La Mantia T.

Uomini, altri animali, piante, razze e invasioni aliene: per un nuovo modello di sviluppo

C'è una grande confusione nela valutare il ruolo che le piante aliene invasive giocano nel ridurre la biodiversità. Vengono chiariti alcuni concetti spesso oggetto di mistificazioni.

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Nuovi dati biologici e geonemici su Lehmannia melitensis (Lessona & Pollonera, 1882) e Ambigolimax valentianus (A. Férussac, 1823) (Gastropoda: Limacidae) in Sardegna, Sicilia (Italia) e Gozo (Isole Maltesi)

Nuovi dati biologici e geonemici sono riportati per Lehmannia melitensis (Lessona & Pollonera, 1882) e Ambigolimax valentianus (A. Férussac, 1823). In particolare, vengono fornite nuove località siciliane di L. melitensis mentre A. valentianus viene segnalato per la prima volta nelle isole italiane di Sardegna, Sicilia e Pantelleria e nell’isola maltese di Gozo. Le due specie, a volte simili nella morfologia esterna, si distinguono con certezza solo attraverso l’esame degli organi genitali. New records from Sicily are provided for Lehmannia melitensis (Lessona & Pollonera, 1882). Ambigolimax valentianus (A. Férussac, 1823) is recorded for the first time from the italian islands of S…

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Fallow deer in Sicily: recent history, consistence and ecological role

The fallow deer extends far beyond its original range due to recurrent extinctions and reintroductions. In Sicily, the species became extinct in the 19th century and reintroduced at the beginning of 1980. Individuals were initially restricted to fenced areas, however, many escaped and began rapid colonization. Here we report fallow deer population estimations in two areas comprising the bulk of individuals in Sicily: the Madonie mountains and the Ficuzza Nature Reserve, and we discuss the potential impacts and solutions. The data we collected confirm that fallow deer populations are in marked expansion in both areas, particularly in the Madonie. Compared to their initial range, fallow deer …

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Laurenti S., Paci A.M., 2017. Avifauna dell’Umbria. Rassegna illustrata. 20° Check-list Ornitologica Regionale (1995-2015). Regione Umbria. Osservatorio Faunistico Regionale, Grafiche Diemme

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Cattle seed dispersal services and perspectives for management in a high biodiversity Mediterranean silvopastoral system

In Mediterranean traditional silvopastoral systems are composed mostly with oaks, with an overall lack of fleshy-fruited species, key elements in Mediterranean flora. A mixed composition may enhance biodiversity and diversify fodder for livestock, and at the same time guarantee higher resistance, resilience and a richer network of ecological interactions. Here we investigated the interactions of cattle and native fleshy-fruited species in a high biodiversity silvopastoral system inside the last large forest remnant in western Sicily, Italy. Along two fruiting seasons we used sampling transects covering the gradient from the forest to the pastureland and analyzed 132 cattle dungs, of which 4…

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La diversité des cultures agricoles dans les petites îles siciliennes

Il contributo tratta della diversità agraria delle piccole isole circumsiciliane.

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Il Castagno in Sicilia: una storia antica e poco nota

Diversi studi compiuti negli ultimi anni hanno messo in luce una lunga quanto sottovalutata tradizione nell’uso del legno in generale e di quello di castagno in particolare, in Sicilia e sue isole satelliti (Sala et al., 2020). Altre indagini hanno inoltre confermato le ottime qualità tecnologiche del legno di castagno siciliano (Cruciata et al., 2018; La Mantia et al., 2006a; Maggiore et al., 2006). Meno noto ma altrettanto interessante è l’uso prolungato delle castagne nell’alimentazione; i frutti venivano infatti consumati prevalentemente, ma non esclusivamente, nelle zone montane dell’isola. Insufficientemente esplorate appaiono tuttora anche la ricchezza genetica, così come il ruolo de…

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La certificazione PEFC di prodotti forestali non legnosi: il sughero in Sicilia.

