Juan Rueda


Dynamics of Ostracoda (Crustacea) assemblages in a Mediterranean pond system (Racó de l'Olla, Albufera Nat. Park) with focus on the exotic speciesCandonocypris novaezelandiae(Baird, 1843)

Coastal pond systems can account for a rich aquatic faunal diversity and complex functioning due to interplay between freshwater wetlands and marine influences. Within the large Albufera wetland Natural Park, Raco de l'Olla is constituted by a set of permanent and temporary ponds with strict protection level for migrating bird conservation. Its terrestrial faunal diversity and dynamics has been partially characterized in previous studies, but nothing was known about its ostracod communities. Benthic samples collected monthly for 1 year in 11 points through the pond system, together with limnological information, allowed establishing a sound knowledge on its ostracod community and population…

research product

Invasion biology in non‐free‐living species: interactions between abiotic (climatic) and biotic (host availability) factors in geographical space in crayfish commensals (Ostracoda, Entocytheridae)

In invasion processes, both abiotic and biotic factors are considered essential, but the latter are usually disregarded when modeling the potential spread of exotic species. In the framework of set theory, interactions between biotic (B), abiotic (A), and movement-related (M) factors in the geographical space can be hypothesized with BAM diagrams and tested using ecological niche models (ENMs) to estimate A and B areas. The main aim of our survey was to evaluate the interactions between abiotic (climatic) and biotic (host availability) factors in geographical space for exotic symbionts (i.e., non-free-living species), using ENM techniques combined with a BAM framework and using exotic Entoc…

research product

An alien ectosymbiotic branchiobdellidan (Annelida: Clitellata) adopting exotic crayfish: a biological co-invasion with unpredictable consequences

Invasive alien species present a global threat to biodiversity, particularly where pathogens and symbionts are involved. Branchiobdellidans are clitellate annelids with an obligate ectosymbiotic association primarily on astacoidean crayfish. There are several examples of branchiobdellidan species adopting a geographically exotic host where endemic and exotic crayfishes cohabit the same water body. The first records of a western North American branchiobdellidan, Xironogiton victoriensis , adopting the eastern North American crayfish, Procambarus clarkii , in 2 river basins in Spain provide further evidence of the ectosymbionts’ tolerance to adopt an exotic host. Given worldwide translocation…

research product

Primera cita de Culex interrogator (Diptera: Culicidae) para la Hispaniola y actualización del listado de mosquitos de Jarabacoa, República Dominicana

Desde que dio inicio el nuevo siglo, varios estudios sobre la culicidofauna de la Hispaniola han elevado el conocimiento de este grupo de artrópodos, muy relevantes desde el punto de vista médico y veterinario. En relación a la diversidad de la familia Culicidae, los hallazgos más recientes se han realizado en el municipio de Jarabacoa, República Dominicana. Con el objetivo de profundizar en la diversidad de los culícidos presentes en esta localidad montañosa de El Cibao, se procedió a la búsqueda de criaderos de mosquitos, sobre todo de origen natural, desde enero de 2018 hasta junio de 2019. La identificación de los especímenes se realizó mediante la utilización de lupa binocular y micros…

research product

Response of zooplankton to nutrient enrichment and fish in shallow lakes: a pan-European mesocosm experiment

1. Responses of zooplankton to nutrient enrichment and fish predation were studied in 1998 and 1999 by carrying out parallel mesocosm experiments in six lakes across Europe. 2. Zooplankton community structure, biomass and responses to nutrient and fish manipulation showed geographical and year-to-year differences. Fish had a greater influence than nutrients in regulating zooplankton biomass and especially the relative abundances of different functional groups of zooplankton. When fish reduced the biomass of large crustaceans, there was a complementary increase in the biomasses of smaller crustacean species and rotifers. 3. High abundance of submerged macrophytes provided refuge for zooplank…

research product

A new species of Cypris (Crustacea: Ostracoda) from the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, with comments on the first ostracod named using the Linnean system

19 páginas, 9 figuras, 3 tablas.

