Maria Dolores Pitarch-garrido

The Role of Geographic Technologies in the Measure of Spatial Equity. Twenty-First Century Solutions for Old Geographical Issues

In Western societies, the development of the Welfare State has been accompanied by the proposal of different models of spatial organisation that help to improve spatial equity, this being a priority object of all public policy because it clearly contributes to the achievement of a greater social cohesion. Geography has contributed, from Christaller to the present, to propose territorial models that help to optimise the location of activities and services, using spatial statistics and digital cartography. At present, the study of spatial equity is again receiving the attention of the academy, in particular as regards the provision of public services and facilities in urban and metropolitan a…

research product

Análisis de la percepción de la peligrosidad de inundación en el municipio de Tavernes Blanques (Valencia, España). Su papel en la valoración del riesgo / / / \ \ \ Analysis of flood hazard perception in the municipality of Tavernes Blanques (Valencia, Spain). Its role in risk assessment

Resumen: La Comunidad Valenciana alberga numerosas cuencas pequeñas de dinámica torrencial donde la ocurrencia de avenidas puede afectar a zonas urbanas. La alta ocupación de estas zonas y la baja percepción del riesgo por parte de las poblaciones contribuyen al aumento de la vulnerabilidad, suponiendo la amenaza un riesgo mayor para los grupos humanos. El presente estudio aborda el análisis de la percepción del riesgo de inundación por parte de la población de Tavernes Blanques (Valencia), municipio catalogado como de alto riesgo de inundación por la AVSRE. Para ello se lleva a cabo una encuesta a la población residente en el municipio, cuyos resultados muestran una baja percepción del rie…

research product

Vulnerabilidad Territorial y Accesibilidad a los Servicios de Proximidad para las Personas Mayores en la Ciudad de Valencia.

The increase in the average age of the population in Western societies is a reality that defines new parameters of coexistence as well as new social demands. In the case of the elderly, the services guarantee not only the care, in particular to the dependents, but also the company (loneliness). This article analyses the location and accessibility to these services, specifically day centres, municipal centres of activity and residences, in the city of Valencia, which is also of great interest for planning and public management. Emphasis is placed on the context of the most vulnerable neighbourhoods. The results indicate that there are clear differences according to the place of residence of …

research product