La certificazione PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) è un sistema di valutazione della sostenibilità della gestitone forestale. Il sistema PEFC opera lungo tutta la catena di approvvigionamento forestale promuovendo le buone pratiche forestali e garantendo che il legname e i prodotti forestali non legnosi siano prodotti nel rispetto dei criteri degli standard ambientali e sociali. Numerosi studi dimostrano che la certificazione forestale, attraverso una maggiore consapevolezza di gestitone ambientale, determina una maggiore richiesta dei prodotti sul mercato. Nell'area mediterranea sono presenti circa 2,3 milioni di ettari di sughereta strettamente legati alla pres…

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Corrigendum to Soil microbial biomass and bacterial diversity in southern European regions vulnerable to desertification [Ecol. Indicat. 145 (2022) 109725] (Ecological Indicators (2022) 145, (S1470160X22011980), (10.1016/j.ecolind.2022.109725))

The authors regret the incorrect publication of legend for Table 1 and Table 3 in black/white in the original article. The complete legend for Table 1 and Table 3 with colours, indicating degree of significance, are presented below.

research product

The impact of winter flooding with saline water on foliar carbon uptake and the volatile fraction of leaves and fruits of lemon (Citrus limon) trees

We investigated the consequences of recurrent winter flooding with saline water on a lemon (Citrus × limon (L.) Burm.f.) orchard, focussing on photosynthesis limitations and emission of secondary metabolites (isoprenoids) from leaves and fruits. Measurements were carried out immediately after flooding (December), at the end of winter (April) and after a dry summer in which plants were irrigated with optimal quality water (September). Photosynthesis was negatively affected by flooding. The effect was still visible at the end of winter, whereas the photosynthetic rate was fully recovered after summer, indicating an unexpected resilience capacity of flooded plants. Photosynthesis inhibition by…

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The ancient urban agroforestry systems of the Conca D'Oro (Palermo, Italy) need protection to defend the city

The favorable environmental conditions together with the ancient agronomic practices, e.g. the irrigation systems introduced by the Arabs, have made the plain surrounding Palermo, known as Conca d’Oro, the unique agriculture landscape famous worldwide. Several tree and vegetable species have spread throughout in time but the new crops, instead of replacing the others, were often integrated exploiting the different heights of the tree canopies. The result was the creation of complex agroecosystems characterized by orchards with several layers of trees (as walnut, loquat, citrus) and empty spaces where the farmers cultivated vegetables. The grass fed the animals in the stables while manure wa…

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Bird abundance and richness in ten Mediterranean agroforestry systems

Since the last century agriculture is strongly promoting the simplification of the landscape. The LIFE Desert Adapt project is been developed across 1000 hectares in Italy, Spain, Portu-gal and has the objective of implementing integrative agroforestry-based land use planning and management, and one of the indicators to evaluate the project effectiveness is birds richness and abundance. Here we present the results of the first assessment and explore the relationships with the main vegetation cover types. We established 68 sampling points where we recorded bird abundance and richness. In total we registered 57 bird species, sampling points surrounded by woodlands presented 50 species, while …

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Notes on the status and the current spread of Viburnum tinus L. (Viburnaceae) in Sicily (Italy)

The authors carried out a multi-disciplinary research in order to clarify the native status of Viburnum tinus in Sicily and update the knowledge about its current regional distribution. With this purpose, a large amount of scientific papers on forestry, botany and palaeo- and archaeobotany was consulted; more useful data issued from papers focused on local historical gardens, from archives and from herbarium specimens. The available data suggest that most of the extant nuclei may issue from the recent colonization of plants introduced just few centuries ago. Although the status of the stands found in some warm and humid sites in the surroundings of the city of Palermo and on the Sicani Moun…

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Traditional use of wood in Sicily

The results of a multidisciplinary survey on the use of wood in Sicily are presented here. This research, based on a thorough review of the information available from numerous sources, mostly related to Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities, sheds light on the lasting, widespread and diversified use of many tens of woody species - native and cultivated - growing on the island. This work represents an initial contribution to a topic largely overlooked the national and regional literature concerning forest sciences and wood technology. Contrariwise, the very precise information available on the specific uses of wood from certain Sicilian woody species clearly testifies to the profound knowle…

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Olivicoltura a basso impatto ambientale per contrastare le variazioni climatiche

Olivicoltura a basso impatto ambientale per contrastare le variazioni climatiche in Life Olive4Climate come contribuire alla mitigazione dei cambiamenti del clima con lo sviluppo di una filiera sostenibile dell’olio extravergine

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Life Desert Adapt, la sfida ambiziosa contro la desertificazione ambientale.

Nel progetto la costruzione di modelli di sviluppo aziendale che adottano tecniche e misure di adattamento capaci di preparare le aree più a rischio.

research product

Are Sicilian forests at less risk of invasion by alien plants?