research product

The distribution of sexual reproduction of the geographic parthenogenEucypris virens(Crustacea: Ostracoda) matches environmental gradients in a temporary lake

Niche segregation may prevent competitive exclusion and promote local coexistence. This typically results in the occupation of different habitats. In the freshwater ostracod Eucypris virens (Jurine, 1820), the distribution of sexual and parthenogenetic populations in the temporary Lake Caracuel, central Spain, was not homogeneous. Parthenogens were found everywhere including the littoral, whereas sexuals were restricted to the centre. We investigated the hypothesis that spatial distribution responded to ecological differences. We studied the ecological significance of this segregation by linking environmental data to male presence, sexual fraction, ploidy, and genetic structure of our model…

research product

New contribution to the knowledge of two species of culicids inhabiting a mountainous rural area of Spain: Aedes (Rusticoidus) refiki (Medschid, 1928) and Aedes (Ochlerotatus) pullatus (Coquillett, 1904) (Diptera, Culicidae)

espanolEntre final de abril y principio de mayo de 2017, en un area de montana con altitudes superiores a 1.500 msnm, se capturaron dos especies de mosquitos (Diptera, Culicidae) poco comunes: Aedes (Rusticoidus) refiki y Aedes (Ochlerotatus) pullatus. Se recolectaron 626 ejemplares, con densidades larvarias mayoritarias de Ae. refiki (87%). Se describio una nueva asociacion larvaria entre ambas especies, hasta la fecha desconocida. Los culicidos se localizaron en un entorno habitualmente nevado en invierno, del Parque Natural del Alto Tajo (Guadalajara, Comunidad de CastillaLa Mancha) y en los Montes Universales (Teruel, Comunidad Auto- noma de Aragon). En consecuencia, se presentan como p…

research product

Effects of the temporal scale of observation on the analysis of aquatic invertebrate metacommunities

The development of metacommunity theory has boosted the implementation of numerous empirical tests with field data, mostly focused on the role of spatial and environmental gradients on metacommunity organization. These studies showed an important dependence of the results on the observational scale considered, i.e., spatial grain, sampling spacing, and extent. However, few works deal with time per se as a component explaining metacommunity structure, even when data from periodic sampling are available. We suggest adding time explicitly to metacommunity analysis, but taking into account that the temporal scale of observation could affect the estimation of the relative influence of environmen…

research product

Metacommunities from bacteria to birds: stronger environmental selection in mediterranean than in tropical ponds

AbstractThe metacommunity concept provides a theoretical framework that aims at explaining organism distributions by a combination of environmental filtering, dispersal and drift. With the development of statistical tools to quantify and partially isolate the role of each of these processes, empirical metacommunity studies have multiplied worldwide. However, few works attempt a multi-taxon approach and even fewer compare two distant biogeographical regions using the same methodology. Under this framework, we tested the expectation that temperate (mediterranean-climate) pond metacommunities would be more influenced by environmental and spatial processes than tropical ones, because of stronge…

research product

Artificial dam lakes as suitable habitats for exotic invertebrates: Ostracoda ecology and distribution in reservoirs of the Eastern Iberian Peninsula

Reservoirs are the most common deep lakes in Spain, as a consequence of water needs and dry climate. Although these aquatic systems can play an important ecological role in such an area with few large natural lakes, they can also provide new habitats for exotic species, which can colonize ecosystems that native species have not explored yet. Here we present our results for a biannual survey of the ostracod fauna from 24 reservoirs in Xuquer River basin. We check which variables affect ostracod presence, test for differences between winter and summer assemblages, and compare our data with previous available ostracod records from the same river drainage network. Our results reveal that ostrac…

research product

Rice fields as facilitators of freshwater invasions in protected wetlands: the case of Ostracoda (Crustacea) in the Albufera Natural Park (E Spain)

