Berta Tubillejas-andrés
¿Puede la ópera sobrevivir a la amenaza del streaming? Un análisis desde el valor percibido
How emotional response mediates servicescape impact on post consumption outcomes: An application to opera events
Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine how emotions mediate the impact of a holistic servicescape -physical and social- on post-consumption outcomes in the performing arts. Partial Least Square (PLS) was conducted to test the mediation hypothesized relationships on a sample of 867 opera goers. The proposed research model was largely supported by the evidence, and the mediating role of emotions was confirmed. Servicescape influences direct and indirectly attendees' post consumption in opera given that emotions play a partial mediating role which is greater in the case of positive emotions. Based on the results, this study offers specific theoretical and managerial implications conc…