Climate change could facilitate the spread of invasive alien plants by making plant communities and individuals weaker and less competitive. Indeed, alien plants are generally more adapted to the rapidly changing environmental conditions that are being determined in the coming decades. Moreover, while alien plants have, until recent years, mainly affected synanthropic communities and man-made habitats, they are increasingly able to affect also more complex natural communities such as forests. The talk will show some Sicilian cases.

research product

Il ruolo delle precipitazioni occulte nella formazione e mantenimento della vegetazione forestale: il caso studio di Pantelleria

Le testimonianze storiche indicano per le isole circumsiciliane la presenza di floridi boschi che sono stati distrutti a seguito dei processi di deforestazione. In alcuni casi, dopo gli interventi di rimboschimento, la vegetazione riesce a ricostituirsi con difficoltà come a Lampedusa mentre in altri casi i processi di recupero sono molto rapidi. Un ruolo non indifferente viene svolto dalla presenza di piante in grado di diffondere propaguli ma anche dalle condizioni climatiche locali determinate sia dalla morfologia delle singole isole come, ad esempio, la presenza di rilievi montuosi, che dal particolare contesto oceanografico. I dati medi riportati dalle stazioni climatiche in termini di…

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Foreste e sistemi agroforestali siciliani

Le foreste e i sistemi agroforestali siciliani mostrano caratteri di assoluta peculiarità ed originalità, che sono il frutto della combinazione unica tra le millenarie attività umane, che hanno largamente e profondamente modificato i caratteri della vegetazione originaria, e la straordinaria eterogeneità ambientale del territorio regionale. L’interazione nel tempo tra queste due grandi forze motrici è alla base del rilevante patrimonio di diversità vegetale e animale che caratterizza la Sicilia. La naturale varietà di habitat disponibili e di conseguenti nicchie ecologiche presenti nell’intero territorio regionale ha favorito la diversificazione delle forme di vita e la speciazione, e quind…

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Brichetti P. & Fracasso G., 2018. The birds of Italy. 1. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Latina, Historia naturae (6)

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The transformation of agricultural systems into agro-forestry systems as a mechanism of adaptation to climate and economic changes: some Sicilian case studies

Many traditional agricultural systems show different limits both in ecological and economic terms. These limits are exacerbated by the increasingly extreme climatic conditions which in the southern regions are manifested essentially in a concentration of rainfall and in increasingly intense dry periods. As part of the LIFE (Desert Adapt) project, some companies involved in the project are modifying their cultivation systems without changing the land use destination. This appears possible by introducing elements of diversification which make the system more resilient as a whole but which guarantees safer economic resources. In particular, in the case of a "classic" agricultural company Calta…

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New and little known Cerambycidae (Coleoptera Chrysomeloidea) from Pantelleria Island (Sicily Channel, Italy)

Cerambycidae (Coleoptera Chrysomeloidea) nuovi e poco conosciuti dell’isola di Pantelleria (Cana-le di Sicilia, Italia).In questa nota riportiamo nuovi dati di due specie di Cerambycidae raccolte sul-l’isola di Pantelleria (Canale di Sicilia, Italia). In particolare, la presenza di Trichoferus holosericeus(Rossi, 1790) è confermata e Cephalocrius syriacus(Reitter, 1895) è riportato come nuovo record

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From the old agroforestry systems of the modern high-density olive groves: which Carbon sequestration?

Olive tree (Olea europaea L) represents one of the most important evergreen tree species. In Sicily agroforestry systems based on the olive tree, named traditional olive orchard, are common and often are grown together to other tree crops, such as vineyards, or with cereals or forages. This last are usually grown in the interspace between rows and particularly in olive groves were planting density is rather low (less than 200 trees/ha). To increase crop efficiency and to reduce costs of harvesting, by using proper machines, in the last 20 years in the olive industry have been developed new planting systems: Intensive (up to 400 trees/ha), and the Superintensive (up to 2000 trees/ha). Within…

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House martin Delichon urbicum

unusual breeding location

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Making smart use of woody alien plants

It is unquestionable that some alien woody plant species are a major issue for biodiversity conservation. However, being alien species generally adapted to warmer conditions than autochthonous/local ones, they could be particularly suited to cope with the new environmental and climatic conditions that are also forecasted in the coming decades in Sicily. This poses an issue that is not easy to deal with, whether trying to use these species for the advantages they could bring, for instance in the new reforestation activities, while avoiding them becoming a serious problem for biodiversity conservation in natural and seminatural areas. Here, we present three study cases of non-native tree spec…

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Variazioni delle comunità avifaunistiche, uso dell’habitat e loro ruolo nella costruzione dei sistemi agroforestali: il caso studio di Ficuzza.