Background: Previous studies have identified rice fields in the Mediterranean region as ‘hot spots’ for the introduction of alien freshwater organisms. Consequently, special attention should be paid when rice fields are located inside or near protected areas for the conservation of native, endangered species. To analyse the relationship between rice field environmental traits and the ecology of aquatic invaders, a study of zoobenthic communities was carried out in JulySeptember 2008 and May-August 2009 in ten rice fields located in the Albufera Natural Park (E Spain), with focus on Ostracoda. Results: A total of nine ostracod species were found including four considered exotic: Candonocypri…

research product

The role of watercourse versus overland dispersal and niche effects on ostracod distribution in Mediterranean streams (eastern Iberian Peninsula)

Abstract The processes behind the heterogeneous distribution of species involve a combination of environmental and spatial effects. In the spatial context, stream networks constitute appropriate systems to compare the relative importance of two dispersal modes in aquatic organisms: overland and watercourse dispersal. In the present study, we analyzed the distribution of ostracod species in a river network in the eastern Iberian Peninsula, with variation partitioning between environmental and spatial factors, using Moran and Asymmetric Eigenvector Maps (MEMs, AEMs) as spatial variables. Our aims were to determine the relative importance of environmental and spatial control and to compare the…

research product

Environment and Space Rule, but Time also Matters for the Organization of Tropical Pond Metacommunities

Metacommunities are dynamic systems, but the influence of time independently of environmental change in their configuration has been rarely considered. Temporary ponds are excellent ecosystem models, as they have well-defined boundaries in time and space; their communities are relatively isolated through a landscape matrix, and the progress of time leads to major changes through ecological succession and in habitat suitability related to hydroperiod dynamics. Therefore, strong temporal effects are expected to influence their metacommunity structure. We surveyed 30 temporary ponds along the dry tropical region of western Costa Rica and Nicaragua at three different moments of their hydroperio…

research product

Diversidad de mosquitos (Diptera: Culicidae) de Jarabacoa, República Dominicana

En República Dominicana tienen especial interés, dada su gran relevancia médica, las enfermedades transmitidas por mosquitos. La presente investigación profundiza sobre la diversidad de los culícidos existentes en el municipio de Jarabacoa, a fin de actualizar la información sobre estos dípteros y sus principales sitios de cría, naturales y artificiales. Para tal cometido, se procedió a la búsqueda activa de formas preimaginales mediante la técnica del dipper; se utilizaron pipetas plásticas para muestrear en reservorios de pequeño tamaño. La identificación se llevó a cabo mediante la utilización de lupa binocular y microscopio, con la ayuda de claves taxonómicas específicas. Se capturaron …

research product

Macroinvertebrate communities in sediment and plants in coastal Mediterranean water bodies (Central Iberian Peninsula).

Sediment and plant-associated macroinvertebrates were sampled in six shallow water bodies along the central part of the coast of Mediterranean Spain. The size of ponds, salinity and hydroperiod were highly variable. Seventy-one taxa were recorded, some of them were endemic or uncommon species, evidencing the important contribution of these ponds to biodiversity. Crustaceans and gastropods of biogeographical interest were found in the most primeval site. Correspondence analysis showed that macroinvertebrate assemblages responded to environmental variables such as salinity, temporality and eutrophication. The brackish water fauna was dominated by crustaceans, while oligochaeta and insect larv…

research product

Contribution to the knowledge of the mosquitoes in the Devesa of Racó de l Olla, Albufera Natural Park of Valencia (Spain)

[ES] Se presenta una recopilación de los resultados de varios proyectos, desarrollados entre los años 2004 y 2015, sobre la presencia de los mosquitos de la familia Culicidae en el entorno de la Devesa y el Racó de l¿Olla del Parque Natural de l¿Albufera de Valencia (España). Se registró un total de 10 especies pertenecientes a cinco géneros (Aedes, Coquillettidia, Culex, Culiseta y Ochlerotatus), alguno de estos muy característicos de los ambientes donde fueron recolectados. Se tratan diferentes aspectos sobre la diversidad de culícidos, así como del interés ecológico y sanitario de la presencia de los mismos. Destacamos la existencia de la especie Aedes albopictus (Skuse, 1894) en un espa…

research product

Effects of migratory status and habitat on the prevalence and intensity of infection by haemoparasites in passerines in eastern Spain

