K. F. Kreitner
Hypothenar hammer syndrome in sports
Repetitive blunt trauma or single severe trauma to the hypothenar region may lead to traumatic thrombosis of the distal ulnar artery (hypothenar hammer syndrome, HHS). In the sports-related literature we found and analysed isolated cases attributed to injuries sustained during sporting activities such as baseball, badminton, handball, football, frisbee, softball, karate, weight-lifting and hockey. Further, we report the case of an amateur golf player with ischaemic symptoms of his left hand, where angiography revealed filling defects in the digital arteries associated with a corkscrew-like configuration of the distal ulnar artery. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan demonstrated, at the l…
Die operative Therapie einer segmentalen, primären intestinalen Lymphangiektasie des Jejunums mit ausgeprägtem Chylaskos
Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia (PIL) is a protein-losing, exsudative gastroenteropathy causing lymphatic obstruction. Diagnosis depends on clinical examination and histological findings. Conservative treatment modalities include a low-fat diet and enteral nutritional therapy in order to reduce enteric protein loss and to improve fat metabolism. Other treatment options consist of administration of antiplasmin or octreotide to lower lymph flow and secretion. We report on a 58-year-old patient who underwent exploratory laparotomy due to a worsening physical status, recurrent chylaskos and leg oedema under conservative dietary therapy. Intraoperative findings showed a typical PIL of the je…
Quantification of Myocardial Blood Flow Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Different accelerated Pulse Sequences
The aim of this study was to compare SRTurboFLASH, SR-TrueFISP, and SR-segEPI pulse sequences using a twofold TSENSE-acceleration with regard to their use in quantification of myocardial blood flow (MBF). Six healthy volunteers were examined at 1.5T by first pass myocardial perfusion MRI at rest using all three TSENSE-accelerated pulse sequences. For absolute quantifi-cation of MBF XSIM software with the MMID4 model has been used. MBF analyses revealed significant MBF differences between SRTurboFLASH and SR-segEPI compared to SR-TrueFISP (p<0.005 and p<0.001, respectively). Differences between SRTurboFLASH and SR-segEPI were not statistically significant. The median MBF values for SR-TurboF…
914 Contrast enhanced live 3D echo in acute myocardial infarction determines accurate left ventricular wall motion and volumes compared to cardiac MR imaging
Radiologische Veränderungen nach Implantation zweier unterschiedlicher zementfreier Hüftschaftsysteme
PURPOSE: Of the study was to evaluate radiological alterations of the femoral bone after implantation of two different prostheses. METHODS: 81 patients with 87 hips underwent total hip arthroplasty by using the Zweymuller-stem fixating in the medullary canal, and 175 patients with 182 ABG-stems with a proximally fixating, anatomical design were followed up clinically and radiologically. RESULTS: Adaptive bone remodelling in Zweymuller-stems showed in some patients thickening of the cortex of the femur and proximal bone-stock loss; reactive lines were seen in the proximal areas surrounding the prosthesis. Radiographs of patients with ABG-stems showed these lines in the distal, smooth part of…