Alexandra Carrasco González
Inclusive education from a service learning secondary education proposal
This project is an attempt to improve the academic inclusion of students in a group of curricular diversification of compulsory secondary education. The project to set up a children's theater show has made possible to put into practice the skills and stimulate learning: inclusion, coexistence, teamwork, equal opportunities. This experience has meant a meeting between formal and non-formal education and involving students in the reality of their environment. It has become an opportunity to involve students in their community and to foster intergenerational contact. The students participating in the experience show their satisfaction with the work done. Thus, they collaborated in the learning…
Tendencias privatizadoras del modelo de financiación de la educación superior en Europa. Propuestas de la Unión Europea y el análisis del acceso asequible.
The influence exerted by supranational organizations, such as the European Union (EU) in the configuration of educational policies, forces us to include the supranational sphere in the study of educational trends. A growing trend in the field of higher education is the increase in private investment and our objective is to measure its impact in recent years in the European context and if it puts at risk the affordable access to this educational level. To do this, in the first place, we analyze the different actions developed from the European Union on increasing private financing of higher education through various documents and work plans. Second, from the Comparative Education methodology…