Natalia Gimeno-clemente
La técnica del ganglio centinela en pacientes con melanoma
Resumen Introduccion y objetivos Actualmente existe un aumento mundial de la incidencia de melanoma. Su pronostico depende entre otros factores de la existencia de metastasis en los ganglios linfaticos regionales. La realizacion de la biopsia del ganglio centinela persigue la identificacion de metastasis ganglionares subclinicas como factor pronostico de la enfermedad. El presente estudio tiene por objetivo estudiar las diferencias entre los pacientes con melanoma, positivos y negativos a la biopsia del ganglio centinela, y analizar el impacto de esta tecnica en su pronostico. Material y metodos Se realizo biopsia del ganglio centinela a los pacientes con melanomas de espesor Breslow ≥1 mm …
Unemployment and pregnancy outcomes: a study within the Danish National Birth Cohort.
Aims: To explore the relation between employment status, type of unemployment and pregnancy outcomes. Methods: A cohort study of 7,282 pregnancies of unemployed women and 56,014 pregnancies among women in paid jobs was performed within the Danish National Birth Cohort. Pregnancy outcomes were ascertained and information about lifestyle, occupational, medical, and obstetric factors was obtained. Logistic regression was used to calculate odds ratios (OR) for fetal loss, congenital anomalies, multiple births, sex ratio, preterm and very preterm birth and small for gestational age status, adjusting for lifestyle, medical and obstetric factors. Results: There were no differences in pregnancy out…
Oral and dental health of non-institutionalized elderly people in Spain.
With aging of the populations, the oral health and hygiene of elderly people has become an important public health issue. In this cross-sectional study we investigated the prevalence of tooth decay and other periodontal diseases in a representative cohort of 480 non-institutionalized adults ≥65 years from the province of Valencia, Spain. Using a World Health Organization standard for an adult oral survey methodology, we obtained data on remnant teeth with the decayed, missing and filled teeth (DMFT) index, a Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs (CPTIN), attachment loss, and temporo-mandibular articulation (TMA) status. The prevalence of these conditions were compared by age and ge…
[Genetic and environmental contributions to body mass index in a Spanish adolescent twin sample].
Background and objective: Twin and family studies support large genetic influences on variability in body mass index (BMI), with heritability estimates ranging from 47% to over 90%. Our objective was to study the relative contributions of genetics and environment to BMI, evaluating sex differences, in an adolescent twin sample from Valencia, Spain. Material and methods: Five hundred eighty-four pairs of adolescent twins between 13 and 18 years of age completed the study (82 monozygotic [MZ] and 87 dizygotic [DZ] pairs of male twins, 118 MZ and 102 DZ pairs of female twins, and 195 opposite-sex pairs of DZ twins). To determine zygosity, teachers responded a questionnaire on physical similari…
Attitudes towards change mediate the effect of dissociation on psychopathological outcome in the treatment of eating disorders.
