The rs1527483, but not rs3212018, CD36 polymorphism associates with linoleic acid detection and obesity in Czech young adults
AbstractRecent evidence has raised the possibility of the existence of a sixth taste modality – that is, taste for fat – which is mediated by lingual CD36 and plays a role in obesity. Consequently, the genetic polymorphism of CD36 has been shown to be associated with altered oro-sensory detection of dietary lipids. In the present study, we investigated the relationship between oro-sensory perception of linoleic acid (LA), two CD36 polymorphisms (rs1527483 and rs3212018), obesity parameters and craving habits for dietary lipids in young Czech adults. We also sequenced 5 and 6 exons of CD36 to trace out any new mutation that might be responsible for the difference in taste perception. We obse…