Mariachiara Braschi
Late-asthma onset and associated factors
Although asthma is usually considered to originate in childhood, adult-onset is being increasingly reported. Aim: to assess factors associated to early- (<18 yrs) and late-onset (≥18 yrs) asthma. Methods: Data from a web-based Italian severe/uncontrolled asthma (SUA) registry (released in 2014), including 577 SUA subjects from 6 clinical and epidemiological Italian centres (Pisa1, Perugia, Ancona, Verona, Palermo, Pisa2). Results: 77.5% of SUA subjects had a late-onset asthma. Among subjects with early-onset asthma there were higher frequencies of allergic asthma (92.1 vs 76.4%), asthma familiarity (52.8 vs 42.8%), seasonal symptoms (51.3 vs 27.6%), active smoking habits (8.5 vs 4.4%) and u…
Severe asthma: One disease and multiple definitions
Abstract Introduction There is, so far, no universal definition of severe asthma. This definition usually relies on: number of exacerbations, inhaled therapy, need for oral corticosteroids, and respiratory function. The use of such parameters varies in the different definitions used. Thus, according to the parameters chosen, each patient may result in having severe asthma or not. The aim of this study was to evaluate how the choice of a specific definition of severe asthma can change the allocation of patients. Methods Data collected from the Severe Asthma Network Italy (SANI) registry were analyzed. All the patients included were then reclassified according to the definitions of U-BIOPRED,…
Economic impact of mepolizumab in uncontrolled severe eosinophilic asthma, in real life
Abstract Background and aims Severe asthma is burdened by frequent exacerbations and use of oral corticosteroids (OCS) which worsen patients’ health and increase healthcare spending. Aim of this study was to assess the clinical and economic effect of adding mepolizumab (MEP) for the treatment of these patients. Methods Patients >18 years old, referred to 8 asthma clinics, starting MEP between May 2017 and December 2018, were enrolled and followed-up for 12 months. Information in the 12 months before mepolizumab were collected retrospectively. The evaluation parameters included: OCS use, number of exacerbations/hospitalizations, concomitant therapies, comorbidity, and annual number of workin…