Alino Martinez-marcos


Segregated pathways to the vomeronasal amygdala: differential projections from the anterior and posterior divisions of the accessory olfactory bulb.

Apically and basally located receptor neurons in the vomeronasal sensory epithelium express G(i2 alpha)- and G(o alpha)-proteins, V1R and V2R vomeronasal receptors, project to the anterior and posterior accessory olfactory bulb and respond to different stimuli, respectively. The extent to which secondary projections from the two portions of the accessory olfactory bulb are convergent in the vomeronasal amygdala is controversial. This issue is addressed by using anterograde and retrograde tract-tracing methods in rats including electron microscopy. Injections of dextran-amines, Fluoro Gold, cholera toxin-B subunit and Fast Blue were delivered to the anterior and posterior accessory olfactory…

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Olfactory and cortical projections to bulbar and hippocampal adult-born neurons

New neurons are continually generated in the subependymal layer of the lateral ventricles and the subgranular zone of dentate gyrus during adulthood. In the subventricular zone, neuroblasts migrate a long distance to the olfactory bulb where they differentiate into granule or periglomerular interneurons. In the hippocampus, neuroblasts migrate a short distance from the subgranular zone to the granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus to become granule neurons. In addition to the short-distance inputs, bulbar interneurons receive long-distance centrifugal afferents from olfactory-recipient structures. Similarly, dentate granule cells receive differential inputs from the medial and lateral ento…

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Organization of the ophidian amygdala: chemosensory pathways to the hypothalamus.

Although recent studies in squamate reptiles have importantly clarified how chemical information is processed in the reptilian brain, how the amygdala relays chemosensory inputs to the hypothalamus to influence chemically guided behaviors is still poorly documented. To identify these chemosensory pathways, the amygdalo-hypothalamic projections, intra-amygdaloid circuitry and afferents from the lateral cortex (LC) to the amygdala were investigated by injecting conjugated dextran-amines into the hypothalamus, amygdala, and LC of garter snakes. The amygdala was divided into olfactory recipient (ventral anterior and external amygdalae), vomeronasal recipient (nucleus sphericus, NS, and medial a…

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Ascending projections from the optic tectum in the lizard Podarcis hispanica.

The ascending projections of the optic tectum, including their cells of origin, have been studied in the lizard Podarcis hispanica by means of a two-step experimental procedure. First, tracers were injected in the tectum to study the anterograde labeling in the forebrain. Second, the cells of origin of these projections have been identified by analyzing the retrograde labeling after tracer injections in the thalamus, hypothalamus, and pretectum. Three main tectal ascending pathways have been described: the dorsal tecto-thalamic tract (dtt), the medial tecto-thalamic tract (mtt), and the ventral tecto-thalamic tract (vtt). The dtt originates in radial cells of layers 5 and 7 and bipolar cell…

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Chemoarchitecture and afferent connections of the "olfactostriatum": a specialized vomeronasal structure within the basal ganglia of snakes.

The olfactostriatum, a portion of the striatal complex of snakes, is the major tertiary vomeronasal structure in the ophidian brain, receiving substantial afferents from the nucleus sphericus, the primary target of accessory olfactory bulb efferents. In the present study, we have characterized the olfactostriatum of garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis) on the basis of chemoarchitecture (distribution of serotonin, neuropeptide Y and tyrosine hydroxylase) and hodology (afferent connections). The olfactostriatum is densely immunoreactive for serotonin and neuropeptide Y and shows moderate-to-weak immunoreactivity for tyrosine hydroxylase. In addition to afferents from the nucleus sphericus, the…

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Chemosensory Function of the Amygdala

The chemosensory amygdala has been traditionally divided into two divisions based on inputs from the main (olfactory amygdala) or accessory (vomeronasal amygdala) olfactory bulbs, supposedly playing different and independent functional roles detecting odors and pheromones, respectively. Recently, there has been increased anatomical evidence of convergence inputs from the main and accessory bulbs in some areas of the amygdala, and this is correlated with functional evidence of interrelationships between the olfactory and the vomeronasal systems. This has lead to the characterization of a third division of the chemosensory amygdala, the mixed chemosensory amygdala, providing a new perspective…

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Vomeronasal inputs to the rodent ventral striatum.