Efectos del estatus migratorio y del tipo de habitat sobre la prevalencia y la intensidad de la infeccion por hemoparasitos en paseriformes en el este de Espana La peninsula iberica es un sitio idoneo para estudiar los efectos de la condicion migratoria en la prevalencia de hemoparasitos en comunidades de aves, dado que convergen poblaciones residentes locales con especies migratorias y abundantes poblaciones de vectores. En este trabajo examinamos la incidencia de hemoparasitos presentes en aves de tres localidades de la region mediterranea (este de Espana), con respecto del estatus migratorio. Examinamos 333 frotis sanguineos de 11 especies, y encontramos una prevalencia global del 9,6%. …

research product

Loss of Ostracoda biodiversity in Western Mediterranean wetlands

1. The coastal area of Valencia (Spain) in the Western Mediterranean is rich in freshwater and brackish wetlands. These areas are mostly protected for bird conservation but are also highly affected by human impacts. Six shallow lakes located in Ramsar wetland sites of this area were studied in order to assess past and present ostracod biodiversity and relate it to the status of the lakes, taking into consideration the indicator value of these easily fossilizable crustaceans. 2. In all the wetlands studied, ostracod taphocoenoses showed much higher species richness than the corresponding biocoenoses. This is expected from the time accumulative character of the taphocoenosis, but the trend is…

research product

Mesocosm experiments on nutrient and fish effects on shallow lake food webs in a Mediterranean climate

Summary 1. Nutrient and fish manipulations in mesocosms were carried out on food-web interactions in a Mediterranean shallow lake in south-east Spain. Nutrients controlled biomass of phytoplankton and periphyton, while zooplankton, regulated by planktivorous fish, influenced the relative percentages of the dominant phytoplankton species. 2. Phytoplankton species diversity decreased with increasing nutrient concentration and planktivorous fish density. Cyanobacteria grew well in both turbid and clear-water states. 3. Planktivorous fish increased concentrations of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP). Larger zooplankters (mostly Ceriodaphnia and copepods) were significantly reduced when fish wer…

research product

Responses of phytoplankton to fish predation and nutrient loading in shallow lakes: a pan-European mesocosm experiment

1. The impacts of nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) and planktivorous fish on phytoplankton composition and biomass were studied in six shallow, macrophyte-dominated lakes across Europe using mesocosm experiments. 2. Phytoplankton biomass was more influenced by nutrients than by densities of planktivorous fish. Nutrient addition resulted in increased algal biomass at all locations. In some experiments, a decrease was noted at the highest nutrient loadings, corresponding to added concentrations of 1 mg L1 P and 10 mg L1 N. 3. Chlorophyll a was a more precise parameter to quantify phytoplankton biomass than algal biovolume, with lower within-treatment variability. 4. Higher densities of pla…

research product

Global distribution of Fabaeformiscandona subacuta: an exotic invasive Ostracoda on the Iberian Peninsula?

Although exotic species of Ostracoda have been recorded from various sites in Europe, none of them have a widespread European distribution. Reviews of existing literature, examination of specimens, and sampling in Spain and Japan has greatly expanded the known distribution of the candonid ostracode Fabaeformiscandona subacuta (Yang, 1982). We herein present new reports of its presence in mainland eastern Asia, Australia, and South America, and we review its distribution on the Iberian Peninsula. Although this species is globally widespread, we hypothesize that it is an invasive species on the Iberian Peninsula in light of the following facts: it is not known from other European countries, i…

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An annotated checklist of the leech (Annelida: Hirudinida) species of the Moulouya River basin, Morocco, with several new distribution records and a historical overview

A historical overview of the leech fauna of Morocco, based on both literature data, museum collections and new material, sampled in more than 100 sites in the Moulouya River basin (eastern region of Morocco), is provided. Twenty species from five families and ten genera are currently known, of which Helobdella europea Kutschera, 1987, is a new record for the country and North Africa as a whole. Herein, we add many new distribution records. The current list will need to be revised as new species distributions are recorded in the region. Notes on the species distribution are given along with comments on their habitat preferences. A concise biogeographic analysis outlines the similarities in t…

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