Megon Bresciani
On-line Italian register for severe/non-controlled asthma
Background Severe/Non-controlled asthma (SNCA) is a crucial challenge for physicians and a socio-economic burden for National Health Services (NHS). In Italy more than 50% of costs for asthma (1-2% of total NHS expenditure) are due to SNCA and moreover, within the European Community Respiratory Health Survey, Italy was the country with the lowest % of ICS daily use (29%) and with the highest % of subjects with uncontrolled asthma despite treatment (67% vs an overall European mean of 47%). Despite few data from very selected centers, in our country a precise estimate of the epidemiological figures and the disease related costs for SNCA is not available. Thus, we aimed at instituting of an on…
Late-asthma onset and associated factors
Although asthma is usually considered to originate in childhood, adult-onset is being increasingly reported. Aim: to assess factors associated to early- (<18 yrs) and late-onset (≥18 yrs) asthma. Methods: Data from a web-based Italian severe/uncontrolled asthma (SUA) registry (released in 2014), including 577 SUA subjects from 6 clinical and epidemiological Italian centres (Pisa1, Perugia, Ancona, Verona, Palermo, Pisa2). Results: 77.5% of SUA subjects had a late-onset asthma. Among subjects with early-onset asthma there were higher frequencies of allergic asthma (92.1 vs 76.4%), asthma familiarity (52.8 vs 42.8%), seasonal symptoms (51.3 vs 27.6%), active smoking habits (8.5 vs 4.4%) and u…
Standard skin prick testing and sensitization to inhalant allergens across Europe - a survey from the GA²LEN network.
Skin prick testing (SPT) is the standard method for diagnosing allergic sensitization but is to some extent performed differently in clinical centres across Europe. There would be advantages in harmonizing the standard panels of allergens used in different European countries, both for clinical purposes and for research, especially with increasing mobility within Europe and current trends in botany and agriculture. As well as improving diagnostic accuracy, this would allow better comparison of research findings in European allergy centres. We have compared the different SPT procedures operating in 29 allergy centres within the Global Allergy and Asthma European Network (GA2LEN). Standard SPT…