Juho Hamari
Why Do Teachers Use Game-Based Learning Technologies? The Role of Individual and Institutional ICT Readiness
This paper investigates how different individual and institutional factors pertaining to ICT readiness influence teachers’ adoption of game-based learning technologies. The data were gathered from Finnish primary, lower secondary and upper secondary school teachers (N=1668) with an online survey. The results indicate that openness towards ICT, ICT attitude and the ICT compatibility with teaching positively influence the perceived value whereas openness towards ICT, supportive organizational ICT culture, ICT selfefficacy and ICT compatibility with teaching positively influenced the actual use of game-based learning technologies. However, the structural model could explain only little of the …
Dual Information Systems : A Review Of Factors Affecting Their Use
More and more information systems (IS) are designed to address a blend of hedonic and utilitarian purposes, and hence become what information system scholars call today “dual systems.” The aim of this research is chiefly to provide a holistic perspective for research done regarding dual IS (i.e., what factors affect users’ adoption and post-adoption of these systems) in order to assess the state of knowledge in this area and to provide a reference point for system designers. To achieve this goal, we started out with a systematic literature review (35 articles), and analyzed the articles in terms of their theoretical background, constructs and findings. The results suggest that there is an i…
Virtual goods sales : new requirements for business modelling?
Selling virtual goods is an increasingly popular revenue model for operators of social online services, examples of which are virtual worlds and social networking services. Compared to more traditional revenue models, such as time-based pricing, the revenue generation logic in virtual goods sales has a tighter interdependence with service structures, such as the rules of internal economy and game mechanics. The sold products are in interaction with the virtual environment, both of which are designed by the developers. However, the planning of business models in synergy with such service design is not currently well understood. This thesis adopts a conceptual-analytical perspective. By revie…
Is it a tool or a toy? How user's conception of a system’s purpose affect their experience and use
The boundary between hedonic and utilitarian information systems has become increasingly blurred during recent years due to the rise of developments such as gamification. Therefore, users may perceive the purpose of the same system differently, ranging from pure utility to pure play. However, in literature that addresses why people adopt and use information systems, the relationship between the users conception of the purpose of the system, and their experience and use of it has not yet been investigated. Therefore, in this study we investigate the interaction effects between users’ utility-fun conceptions of the system and the perceived enjoyment and usefulness from its use, on their post-…