Objectives The study aimed to examine whether dissociation and attitudes towards change were associated with the psychopathology in patients with eating disorders (EDs) at 1-year follow-up. Method The study included 110 females with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa (48 and 62 respectively). At the beginning of the study and 1 year later, they were assessed by means of the following questionnaires: Dissociative Experiences Scale, Attitudes Towards Change (ACTA), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Beck Depression Inventory, Eating Attitude Test, Bulimic Investigatory Test Edinburgh and Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ). Results No statistically significant difference…
Obesity and overweight prevalences in rural and urban populations in East Spain and its association with undiagnosed hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus: a cross-sectional population-based survey
Abstract Background An increase in the number of overweight and obese subjects in the general population has been observed. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of overweight and obese subjects in the general population and its association with undiagnosed pathologies, such as diabetes mellitus [DM] and hypertension [HT], by taking age, gender and place of residence [rural or urban] into account. Findings A cross-sectional population-based survey was conducted in Castellón, East Spain in 2005–2006. The sample included 2,062 participants aged 18–94 years. Weight, height, blood pressure and glycaemia values were recorded, and information about gender, age and place of residen…
Genetic and environmental contributions to perfectionism and its common factors
Abstract The aims of this study: (1) To evaluate the relative contributions of genetics and environment to perfectionism and it's two constructs: self-oriented, and socially prescribed perfectionism. (2) To clarify genetic and environmental common origins of both personal and social components. Methods: Participants were 258 pairs of adolescent Spanish twins. Socially prescribed and self-oriented perfectionism were assessed using the perfectionism subscale of the Eating Disorder Inventory. Statistics: univariate and bivariate twin models, according to sex. Results; Heritability of self-oriented perfectionism was 23% in boys and 30% in girls, and of socially prescribed perfectionism 39% in b…
Influencias genéticas y ambientales en rasgos psicológicos y actitudes alimentarias en una población escolar española
Resumen Introduccion La heredabilidad de los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria, como la anorexia nerviosa y la bulimia nerviosa, se ha estimado alrededor del 22% al 62%. El objetivo del presente trabajo es determinar la influencia de los factores geneticos y ambientales que contribuyen en la expresion de los factores psicologicos medidos a traves del Eating Disorders Inventory , en funcion del sexo, en adolescentes de la Comunidad Valenciana (Espana). Material y metodos Quinientas ochenta y cuatro parejas de gemelos de 13 a 18 anos de edad. Para determinar la cigosidad los profesores rellenaron un cuestionario de similitud fisica. Se aplicaron las subescalas del Eating Disorders Invento…
Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Patients With Melanoma
Abstract Introduction and objectives The incidence of melanoma is currently increasing worldwide. One of the factors influencing disease prognosis is the presence of regional lymph node metastases. Sentinel lymph node biopsy attempts to identify subclinical lymph node metastasis as a prognostic factor in the disease. The aim of this study was to analyze differences between patients with melanoma for whom positive or negative results were obtained in sentinel lymph node biopsy and to assess the impact of the technique on disease prognosis. Material and methods Sentinel lymph node biopsy was carried out in patients with melanoma of the following characteristics: Breslow thickness ≥1mm, Breslo…
Genetic and environmental influences on psychological traits and eating attitudes in a sample of Spanish schoolchildren.
Introduction: The heritability of eating disorders has been estimated to range from 22% to over 62%.The aim of this study is to determine the relative influence of genetics and environment that contribute to the drive for thinness, body dissatisfaction, perfectionism, and ineffectiveness, by evaluating sex differences in a sample of adolescent twins from Valencia, Spain. Material and methods: Five hundred eighty-four pairs of adolescent twins between 13 and 18 years of age completed the study. To determine zygosity, teachers responded to a questionnaire on physical similarity. Psychological traits of eating disorders were assessed with four sub-scales of the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI);…
Long-term characterization of trihalomethane levels in drinking water
Water chlorination leads to the formation of trihalomethanes (THM). In this case study, the levels of THM during the chlorination process of the drinking water in Valencia (Spain) were determined over a 12-year period. Different control areas and points were strategically sampled and samples were analyzed by gas chromatography. Temporal tendencies, as well as spatial and seasonal variations, were established. The individual distribution of THM was also evaluated. Factors such as distances from chlorination points and inter-month seasonal distribution, including ambient temperature effect, were assessed. The range of total THM concentrations measured in the water network goes from 4 to 184 µ…
Risk of infection and adverse outcomes among pregnant working women in selected occupational groups: A study in the Danish National Birth Cohort
Abstract Background Exposure to infectious pathogens is a frequent occupational hazard for women who work with patients, children, animals or animal products. The purpose of the present study is to investigate if women working in occupations where exposure to infections agents is common have a high risk of infections and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Methods We used data from the Danish National Birth Cohort, a population-based cohort study and studied the risk of Infection and adverse outcomes in pregnant women working with patients, with children, with food products or with animals. The regression analysis were adjusted for the following covariates: maternal age, parity, history of miscarri…