Roberto Bernabeu-mora

Author_response_1 – Supplemental material for Patterns and predictors of low physical activity in patients with stable COPD: a longitudinal study

Supplemental material, Author_response_1 for Patterns and predictors of low physical activity in patients with stable COPD: a longitudinal study by María Piedad Sánchez-Martínez, Roberto Bernabeu-Mora, Jose Antonio García-Vidal, Josep Benítez-Martínez, Silvana Loana de Oliveira-Sousa and Francesc Medina-Mirapeix in Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease

research product

Reviewer_2_v.1 – Supplemental material for Patterns and predictors of low physical activity in patients with stable COPD: a longitudinal study

Supplemental material, Reviewer_2_v.1 for Patterns and predictors of low physical activity in patients with stable COPD: a longitudinal study by María Piedad Sánchez-Martínez, Roberto Bernabeu-Mora, Jose Antonio García-Vidal, Josep Benítez-Martínez, Silvana Loana de Oliveira-Sousa and Francesc Medina-Mirapeix in Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease

research product

Author_Response_3 – Supplemental material for Patterns and predictors of low physical activity in patients with stable COPD: a longitudinal study

Supplemental material, Author_Response_3 for Patterns and predictors of low physical activity in patients with stable COPD: a longitudinal study by María Piedad Sánchez-Martínez, Roberto Bernabeu-Mora, Jose Antonio García-Vidal, Josep Benítez-Martínez, Silvana Loana de Oliveira-Sousa and Francesc Medina-Mirapeix in Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease

research product

Author_Response_2 – Supplemental material for Patterns and predictors of low physical activity in patients with stable COPD: a longitudinal study

Supplemental material, Author_Response_2 for Patterns and predictors of low physical activity in patients with stable COPD: a longitudinal study byMaría Piedad Sánchez-Martínez, Roberto Bernabeu-Mora, Jose Antonio García-Vidal, Josep Benítez-Martínez, Silvana Loana de Oliveira-Sousa and Francesc Medina-Mirapeix in Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease

research product

Patterns and predictors of low physical activity in patients with stable COPD: a longitudinal study

Background: Despite the frequency and negative impact of low physical activity among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), little is known about how it persists and remits over time or the factors predicting new states of low physical activity. The aim of the study was to determine the probability of a transition between states of low and nonlow physical activity in a cohort of patients with stable COPD followed for 2 years. We also investigated different potentially modifiable factors to determine whether they can predict new states of low physical activity. Methods: We prospectively included 137 patients with stable COPD (mean age 66.9 ± 8.3 years). Physical activity…

research product

Patterns and predictors of exhaustion episodes in patients with stable COPD: A longitudinal study.

Background and objective Exhaustion is the perception of low energy. Little is known about how exhaustion persists, remits or reappears over time in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or how to predict these events. We determined the likelihood of transitions between states of exhaustion and no exhaustion among patients with stable COPD followed up for 2 years. We investigated combinations of potential factors for their abilities to predict new-onset exhaustion episodes. Methods We prospectively included 137 patients with stable COPD (mean age, 66.9 years ± 8.3). Exhaustion states were measured at baseline and 1 and 2 years later. Exhaustion was defined as an answer …

research product

Stability and Predictors of Poor 6-min Walking Test Performance over 2 Years in Patients with COPD

Poor performance in the 6-min walk test (6MWT &lt

research product

Patterns and Predictors of Recovery from Poor Health Status Measured with the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Assessment Test in Patients with Stable COPD: A Longitudinal Study

Recent recommendations for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) suggest that evaluation and management should focus on patient health status. Despite the frequency of poor health status and its negative impact on patients with COPD, little is known about how poor or non-poor health status persists and/or remits over time or what factors might predict recovery from a poor health status. The aim was to determine the likelihood of transitioning between poor and non-poor health status in patients with stable COPD followed for 2 years and to investigate factors that might predict recovery from poor health status. We prospectively included 137 patients with stable COPD (mean age, 66.9 yea…

research product

Reviewer_1_v.3 – Supplemental material for Patterns and predictors of low physical activity in patients with stable COPD: a longitudinal study

Supplemental material, Reviewer_1_v.3 for Patterns and predictors of low physical activity in patients with stable COPD: a longitudinal study by María Piedad Sánchez-Martínez, Roberto Bernabeu-Mora, Jose Antonio García-Vidal, Josep Benítez-Martínez, Silvana Loana de Oliveira-Sousa and Francesc Medina-Mirapeix in Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease

research product

Reviewer_1_v.1 – Supplemental material for Patterns and predictors of low physical activity in patients with stable COPD: a longitudinal study

Supplemental material, Reviewer_1_v.1 for Patterns and predictors of low physical activity in patients with stable COPD: a longitudinal study by María Piedad Sánchez-Martínez, Roberto Bernabeu-Mora, Jose Antonio García-Vidal, Josep Benítez-Martínez, Silvana Loana de Oliveira-Sousa and Francesc Medina-Mirapeix in Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease

research product

Reviewer_1_v.2 – Supplemental material for Patterns and predictors of low physical activity in patients with stable COPD: a longitudinal study

Supplemental material, Reviewer_1_v.2 for Patterns and predictors of low physical activity in patients with stable COPD: a longitudinal study by María Piedad Sánchez-Martínez, Roberto Bernabeu-Mora, Jose Antonio García-Vidal, Josep Benítez-Martínez, Silvana Loana de Oliveira-Sousa and Francesc Medina-Mirapeix in Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease

research product

Estructura y propiedades métricas de un cuestionario para medir discapacidad en las actividades de movilidad en pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (cuestionario DIAMO-EPOC)

Resumen Objetivo El objetivo del estudio fue adaptar un cuestionario de discapacidad en actividades de movilidad (DIAMO-EPOC) incorporando escalas basadas en el marco conceptual de la Clasificacion Internacional del Funcionamiento, Discapacidad y Salud, y examinar su estructura, fiabilidad y validez en una cohorte de pacientes con EPOC. Metodos Un total de 137 pacientes con EPOC estable fueron reclutados. Se disenaron dos escalas de cuatro items cada una y se verifico su estructura mediante analisis factorial y de multirrasgo. Adicionalmente, se calcularon los indices de fiabilidad (consistencia interna y test-retest). La validez de constructo se analizo mediante grupos conocidos y la conve…

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