Vertebrates sense chemical signals through the olfactory and vomeronasal systems. In squamate reptiles, which possess the largest vomeronasal system of all vertebrates, the accessory olfactory bulb projects to the nucleus sphericus, which in turn projects to a portion of the ventral striatum known as olfactostriatum. Characteristically, the olfactostriatum is innervated by neuropeptide Y, tyrosine hydroxylase and serotonin immunoreactive fibers. In this study, the possibility that a structure similar to the reptilian olfactostriatum might be present in the mammalian brain has been investigated. Injections of dextran-amines have been aimed at the posteromedial cortical amygdaloid nucleus (th…

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The pallial amygdala of amniote vertebrates: evolution of the concept, evolution of the structure

Embryological studies indicate that the amygdala includes pallial structures, namely the cortical amygdala (olfactory and vomeronasal) and the basolateral complex deep to it. In squamate reptiles, the cortical amygdala includes secondary olfactory (the ventral anterior amygdala) and vomeronasal centres (the nucleus sphericus). In birds, the situation is far less clear, due to the relative underdevelopment of the chemosensory systems. The basolateral amygdala of squamate reptiles includes two ventropallial structures: the posterior dorsal ventricular ridge and the lateral amygdala. Like their mammalian counterparts, these centres give rise to glutamatergic projections to the striatal (centro…

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What is the amygdala? A comparative approach.

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Septal complex of the telencephalon of the lizardPodarcis hispanica. II. afferent connections

The afferent connections to the septal complex were studied in the lizard Podarcis hispanica (Lacertidae) by means of a combination of retrograde and anterograde tracing. The results of these experiments allow us to classify the septal nuclei into three main divisions. The central septal division (anterior, lateral, dorsolateral, ventrolateral, and medial septal nuclei plus the nucleus of the posterior pallial commissure) receives a massive, topographically organized, cortical projection (medial, dorsal, and ventral areas) and widespread afferents from the tuberomammillary hypothalamus and the basal telencephalon. Moreover, it receives discrete projections from the dorsomedial anterior thal…

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Efferent connections of the "olfactostriatum": a specialized vomeronasal structure within the basal ganglia of snakes.

Abstract The olfactostriatum is a portion of the basal ganglia of snakes that receives substantial vomeronasal afferents through projections from the nucleus sphericus. In a preceding article, the olfactostriatum of garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis) was characterized on the basis of chemoarchitecture (distribution of serotonin, neuropeptide Y and tyrosine hydroxylase) and pattern of afferent connections [Martinez-Marcos, A., Ubeda-Banon, I., Lanuza, E., Halpern, M., 2005. Chemoarchitecture and afferent connections of the “olfactostriatum”: a specialized vomeronasal structure within the basal ganglia of snakes. J. Chem. Neuroanat. 29, 49–69]. In the present study, its efferent connections …

research product

The "olfactostriatum" of snakes: a basal ganglia vomeronasal structure in tetrapods.

The olfactostriatum is a portion of the basal ganglia of snakes situated ventromedially to the nucleus accumbens proper. It receives a major vomeronasal input from the nucleus sphericus, the primary target of accessory olfactory bulb efferents. Recently, the ophidian olfactostriatum has been characterized on the basis of chemoarchitecture (distribution of serotonin, neuropeptide Y and tyrosine hydroxylase) and hodology (afferent and efferent connections). In contrast to the nucleus accumbens proper, the olfactostriatum is densely immunoreactive for serotonin and neuropeptide Y and sparsely immunoreactive for tyrosine hydroxylase. The nucleus accumbens proper and the olfactostriatum share mo…

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Projections from the posterolateral olfactory amygdala to the ventral striatum: neural basis for reinforcing properties of chemical stimuli

Abstract Background Vertebrates sense chemical stimuli through the olfactory receptor neurons whose axons project to the main olfactory bulb. The main projections of the olfactory bulb are directed to the olfactory cortex and olfactory amygdala (the anterior and posterolateral cortical amygdalae). The posterolateral cortical amygdaloid nucleus mainly projects to other amygdaloid nuclei; other seemingly minor outputs are directed to the ventral striatum, in particular to the olfactory tubercle and the islands of Calleja. Results Although the olfactory projections have been previously described in the literature, injection of dextran-amines into the rat main olfactory bulb was performed with …

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Retinal ganglion cells projecting to the optic tectum and visual thalamus of lizards.

