N. Prunier-leterme
Identification des déterminants génétiques impliqués dans les défenses du pois contre le puceron Acyrthosiphon pisum.
National audience; Le pois (Pisum sativum) constitue une culture d’importance majeure parmi les légumineuses pour ses qualités de plante protéagineuse, notamment en Europe en réduisant la part de protéines végétales importées ainsi que pour son rôle dans la rotation des cultures en fixant l’azote atmosphérique dans le sol. Cependant, ces dernières années, les rendements ont été rendus instables dus aux contraintes biotiques et abiotiques. Pour lutter contre certains ravageurs, les producteurs ont recours à de grandes quantités de pesticides qui sont coûteuses et dangereuses pour l’environnement et la santé humaine. Pour ces raisons, des alternatives sont mises en œuvre tels que le développe…
Seasonal photoperiodism regulates the expression of cuticular and signalling protein genes in the pea aphid
International audience; Seasonal photoperiodism in aphids is responsible for the spectacular switch from asexual to sexual reproduction. However, little is known on the molecular and physiological mechanisms involved in reproductive mode shift through the action of day length. Earlier works showed that aphid head, but not eyes, directly perceives the photoperiodic signal through the cuticle. In order to identify genes regulating the photoperiodic response, a 3321 cDNA microarray developed for the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum was used to compare RNA populations extracted from heads of short- and long-day reared aphids. Microarray analyses revealed that 59 different transcripts were signifi…
Phylogenetic evidence for hybrid origins of asexual lineages in an aphid species
International audience; Understanding the mode of origin of asexuality is central to ongoing debates concerning the evolution and maintenance of sexual reproduction in eukaryotes. This is because it has profound consequences for patterns of genetic diversity and ecological adaptability of asexual lineages, hence on the outcome of competition with sexual relatives both in short and longer terms. Among the possible routes to asexuality, hybridization is a very common mechanism in animals and plants. Aphids present frequent transitions from their ancestral reproductive mode (cyclical parthenogenesis) to permanent asexuality, but the mode of origin of asexual lineages is generally not known bec…
Host-based divergence in populations of the pea aphid: insights from nuclear markers and the prevalence of facultative symbionts.
In North America, the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum encompasses ecologically and genetically distinct host races that offer an ideal biological system for studies on sympatric speciation. In addition to its obligate symbiont Buchnera, pea aphids harbour several facultative and phylogenetically distant symbionts. We explored the relationships between host races of A. pisum and their symbiotic microbiota to gain insights into the historical process of ecological specialization and symbiotic acquisition in this aphid. We used allozyme and microsatellite markers to analyse the extent of genetic differentiation between populations of A. pisum on pea, alfalfa and clover in France. In parallel, we…
Aphids are the leading pests in agricultural crops. A large-scale sequencing of 40,904 ESTs from the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum was carried out to define a catalog of 12,082 unique transcripts. A strong AT bias was found, indicating a compositional shift between Drosophila melanogaster and A. pisum. An in silico profiling analysis characterized 135 transcripts specific to pea-aphid tissues (relating to bacteriocytes and parthenogenetic embryos). This project is the first to address the genetics of the Hemiptera and of a hemimetabolous insect.