Victor Torres-company
Spectral coherence in microresonator combs
We provide a quantitative analysis of the coherence in microresonator frequency combs. We show how to achieve coherent transform-limited pulses on-chip without actively manipulating the pump setting conditions in the course of comb formation.
Comparative analysis of spectral coherence in microresonator frequency combs
Microresonator combs exploit parametric oscillation and nonlinear mixing in an ultrahigh-Q cavity. This new comb generator offers unique potential for chip integration and access to high repetition rates. However, time-domain studies reveal an intricate spectral coherence behavior in this type of platform. In particular, coherent, partially coherent or incoherent combs have been observed using the same microresonator under different pumping conditions. In this work, we provide a numerical analysis of the coherence dynamics that supports the above experimental findings and verify particular design rules to achieve spectrally coherent microresonator combs. A particular emphasis is placed in u…
Inverse dispersion engineering in silicon waveguides
We present a numerical tool that searches an optimal cross section geometry of silicon-on-insulator waveguides given a target dispersion profile. The approach is a gradient-based multidimensional method whose efficiency resides on the simultaneous calculation of the propagation constant derivatives with respect to all geometrical parameters of the structure by using the waveguide mode distribution. The algorithm is compatible with regular mode solvers. As an illustrative example, using a silicon slot hybrid waveguide with 4 independent degrees of freedom, our approach finds ultra-flattened (either normal or anomalous) dispersion over 350 nm bandwidth in less than 10 iterations.
Triply resonant coherent four-wave mixing in silicon nitride microresonators
The generation of multiple tones using four-wave mixing (FWM) has been exploited for many applications, ranging from wavelength conversion to frequency comb generation. FWM is a coherent process, meaning that its dynamics strongly depends on the relative phase among the waves involved. The coherent nature of FWM has been exploited for phase-sensitive processing in different waveguide structures, but it has never been studied in integrated microresonators. Waveguides arranged in a resonant way allow for an effective increase in the wavelength conversion efficiency (at the expense of a reduction in the operational bandwidth). In this letter, we show that phase shaping of a three-wave pump pro…
Space-Time Analogies in Optics
Abstract The so-called space-time analogy constitutes a source of inspiration to understand, engineer, and implement new systems for ultrafast optical signal processing based on concepts borrowed from the well-established field of Fourier Optics. In this review, we start by describing in a comprehensive manner the most basic notions of this analogy and discuss some recent developments with state-of-the-art technology, including the silicon-chip-based time lens and ultra-dispersive Raman devices, among others. Apart from the applications in optical communications, special emphasis is paid on the collateral benefits that the “ultra” appellative brings in fields as diverse as optical frequency…
Switching dynamics of dark-pulse Kerr comb states in optical microresonators
Dissipative Kerr solitons are localized structures that exist in optical microresonators. They lead to the formation of microcombs --- chip-scale frequency combs that could facilitate precision frequency synthesis and metrology by capitalizing on advances in silicon photonics. Previous demonstrations have mainly focused on anomalous dispersion microresonators. Notwithstanding, localized structures also exist in the normal dispersion regime in the form of circulating dark pulses, but their physical dynamics is far from being understood. Here, we report the discovery of reversible switching between coherent dark-pulse Kerr combs, whereby distinct states can be accessed deterministically. Furt…
Hot-cavity spectroscopy of dark pulse Kerr combs in microresonators
Kerr frequency combs are generated through cascaded four-wave mixing in high-Q microresonators [1]. These devices are pumped with a continuous-wave laser and modulational instability (MI) is responsible for the growth of the initial comb lines. Since it is easier to satisfy the MI phase matching condition in the anomalous dispersion regime, most studies on Kerr combs have focused on anomalous dispersion microresonators. However, coherent microresonator combs can also take place in the normal dispersion regime. In these combs, phase matching is attained with the aid of the mode coupling between transverse modes of the microresonator [2]. One particularly interesting comb state that operates …
Switching Dynamics of Dark Solitons in Kerr Microresonators
Dissipative Kerr solitons (DKS) are localized structures in optical resonators that arise from a double balance between dispersion and Kerr effect, and linear loss and parametric gain [1]. The periodic nature of DKS corresponds to frequency combs. DKS can be generated in high-Q microresonators for diverse applications, from coherent communications to precision frequency synthesis [1]. Most studies of DKS have focused on microresonator cavities operating in the anomalous dispersion regime, where the waveforms correspond to bright soliton pulses. Coherent microresonator combs can also be formed in the normal dispersion regime [2]. The time-domain waveform corresponds to a localized dark-pulse…
Spectral broadening enhancement in silicon waveguides through pulse shaping
Spectral broadening in silicon waveguides is usually inhibited at telecom wavelengths due to some adverse effects related to semiconductor dynamics, namely, two-photon and free-carrier absorption (FCA). In this Letter, our numerical simulations show that it is possible to achieve a significant enhancement in spectral broadening when we properly preshape the input pulse to reduce the impact of FCA on spectral broadening. Our analysis suggests that the use of input pulses with the correct skewness and power level is crucial for this achievemen This work was financially supported by the Plan Nacional Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación (I+D +I) under the research project TEC2008-05490, by…
Supercontinuum generation in silicon waveguides based on optical wave-breaking
We theoretically find the third order dispersion that optimizes the spectral broadening induced by optical wave-breaking. It produces supercontinuum spectra spanning beyond 2=3 of an octave in a silicon waveguide pumping at 1550 nm.
Inverse dispersion design in silicon waveguides
We present a numerical tool to find the cross-section geometry of silicon-oninsulator waveguides that leads to a target dispersion profile. In < 10 iterations, we achieve geometries providing ultraflattened dispersion over 350 nm bandwidth.
Optical encryption with compressive ghost imaging
Ghost imaging (GI) is a novel technique where the optical information of an object is encoded in the correlation of the intensity fluctuations of a light source. Computational GI (CGI) is a variant of the standard procedure that uses a single bucket detector. Recently, we proposed to use CGI to encrypt and transmit the object information to a remote party [1]. The optical encryption scheme shows compressibility and robustness to eavesdropping attacks. The reconstruction algorithm provides a relative low quality images and requires high acquisitions times. A procedure to overcome such limitations is to combine CGI with compressive sampling (CS), an advanced signal processing theory that expl…
Switching dynamics of dark-pulse Kerr frequency comb states in optical microresonators
Dissipative Kerr solitons are localized structures that exist in nonlinear optical cavities. They lead to the formation of microcombs - chip-scale frequency combs that could facilitate precision frequency synthesis and metrology by capitalizing on advances in silicon photonics. Previous demonstrations have mainly focused on anomalous dispersion cavities. Notwithstanding, localized structures also exist in the normal dispersion regime in the form of circulating dark pulses, but their physical dynamics is far from being understood. Here, we explore dark-pulse Kerr combs generated in normal dispersion optical microresonators and report the discovery of reversible switching between coherent dar…