Aronica Gt

Influenza della misura di verosomiglianza nello studio di incertezza nella modellazione afflussi deflussi di un bacino mediterraneo

research product

Affidabilita’ e analisi di incertezza nelle scale di deflusso di corsi d’acqua con caratteristiche di forte variabilità

research product

Analisi di incertezza nella risposta quali-quantitativa a scala giornaliera di un bacino naturale

research product

Effects of forest fires on flood frequency curves in a Mediterranean catchment

The effect of land-use change on the flood frequency curve (FFC) in a natural catchment is analysed. To achieve this, a simple methodology for the derivation of FFCs in land-use change scenarios is proposed. The adopted methodology, using a stochastic model in Monte Carlo simulation of FFCs, was found to provide a useful framework for detecting changes in flood magnitudes in both pre- and post-fire conditions. In particular, the importance of the antecedent soil moisture condition in the determination of the flood frequency distribution was analysed. The analysis of FFCs for pre- and post-fire conditions shows an increase in the average value of Curve Number and a decrease in the catchment …

research product

Valutazione dell'inquinamento diffuso in corsi d'acqua a carattere torrentizio

research product

Equifinality and uncertainty of the quali-quantitative response of a natural catchment

research product

Hydroclimatological characterisation of extreme events in Sicilian region finalised to describe regional hydrological patterns and to predict flood regime in ungauged catchments.

research product

Estimation of flood inundation probabilities using hydrodynamic indexes with uncertainty analysis

research product

Applicability of hydrological similarities measures based on linkage between rain and flood regime for regional flood frequency analysis in Mediterranean catchment.

research product

Analysis of the linkage between hydrological and climatic information finalised to descrive flood regime in Sicily.

research product

Uncertainty in Quali-Quantitative Response of a Natural Catchment on a Daily Basis

research product

On the influence of rainfall time resolution for the analysis of urban drainage systems (with uncertainty)

research product

A Regional Methodology for Deriving Flood Frequency Curves (FFC) in Partially Gauged Catchments with Uncertain Knowledge of Soil Moisture Conditions

research product

How different likelihood measures play a role in studying the uncertainty in the rainfall-runoff modelling of a mediterranean catchment

research product



research product