De Sena Pasquale
Covid 19, Stato di diritto e Convenzione europea dei diritti dell'uomo: il caso ungherese
In this brief intervention it is submitted that the emergency measures against COVID-19, adopted by the Hungarian Government, infringe the rule of law under the European Convention of Human Rights. First of all, these measures appear to be discriminatory, according to art. 1 of the Convention, insofar as they expressly aim at protecting only Hungarian citizens. Furthermore, they are not “necessary” under article 15, given that they extend to the « legal security and the stability of the national economy ». Thirdly, the measures at stake cannot be deemed proportionate (under art. 15), to the extent that : (a) they are not limited in time ; (b) they provide the government with the power to ex…
Corso di diritto internazionale
Serving as a single-volume introduction to international law, the book seeks to present international law as a system characterized by an ongoing process of sectoralization and institutionalization.