (PDF 234 kb)

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Self-reported hearing difficulties and changes in life-space mobility among community-dwelling older adults: a Two-year follow-Up study

Background Life-space mobility reflects individuals’ actual mobility and engagement with society. Difficulty in hearing is common among older adults and can complicate participation in everyday activities, thus restricting life-space mobility. The aim of this study was to examine whether self-reported hearing predicts changes in life-space mobility among older adults. Methods We conducted a prospective cohort study of community-dwelling older adults aged 75–90 years (n = 848). At-home face-to-face interviews at baseline and telephone follow-up were used. Participants responded to standardized questions on perceived hearing at baseline. Life-space mobility (the University of Alabama at Birmi…

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Additional file 1: of Hearing loss and use of health services: a population-based cross-sectional study among Finnish older adults

Table on the associations between hearing loss and health service use in older adults when accounting for missing data with maximum likelihood. Multivariable adjusted odds ratios (OR) for hearing loss explaining use of health services when accounting for missing data with maximum likelihood method (N = 2144). (PDF 211 kb)

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Perceived Benefit From Hearing Aid Use and Life-Space Mobility Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults

Objectives: To examine the association between perceived benefit from hearing aid (HA) use and life-space mobility among older adults. Method: Cross-sectional analysis of 76- to 91-year-old community-dwelling adults ( n = 702). Data on perceived hearing with and without a HA were obtained via postal questionnaire and data on life-space mobility (Life-Space Assessment, range = 0-120) via phone interview. Results: Participants who perceived more benefit from HA use, had a better life-space mobility score ( M = 65, SD = 2.6) than participants who had less benefit from using a HA ( M = 55, SD = 3.2). Participants who benefitted more from HA use did not differ from those who did not have a HA (…

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Life-space mobility and dimensions of depressive symptoms among community-dwelling older adults

Objectives: To examine the association between life-space mobility and different dimensions of depressive symptoms among older community-dwelling people. Methods: Cross-sectional analyses of baseline data of the ‘Life-Space Mobility in Old Age’ cohort study were carried out. The participants were community-dwelling women and men aged 75–90 years (N = 848). Data were gathered via structured interviews in participants’ home. Life-space mobility (the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Life-Space Assessment – questionnaire) and depressive symptoms (Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale, CES-D) were assessed. Other factors examined included sociodemographic factors, difficul…

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Self-reported hearing is associated with time spent out-of-home and withdrawal from leisure activities in older community-dwelling adults.

Background Hearing difficulties are prevalent among older people and can lead to difficulties in social interaction. These difficulties may increase the tendency to remain at home and withdraw from leisure activities. Aims To investigate whether self-reported hearing problems are associated with time spent out-of-home and withdrawal from a leisure activity among older persons. Methods Cross-sectional and longitudinal data on 75- to 90-year-old community-dwelling men and women (n = 767) was used. Self-reports of hearing, diseases, and difficulty walking 2 km were obtained via home interviews at baseline, and withdrawal from a leisure activity via 1- and 2-year follow-up telephone interviews.…

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Hearing loss and use of health services : a population-based cross-sectional study among Finnish older adults

Background Older adults with hearing difficulties face problems of communication which may lead to underuse of health services. This study investigated the association of hearing loss and self-reported hearing difficulty with the use of health services and unmet health care needs in older adults. Methods Data on persons aged 65 and older (n = 2144) drawn from a population-based study, Health 2000, were analyzed. Hearing loss was determined with screening audiometry (n = 1680). Structured face-to-face interviews were used to assess self-reported hearing difficulty (n = 1962), use of health services (physician and nurse visits, health examinations, mental health services, physical therapy, he…

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Self-Reported Hearing Status Is Associated with Lower Limb Physical Performance, Perceived Mobility, and Activities of Daily Living in Older Community-Dwelling Men and Women

BACKGROUND: Poor hearing is common in older adults and it may have negative consequences which extend beyond communication. OBJECTIVES: To explore the associations of self-reported hearing problems with physical performance and self-reported difficulties in mobility and activities of daily living (ADL) in community-dwelling older adults. DESIGN: Cross-sectional cohort study SETTING: Community PARTICIPANTS: 848 men and women aged 75-90 years MEASUREMENTS: Structured face-to-face interviews to assess perceived hearing problems in the presence of noise, mobility difficulties (moving indoors, stair-climbing, 0.5 km walk and 2 km walk) and difficulties in ADLs and instrumental ADLs. The Short Ph…

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Hearing and Quality of Life Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults

Objectives Hearing loss is a common health concern in older people, and the prevalence of hearing loss increases with aging. Poor hearing may cause difficulties in everyday life situations and reduce quality of life (QoL). The aim of this study was to assess the associations between different domains of QoL (physical, psychological, social, and environmental), perceived hearing difficulties in various everyday situations, and audiometrically measured hearing level among community-dwelling older adults. Method Cross-sectional analysis of 76- to 91-year-old community-dwelling adults. Data on QoL (WHO Quality of Life Assessment short version) and perceived hearing difficulties were gathered vi…

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Hearing in Real-Life Environments (HERE) : Structure and Reliability of a Questionnaire on Perceived Hearing for Older Adults

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