María-francisca Abad-garcía

Mapping recent information behavior research: an analysis of co-authorship and cocitation networks

There has been an increase in research published on information behavior in recent years, and this has been accompanied by an increase in its diversity and interaction with other fields, particularly information retrieval (HR). The aims of this study are to determine which researchers have contributed to producing the current body of knowledge on this subject, and to describe its intellectual basis. A bibliometric and network analysis was applied to authorship and co-authorship as well as citation and co-citation. According to these analyses, there is a small number of authors who can be considered to be the most productive and who publish regularly, and a large number of transient ones. Ot…

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Scientific mapping of the research output on hypertension in children and adolescents, 2010-2018.

Objective The area of pediatric hypertension (HTN) research has seen substantial progress over the last two decades, but no bibliometric analysis has yet been undertaken to describe these advances. This study aims to describe the published research examining HTN in children and adolescents from 2000 to 2018. Methods Articles were retrieved using PubMed and the Web of Science. Analyses were performed to quantify the evolution of scientific output, identifying the leading journals, authors, and countries as well as the existing collaboration networks. Likewise, we identified the most cited articles, describing their document type, main topic focus, and the age of the patients studied. Results…

research product

Viabilidad de repositorios de biomedicina y ciencias de la salud en la Comunidad Valenciana

Se estudian las condiciones de autoarchivo de 3.495 trabajos publicados en 109 revistas que recogen el 50% de la producción científica de la Comunidad Valenciana en biomedicina y ciencias de la salud difundida en las bases de datos ISI (período 2000-2004). Se analiza el autoarchivado desde la perspectiva de la viabilidad de implantación de repositorios institucionales y temáticos de acceso abierto. La información se ha obtenido de la base de datos Romeo disponible en la web Sherpa. Las condiciones de autoarchivo son favorables para la implantación de repositorios institucionales ya que el 56,8% de los trabajos sería depositable inmediatamente, cifra que ascendería al 72% al considerar los d…

research product

Características y visibilidad de las revistas españolas de ciencias de la salud en bases de datos

Se describen las características de 207 revistas españolas de ciencias de la salud activas en 2014 y su visibilidad en seis bases de datos biomédicas y multidisciplinares. Scopus e Ibecs son las bases de datos que mayor número de revistas cubren, y Medline y WoS las que menos. La disciplina mejor representada es medicina, seguida de psicología, enfermería y farmacia. Se observa la práctica ausencia de revistas editadas exclusivamente en papel, la existencia de revistas publicadas en inglés, el aumento de versiones bilingües español-inglés y el acceso gratuito a los contenidos. El artículo incorpora el censo de revistas, que puede servir de referencia para los investigadores para selecciona…

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Information needs and uses: An analysis of the literature published in Spain, 1990–2004

This article presents a descriptive analysis of works published in Spanish journals and of the papers of conferences held in Spain in the field of information needs and uses in the period 1990–2004 in order to determine if the change in approach described by Dervin and Nilan, among others, also occurred outside the English speaking world. An analysis of the characteristics of relevant publications in this field (by year, authorship, type of document, type of work, and means of publication) shows that although activity is increasing, information needs and uses have not yet become a well-established area. In addition, a study of the content characteristics (by type of user, methodology used, …

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