Le comunità avifaunistiche degli agro e silvosistemi del sud Italia subiscono una forte variazione stagionale dovuta al passaggio dei migratori ma soprattutto allo svernamento di intere comunità. Anche se questo fenomeno è ben noto, in Sicilia poche sono state le indagini per cercare di quantificare in modo sistematico queste variazioni. La ricerca è stata realizzata in un’area eterogenea della Riserva Naturale Orientata del Bosco di Ficuzza coprendo il gradiente dal bosco verso le aree arbustive e pascolive, con gli obiettivi di valutare le variazioni stagionali di questa comunità e in particolare di effettuare una indagine sull’uso dell’habitat. Parallelamente è stata condotta un indagine…

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Quali sono le specie arboree a rapido accrescimento per la Sicilia?

A dispetto dell’uso diffuso massiccio della locuzione “specie a rapido accrescimento”, riferita a specie utilizzate per la produzione di biomassa, mancano ad oggi riferimenti certi che servano a definire le suddette specie. Si consideri, inoltre, che la locuzione è utilizzata, oltre che in articoli e testi tecnici, anche in testi che hanno carattere applicativo e/o costituiscono norme di riferimento come, ad esempio, le misure dei Piani di Sviluppo Rurale. Una definizione ormai datata della FAO (1967), riferita ai paesi in via di sviluppo, riporta: “Fast-growing species are considered as those capable of a mean annual increment of at least 10 cubic meters per hectare”. Nel frattempo, da qua…

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WILSON E.O., 2016. Metà della terra. Salvare il futuro della vita. Codice Edizioni, Roma, 230 pp..

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L'espansione delle specie legnose esotiche negli habitat naturali e seminaturali: un problema di gestione forestale attuale

Le specie esotiche invasive si diffondono soprattutto in aree antropizzate, dove riescono ad occupare spazi lasciati liberi dalle specie autoctone e dalle comunità da esse edificate. In questi ultimi anni, tuttavia, numerose specie arboree ed arbustive esotiche si stanno diffondendo in Italia, oltre che in ambienti disturbati, anche in aree naturali e semi-naturali. È questo il caso dell’ailanto (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle), una delle specie arboree esotiche invasive più diffuse e dannose negli ecosistemi forestali temperati e mediterranei di tutto il mondo. Dal punto di vista ecologico, l’ailanto mostra tutti i caratteri tipici delle specie pioniere arboree: rapido accrescimento i…

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Brichetti P. & Fracasso G., 2018. The birds of Italy. 1. Anatidae-Alcidae. Ed. Belvedere, Historia Naturae (6), Latina

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Can the certification of cork management agroforestry system in Sicily help to relaunch its future management?

The economic importance of cork oak forests is mainly attributable to the role of provisioning non-timber forest products. The history of human management of these cork oaks stands make them a perfect example of agroforestry system, which surface is totally included in the Mediterranean-climate zones with more than 2.3 million hectares. In Sicily, the surface covered by cork forests amounts to about 15,000 ha but the most of this area is not affected by cultural practices. The cultural abandonment of many cork oak stands threatens their survival because of the close link between the conservation of cork stands and its use for productive purposes. The abandonment reasons are related to poor …

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New data on Protaetia (Potosia) Opaca (Coleoptera Cetoniidae) from Pantelleria island (Sicilian Channel, Italy)

Gli autori segnalano la presenza di Protaetia (Potosia) opaca (Fabricius 1787) nell’isola di Pantelleria (Canale di Sicilia, Mediterraneo centrale, Italia). Essi inoltre forniscono ulteriori osservazioni tassonomiche, biologiche e sulla distrubuzione di questa specie. Protaetia (Potosia) opaca (Fabricius 1787) (Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea Cetoniidae) is here being reported for the first time from the island of Pantelleria (Sicilian Channel, Central Mediterranean Sea, Italy). Taxonomic, distribution and biological data on this species are presented.

