Girish S. Agarwal
Giant Quantum Oscillators from Rydberg Atoms: Atomic Coherent States and Their Squeezing from Rydberg Atoms
This paper summarises work since about 1979 by all the authors indicated: RKB is given prominence only because he bears the responsibility for the present paper. All the work has proved relevant to Rydberg atoms. Here we lay particular stress on recent results for squeezing by Rydberg atoms.
Collective atomic effects in resonance fluorescence
We suggest that the statistical properties of the scattered radiation in resonance-fluorescence experiments may be affected significantly by the existence of atomic correlations. The scattered light spectrum from two- and three-atom collective systems has been calculated and compared with the one-atom spectrum. The differences are quite significant for weak fields, but become less pronounced as the intensity of the driving field is increased. In addition, we have calculated the scattered intensity correlation function for collectively interacting systems, and found that its behavior is very different from that of the single-atom intensity correlation function, both for weak and strong incid…