Anu Mustonen

When cooler heads prevail: peacemakers in a sports riot.

Male sports fans (N = 74) were asked to estimate the likelihood that they would intervene in a crowd disturbance in an attempt to stop the fighting. They also completed a battery of measures that included their attitude toward law and order, fight history, the false consensus effect, impulsivity, psychopathy, sensation seeking, anger, physical aggression and identification with their favorite team. Law and order, body mass, anger and the false consensus effect were positively related to peacemaking whereas sensation seeking was negatively related. A multiple regression analysis yielded a solution that accounted for 32.3% of the variance with anger and attitude toward law and order emerging …

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Suhteissa mediaan

Miten vihaa puretaan internetin chat-huoneissa? Kuka fanittaa koulumurhaajaa? Miten ihmisiä voitaisiin tukea mediasuhteissaan? Entä miten media voi toimia yhteiskunnallisen osallistumisen resurssina? Sirkku Kotilaisen toimittama artikkelikokoelma Suhteissa mediaan vastaa yllä oleviin kysymyksiin ja pyrkii herättämään uusia kysymyksiä. Artikkeleissa tehdään kurkistuksia mediasuhteisiin, erityisesti käyttäjien ja kuluttajien vuorovaikutukseen median kanssa. Yleisöyden lisäksi esillä on myös median tuotannon ja tekijöiden näkökulmia. Erilaiset viestimet tarjolla olevine sisältöineen ovat tulleet osaksi arkeamme. Varsinkin lisääntynyt internetin käyttö on pakottanut meidät määrittämään toimijas…

research product

Peacemakers: those who would intervene to quell a sports riot

Abstract Male spectators ( N = 129) attending a Finnish ice hockey game were asked to indicate their response to a fight erupting nearby in the stands. Fully 61.1% indicated they would watch, 26.2% would try to stop the fight, 5.6% would leave the area, 4.7% would encourage the fighters and 2.4% would join in. Peacemakers were compared with onlookers and found to be less physically aggressive. However, they were equally angry, impulsive and had equivalent histories of fighting. Compared with a category of troublemakers, peacemakers were less aggressive, angry and impulsive, and were taller.

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Mihin tähtäät, nursing-ohjelma?

Tässä artikkelissa pohditaan, millainen ammattikorkeakoulujen hoitoalan englanninkielinen tutkinto-ohjelma on suomen kielen oppimisen näkökulmasta. Artikkeli pohjautuu asiasta tehtyyn taustatutkimukseen, omiin kokemuksiimme kansainvälisille hoitoalan opiskelijoille suunnattujen suomen kurssien opettajina sekä opiskelijoilta saatuun palautteeseen. Haluamme nostaa esiin kysymyksen siitä, mikä on ammattikorkeakoulujen englanninkielisten hoitoalan tutkinto-ohjelmien tavoite. nonPeerReviewed

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Media violence and its audience

research product

Aggression in television programs in Finland

A detailed coding system was constructed to study the frequency and salience of aggression in TV programs broadcast on Finnish television. Salience of aggression was measured by the brutality index which consisted of ratings concerning the 1) program context, 2) seriousness, 3) justification, and 4) dramatization of aggressive acts. When compared to previous studies of TV-violence, the rate of aggression in Finnish TV was moderate with 3.5 aggressive acts per program hour. Only 14% of aggressive acts portrayed brutal aggression, which was mostly seen in fictional films and serials. A clear 9 pm watershed was not seen in Finland, since aggressive acts were distributed quite evenly during the…

research product

Nature of screen violence and its relation to program popularity

This study was designed to analyze the context-specific variation in the amount, intensity, and attractiveness of screen violence in Finnish network TV programs (n = 259). The additional aim was to investigate whether the violence content enhances the popularity of a program. Typically, the frequency and intensity of violent constructions varied with program type, and with cultural and temporal settings, but the attractiveness of violence varied only with program type. Violence in non-fiction was generally less frequent, less intense, and less attractive than that in fiction. U.S. fiction contained violence more frequently than Finnish fiction, while violence in exported European films was,…

research product

Television violence: A development of a coding scheme

Traditional analyses have treated TV violence as a homogenous entity disregarding the nature and context of the violent acts. A new coding scheme was designed to examine the amount of violence portrayed on TV; the degree to which it is obtrusive; and the messages it conveys. The final, 37 item coding scheme is sensitive to features of televised messages whether in fiction, or in non‐fiction. It included contextual themes concerning intensity (seriousness, realism, way of dramatization), and attractiveness (justification, glamorization, efficacy) of TV violence. The coding scheme was applied to an analysis of a program sample which consisted of all genres (N = 259) presented on Finnish netwo…

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Predictors of sports spectators' proclivity for riotous behaviour in Finland and Canada

Male spectators (N = 178) attending hockey games in Finland and Canada provided ratings of the strength of their motives for attendance. Of six plausible reasons, liking to watch player fights was rated least important by the Finns whereas it was third in importance for Canadians. Subjects also provided information with regard to their age, fight history, the number of accompanying persons and completed a measure of sensation seeking. With the exception of the number of accompanying persons, all variables were related in both countries to subjects self-reported likelihood of escalating a crowd disturbance. The results were discussed in the context of previous findings from a series of field…

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