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Increasing tree survival to facilitate the conversion of conventional systems to agroforestry systems using plant growing aids and plant-plant facilitation under climate change

Several global commitments have established a compromise to greatly increase the presence of trees in agricultural lands, fostering therefore the adoption of agroforestry systems and the destination of some areas for reforestation. Such tasks are challenging, particularly under the current climate change scenarios, and several studies have demonstrated a high risk of seedling mortality under harsh and extremely variable environmental conditions, calling for solutions that must increase the success and reduce the costs of growing a tree. In this study, inside the project LIFE Desert Adapt, we tested the effects of different types of growing aids such as shelters, mulching and innovative meth…

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La struttura spaziale della successione secondaria delle piante legnose in un pascolo mediterraneo

Negli ultimi decenni molte aree agricole e pastorali dell’Europa e del Mediterraneo sono state abbandonate o hanno subito importanti cambiamenti nell'intensità dell'uso antropico, determinando processi di successione secondaria a volte anche rapidi dopo secoli di attività agricola determinando in alcuni casi un forte cambiamento nelle proporzioni tra aree agricole e aree forestali in molti paesi tra cui l’Italia. Nonostante molti studi abbiano descritto gli aspetti fitosociologici e strutturali di questa successione secondaria in diverse aree del Mediterraneo, la maggior parte di questi studi sono stati condotti su larga scala, con pochi dati disponibili riguardo alla struttura spaziale svi…

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The role of the library of the faculty of agriculture (today SAAF Department ) in the knowledge of biodiversity and in the research activity of contemporary naturalists

The Faculty of Agriculture is one of the oldest faculties of Palermo University. Over its now long existence, the Faculty of Agriculture, today the Department of Agricultural, Food and Forest Sciences (SAAF) has accrued an immense heritage of books and journals. The history of this heritage, its origin and evolution are little known; however, it has been fundamental in contributing to our knowledge of a number of nineteenth-century naturalists and of many topics addressed in recent years. This article traces the history of the library; it includes a reconstruction of the many donations received over the years which have contributed to enriching this heritage and an analysis of the nineteent…

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Chemical composition of essential oils from Pantelleria Island autochthonous and naturalized spices and evaluation of their individual and combined antimicrobial activities

In this study, the antimicrobial activity of the essential oils (EOs) from Origanum majorana L. and Rosmarinus officinalis L. growing in Pantelleria (Sicily, Italy) were tested alone and in combination against some prokaryotic and eukaryotic food-borne pathogens. The chemical composition of the EOs as well as the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) against the most sensitive strains were also determined. Both EOs showed interesting antimicrobial effects against all bacteria and yeasts tested. MIC was in the range 1.25–2.50 µl/ml. Interestingly, O. majorana was particularly rich in thymol acetate, while carvacrol was present at very low percentages. Also R. officinalis EOs composition wa…

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Il ruolo del fico d’india nei processi di recupero spontaneo della vegetazione arborea in aree a rischio di desertificazione della Sicilia

In aree sensibili al rischio di desertificazione, individuare modalità appropriate per favorire il recupero delle dinamiche evolutive naturali, e la ricostituzione di ecosistemi e cenosi forestali in equilibrio con le condizioni macroclimatiche, è di estrema importanza. A seguito dell’intenso sfruttamento antropico dei secoli passati, infatti, vaste aree interne e marginali del Mediterraneo si presentano ormai del tutto prive di copertura forestale, sono fortemente suscettibili all’innesco di diffusi processi erosivi e sono interessate da dinamiche vegetazionali regressive. Per valutare il possibile ruolo ecologico giocato dal fico d’india (Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill.) nel promuovere di…

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Il paesaggio di Pantelleria è fortemente determinato dai fattori geografici e ambientali ma anche dalle modifiche apportate dagli agricoltori per rendere coltivabile l’isola. Gli elementi peculiari di questo paesaggio agrario sono il frutto della necessità di tesaurizzare l’acqua. Anche le tecniche agronomiche (scelta delle specie, forme di allevamento, …) sono finalizzate a consentire la coltivazione in un’area dove la piovosità è ridotta e la ventosità costante. Un aumento della temperatura avrebbe probabilmente effetti pesanti su questo antico ma precario equilibrio. Landscape of Pantelleria is determined from the geographic and environmental factors but also from the modifications broug…

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The role of dominant tree cover and silvicultural practices on the postfire recovery of Mediterranean afforestations

Fire is one of the major disturbance factors in Mediterranean-type ecosystems, where since long time man has deeply modified the natural fire regime. To know how woody species recover after fire is of prominent importance for understanding vegetation dynamics, as well as for the management of Mediterranean plantations, especially where broadleaved and coniferous trees coexist. Our research was carried out at Monte Petroso (Sicily), within an historical afforestation intervention in the Mediterranean basin. We assessed the post-fire response of mixed oaks and oak-pine afforestations within six experimental plots (two plots per homogeneous sector) differing in dominant tree species (Quercus i…

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