Roland Oberhänsli
Age, geodynamic setting, and mantle enrichment processes of a K-rich intrusion from the Meissen massif (northern Bohemian massif) and implications for related occurrences from the mid-European Hercynian
The plutonic complex of the Meissen massif (northern margin of the Bohemian massif) comprises dioritic to mainly monzonitic and granitic rocks. The diorite to monzonite intrusions show major and trace element patterns typical for shoshonitic series. The chemical signatures of less crustally contaminated diorites are similar to arc-related shoshonitic rocks derived from continental lithospheric mantle (CLM) sources previously enriched by subduction of altered oceanic crust. Laser step heating 40Ar/39Ar analyses on actinolitic to edenitic amphiboles from geographically different occurrences of the monzonitic intrusion yielded concordant plateau ages as well as total gas ages ranging from 329.…
Crystal structure of SrMn2(Si2O7)(OH)2 H2O, a new mineral of the lawsonite type
Crystal with the composition SrMn 2 [Si 2 O 7 ](OH) 2 .H 2 O were found in a sugilite, serandite-pectolite rich sample from the Wessels Mine, Kalahari, South Africa. The crystal structure of the nex compound with space group Cmcm, a = 6.255(1), b = 9.034(2), c = 13.397(2) A, Z = 4 was determined from X-ray single-crystal data (R = 0.048). The structure is of the lawsonite type where Al is completely replaced by Mn 3+ and Ca by Sr. [Mn 3+ O 6 ] octahedra forming edge-sharing chains parallel to a exhibit a Jahn-Teller distortion with four short and two long Mn 3+ -O distances. Sr is in eight-fold coordination and H 2 O is disordered on a split position. Together with orientite, macfallite, ru…
Sorptionsverhalten von 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluol und 1,3-Dinitrobenzol an unterschidlichen Bodenmodellsubstanzen
In Batchversuchen wurden sechs Tone sehr geringen C org -Gehaltes und drei Sande mit 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluol- (TNT) und 1,3-Dinitrobenzollosungen (DNB) unterschiedlicher Konzentrationen versetzt und geschuttelt. Anhand der Ergebnisse dieser Versuche wurden Henry- und Langmuir-Adsorptionsisothermen erstellt. Bei den Tonen ergeben sich durchschnittlich um den Faktor 1,6 hohere K d -Werte fur TNT (0,4–1,8) gegenuber DNB (0,2–1,3). Die Sande zeigen diesen Effekt der starkeren Adsorption von TNT aufgrund ihrer geringeren reaktiven Oberflache und zum Teil durch den Einflus hydrophober Adsorption nicht. Die K d -Werte der Tone weisen eine positive Abhangigkeit von der K + -Ionenkonzentration und der …
Geochemistry, tectonic setting and geodynamic significance of late orogenic dikes in the Melibocus Massif, Bergsträsser Odenwald
The Melibocus Massif forms a tonalite pluton in the W’ Bergstrasser Odenwald, which is interpreted as part of a magmatic arc of Devonian to Carboniferous age. Dikes of various compositions intrude frequently this tonalite. Different dike-lithologies are associated with different strike directions. Most dikes show evidence of high-temperature shearing. A probable maximum paleostress direction of ca. 060° can be estimated, i.e. nearly parallel to the known Variscan subduction zone in the Northwest. Due to their ductile deformation under conditions around the Ar-closing temperature of amphibole, intrusion likely occurred during the Carboniferous (Mississippian). The gabbroic to dioritic dikes …
Eclogites within the Menderes Massif / western Turkey
Metagabbros in the core series of the Menderes Massif, for some time considered as post orogenic Miocene intrusives, revealed a strong poly-metamorphic history. The metagabbro bodies exhibit a pronounced zonation. Within their cores, igneous minerals are still preserved. Coronitic textures are interpreted as results of a high temperature, possibly granulitic overprint. The outer parts of the metagabbro bodies mostly consist of strongly to completely retrograded gamet-amphibo-lites, but occasionally contain relies of eclogites. Petrologic investigations confirmed a high pressure overprint and allowed preliminary P, T estimates (650 degrees C, equal to or greater than 1.3 GPa). The intensity …
Pan-African high-pressure metamorphism in the Precambrian basement of the Menderes Massif, western Anatolia, Turkey
The Menderes Massif is made up of Pan-African basement and a Paleozoic to Early Tertiary cover sequence imbricated by Late Alpine deformation. The Precambrian basement comprises primarily medium- to high-grade schists, paragneisses, migmatites, orthogneisses, metagranites, charnockites, and metagabbros. High-pressure relies in the Pan-African basement are divided into two groups: eclogites and eclogitic metagabbros. The mineral assemblage in the eclogites is omphacite (Jd 44)-garnet-clinozoisite-rutile. The eclogites occur as pods and boudinaged layers in the basement schists and paragneisses. Inclusions found in the cores of the garnets indicate a medium-pressure protolith. The eclogitic m…
Radial cracks around α-quartz inclusions in almandine: Constraints on the metamorphic history of the Oman mountains
Radiating tensional cracks around α-quartz inclusions in almandine have been observed in metapelite samples from the southeastern Saih Hatat tectonic window, northeastern Oman Mountains. These almandines show an inclusion-rich (glaucophane + epidote) and strongly deformed core with inclusions of different mineral phases. The rim of the same almandines is inclusion-poor and shows only quartz, apatite, zircon, rutile and BaAl phosphates as inclusions. Quartz and apatite inclusions in the rim are single crystals often surrounded by radial cracks. These radial cracks developed during uplift by the dilation of α-quartz (4–5 vol%) without a phase transformation. Subsequently, these cracks were fi…
Carboniferous granites on the northern margin of Gondwana, Anatolide-Tauride Block, Turkey - Evidence for southward subduction of Paleotethys
Carboniferous metagranites with U-Pb zircon crystallization ages of 331-315 Ma crop out in the Afyon zone in the northern margin of the Anatolide-Tauride Block, which is commonly regarded as part of Gondwana during the Late Palaeozoic. They are peraluminous, calc-alkaline and are characterized by increase in Rb and Ba, decrease in Nb-Ta, and enrichment in Sr and high LILE/HFSE ratios compatible with a continental arc setting. The metagranites intrude a metasedimentary sequence of phyllite, metaquartzite and marble; both the Carboniferous metagranites and metasedimentary rocks are overlain unconformably by Lower Triassic metaconglomerates, metavolcanics and Upper Triassic to Cretaceous recry…