María Francisca Abad-garcía

Attitudes and perceptions of faculty members in the process adopting innovation: The OpenCourseWare initiative at the University of Valencia, Spain

The OpenCourseWare project, an open learning resource repository, was established at the University of Valencia between 2008 and2009. It initially consisted of only 10 subjects, none of which was in the field of Health Sciences. The objective of this research was toinvestigate the attitudes and perceptions of faculty members in the field of Health Sciences with regard to the project to identify strategies to increase its use and expand its coverage. We applied Rogers’ innovation-diffusion theory along with a qualitative approach using theoretical sampling, semi-structured interviews and open coding. The results indicate the existence of two categories of faculty members. In the first group,…

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Contribución de Anales de Pediatría a la visibilidad internacional de la investigación pediátrica española en la Web of Science (2010-2014)

Resumen: Objetivo: Describir el papel de Anales de Pediatría en la difusión de la investigación pediátrica española e identificar las revistas con las que compite internacionalmente. Material y método: Se identificó la producción pediátrica española y la de Anales de Pediatría recogida en la categoría Pediatrics del Science Citation Index de la WoS (2010-2014) analizando su volumen y tipo documental. De los artículos originales y revisiones (artículos) se estudiaron el año, la citación y el tipo de revista de publicación (revistas generales y especializadas). De las generales, se analizó su productividad de acuerdo con su idioma, posición que ocupa en los JCR de 2012 y accesibilidad a sus c…

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Exploring why global health needs are unmet by research efforts: the potential influences of geography, industry and publication incentives

[Background]: It has been well established that research is not addressing health needs in a balanced way — much more research is conducted on diseases with more burden in high-income countries than on those with more burden in lower-income countries. In this study, we explore whether these imbalances persist and inquire about the possible influence of three factors, namely geography, industry and publication incentives.

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Exploring Why Global Health Needs Are Unmet by Public Research Efforts: The Potential Influences of Geography, Industry, and Publication Incentives

Background It has been well established that research is not addressing health needs in a balanced way: much more research is conducted on diseases with more burden in high-income countries than on those with more burden in lower-income countries. In this study, we explore whether these imbalances persist and inquire about the possible influence of three factors: geography, industry, and publication incentives. Methods We use WHO data on the Global Burden of Disease as a proxy measure of health needs and bibliometric information as a proxy for research efforts. Scientific publications on diseases were collected from MEDLINE using MeSH terms to identify relevant publications. We used Web of …

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Investigación pediátrica española financiada: contribución de Anales de Pediatría a su difusión

Resumen: Objetivo: Identificar la investigación pediátrica española financiada publicada en revistas generales pediátricas incluidas en la WoS (2010-2014) y la de Anales de Pediatría (AP). Explorar la relación de la financiación con el prestigio de las revistas y describir sus condiciones para cumplir los mandatos de acceso abierto. Material y método: La financiación de los artículos publicados en revistas pediátricas generales se identificó utilizando el campo Agencia Financiadora de la WoS y revisando el documento original para AP. Para AP se identificaron las entidades financiadoras de los AF y se valoró la diferencia en la citación de los AF y los no financiados mediante test no paramét…

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Contribution of Anales de Pediatría to the international visibility of Spanish paediatric research in the Web of Science (2010–2014)

Objective: To describe the role of Anales de Pediatría in highlighting Spanish paediatric research, and to identify the journals with which it competes internationally. Material and method: Spanish paediatric articles, including those from Anales de Pediatría were identified using the Paediatrics category of the Science Citation Index (2010–2014), and their volume and document type was analysed. For original articles and review articles, the year, the citation and journal of publication was studied. The journals were classified as general and specialised. The productivity of general journals was analysed according to their language, JCR quartile, and article access. Results: A total of 2701…

research product

[Spanish funded paediatric research: Contribution of Anales de Pediatría to its dissemination].

Objective: To identify Spanish funded paediatric research published in general paediatric journals included in the Web of Science (WoS) from 2010 to 2014 and those published in Anales de Pediatría. To examine the relationship between funding and the prestige of the journals. To describe the journal conditions to meet the open access criteria. Material and method: Spanish funded paediatric articles (FA) were identified by using the WoS Funding Agency field, and by reviewing the original documents for Anales de Pediatria (AP). For the FA published in AP the number and kind of funding agencies were identified. The possible differences in citations between FA and non-funded was assessed for art…

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El plagio y las revistas depredadoras como amenaza a la integridad cientifica

Resumen: Este artículo propone un análisis del concepto del plagio con la finalidad de mostrar el amplio espectro de manifestaciones que pueden ser consideradas como tal al incurrir en una transgresión de la propiedad intelectual, realizada con el ánimo de engañar sobre la verdadera contribución de los autores y sobre la originalidad y novedad de la información.Describe las distintas circunstancias en las que se incurre en un plagio intencional y el daño que esta mala conducta ocasiona en la credibilidad de un sistema científico, en el que el crédito de autoría es el fundamento de la carrera académica, del prestigio del autor en la comunidad científica y la base para la financiación de la i…

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Plagiarism and predatory journals: A threat to scientific integrity

This article presents an analysis of the concept of plagiarism in order to show the wide spectrum of manifestations that can be considered as such when committing a transgression of intellectual property, carried out with the intention of deceiving the authors’ true contribution and the originality and novelty of the information. It describes the different circumstances in which intentional plagiarism has occurred, and the damage that this misconduct causes in the credibility of the scientific system, in which authorship credit is the foundation of the academic career, of the prestige of the author in the scientific community, and the basis for financing research. Some circumstances are fav…

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