Rodolphe Perchot

Stacking et discrimination : le cas de deux études en contexte virtuel

Resume A partir de la theorie du stacking, cette recherche vise a questionner les processus de discrimination mis en œuvre (couleur de peau et genre) en sport. Plus precisement, les deux etudes proposees montrent l’existence de biais de placement des joueurs, au basketball et au football. La premiere etude met en evidence une surrepresentation des basketteurs noirs aux postes non centraux et une surrepresentation des basketteurs blancs aux postes centraux (racial stacking). La deuxieme etude met en evidence une surrepresentation des footballeuses aux postes non centraux et une surrepresentation des footballeurs aux postes centraux (gender stacking). Les processus sont discutes en termes de …

research product

‘White men can’t jump in a black basketball game?’ An exploratory investigation of implicit strategies of outgroup discrimination

AbstractExamining the ‘natural’ athlete myth and utilizing the recent literature on cultural/social factors in athleticism and basketball, this study through survey research examines the influence of stereotypes on the impression formation of basketball players. The primary research question is to determine from a group of students the attitudes of basketball players in terms of how they evaluate white and black players in basketball. The purpose is to identify participants’ perceptions and their appreciation as to whether or not black are superior to white basketball players. The theoretical framework employed is articulated around the theory of social categorization and racial stereotypes…

research product

Le phénomène de racial stacking, où comment (ré)interroger les mécanismes de discrimination dans les pratiques sportives ?

National audience; Mes travaux s’articulent autour de la notion d’exclusion / d’inclusion, en lien notamment avec la question de l’appartenance catégorielle des individus et des relations intergroupes. Mon intervention s’intéressera plus spécifiquement au concept de racial stacking, c’est-à-dire à des faits observables de discrimination raciale repérés in situ. En lien avec ce phénomène, seront discutés le rôle de la catégorisation sociale dans le processus de discrimination, et l’impact des stéréotypes sur les individus et leur comportement.

research product

For a socio-psychological approach of the concept of racial stacking

AbstractResearch studies focusing on the relationships between team sports and socio- ethnicity have developed in the Anglo-Saxon literature since the 1970s. In particular the use of the concept of racial stacking confirms a growing interest in a more complex vision when it comes to player selection and positioning. In basketball, studies have identified that black players are overrepresented in the American professional basketball championships (NBA) and at the same time patterns of racial stacking exist as they are overrepresented at non-central positions. This research led to a survey of black players’ positions in the professional championships in France (Pro A basketball). Using social…

research product