Retinal ganglion cells projecting to the optic tectum and visual thalamus have been investigated in the lizard, Podarcis hispanica. Injections of biotinylated dextran-amine in the optic tectum reveal seven morphological cell varieties including one displaced ganglion cell type. Injections in the visual thalamus yield similar ganglion cell classes plus four giant ganglion cells, including two displaced ganglion cell types. The present study constitutes the first comparison of tectal versus thalamic ganglion cell types in reptiles. The situation found in lizards is similar to that reported in mammals and birds where some cell types projecting to the thalamus are larger than those projecting t…

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Amygdalo-hypothalamic projections in the lizardPodarcis hispanica: A combined anterograde and retrograde tracing study

The cells of origin and terminal fields of the amygdalo-hypothalamic projections in the lizard Podarcis hispanica were determined by using the anterograde and retrograde transport of the tracers, biotinylated dextran amine and horseradish peroxidase. The resulting labeling indicated that there was a small projection to the preoptic hypothalamus, that arose from the vomeronasal amygdaloid nuclei (nucleus sphericus and nucleus of the accessory olfactory tract), and an important projection to the rest of the hypothalamus, that was formed by three components: medial, lateral, and ventral. The medial projection originated mainly in the dorsal amygdaloid division (posterior dorsal ventricular rid…

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Identification of the reptilian basolateral amygdala: an anatomical investigation of the afferents to the posterior dorsal ventricular ridge of the lizardPodarcis hispanica

The presence of multimodal association in the telencephalon of reptiles has been investigated by tracing the afferent connections to the posterior dorsal ventricular ridge (PDVR) of the lizard Podarcis hispanica. The PDVR receives telencephalic afferents from the lateral (olfactory) and dorsal cortices, and from the three unimodal areas of the anterior dorsal ventricular ridge, in a convergent manner. From the diencephalon, it receives afferents from the dorsomedial anterior and medial posterior thalamic nuclei, and from several hypothalamic nuclei. Brainstem afferents to the PDVR originate in the dorsal interpeduncular nucleus, the nucleus of the lateral lemniscus and parabrachial nucleus.…

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Neural substrates for processing chemosensory information in snakes.

Snakes interact with their chemical environment through their olfactory and vomeronasal systems. The present report summarizes advances on neural substrates for processing chemosensory information. First, the efferent and centrifugal afferent connections of the main and accessory olfactory bulbs were reinvestigated. Second, the afferent and efferent connections of the nucleus sphericus, the main target of the accessory olfactory bulb, were characterized. The nucleus sphericus gives rise to a very small projection to the hypothalamus, but it does project to other telencephalic structures where olfactory and vomeronasal information could converge. Third, the intra-amygdaloid circuitry and the…

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Afferents to the red nucleus in the lizardPodarcis hispanica: Putative pathways for visuomotor integration

The afferents to the red nucleus from visual and nonvisual forebrain centers have been investigated in the lizard Podarcis hispanica by using both retrograde and anterograde transport of tracers. Because the red nucleus constitutes a key structure in the limb premotor system, these sensory afferents probably are involved in visuomotor and other forms of sensorimotor integration. After tracer injections aimed at the red nucleus, retrograde labeling was found in the reticular thalamus, the subthalamus, the nucleus of the posterior commissure, as well as in two retinorecipient nuclei, namely, the ventral lateral and pretectal geniculate nuclei, where labeled cells are especially abundant. Thes…

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Convergence of olfactory and vomeronasal projections in the rat basal telencephalon

Olfactory and vomeronasal projections have been traditionally viewed as terminating in contiguous non-overlapping areas of the basal telencephalon. Original reports, however, described areas such as the anterior medial amygdala where both chemosensory afferents appeared to overlap. We addressed this issue by injecting dextran amines in the main or accessory olfactory bulbs of rats and the results were analyzed with light and electron microscopes. Simultaneous injections of different fluorescent dextran amines in the main and accessory olfactory bulbs were performed and the results were analyzed using confocal microscopy. Similar experiments with dextran amines in the olfactory bulbs plus Fl…

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Septal complex of the telencephalon of lizards: III. Efferent connections and general discussion.

The projections of the septum of the lizard Podarcis hispanica (Lacertidae) were studied by combining retrograde and anterograde neuroanatomical tracing. The results confirm the classification of septal nuclei into three main divisions. The nuclei composing the central septal division (anterior, lateral, medial, dorsolateral, and ventrolateral nuclei) displayed differential projections to the basal telencephalon, preoptic and anterior hypothalamus, lateral hypothalamic area, dorsal hypothalamus, mammillary complex, dorsomedial anterior thalamus, ventral tegmental area, interpeduncular nucleus, raphe nucleus, torus semicircularis pars laminaris, reptilian A8 nucleus/ substantia nigra and cen…

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