Moschetti Giancarlo
Utilizzo della tecnica F.I.S.H. (Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization) per la localizzazione di batteri endogeni nel lievito Issatchenkia Terricola
Precedenti indagini, rivolte alla valorizzazione ed alla diffusione di pratiche enologiche basate su un ridotto uso di coadiuvanti tecnologici attraverso l’impiego di fermentazione alcoliche spontanee gestite in modo da eliminare e/o ridurre l’uso delle colture microbiche commerciali su Aglianico di Taurasi (AV), hanno permesso di isolare da mosto in fermentazione colonie di lieviti che sono state successivamente purificate e conservate in ceppoteca. Analisi microscopiche condotte sugli isolati di lievito hanno messo in evidenza la presenza di batteri endogeni presenti all’interno delle cellule del lievito. L’obiettivo di questo studio è stato rivolto all’identificazione delle specie coinvo…
Effect of red wine soaking on the microbiological profile, total phenolic content and sensory aspects of an ovine pressed cheese
The aim of this study was to produce an ovine pressed cheese with high polyphenol content. To this purpose, fresh Primosale Pecorino cheese was soaked for seven days in Nero d’Avola wine (NDW) and was indicated as experimental cheese production (EP). The final cheese was characterized for its microbiological, chemical and sensory characteristics. Specifically, cheese making was performed with pasteurized ewes’ milk and a commercial starter culture. Control cheese production (CP) did not include the soaking phase in NDW. Plate counts confirmed the dominance of the commercial starter until 109 CFU/g in both CP and EP cheeses. The soaking in NDW increased cheese total phenolic compounds (TPC) …
Dissemination of wine-related yeasts by migratory birds.
The present work was undertaken to evaluate the contribution of migratory birds in the environmental dissemination of yeasts. Four sites (Mazara del Vallo, Lampedusa, Ustica and Linosa), representing the main stop-over points in Sicily, were analysed during spring and autumnal bird migration and 349 birds (belonging to 10 families) were ringed and analysed for yeast presence. A total of 125 yeasts were isolated and identified by a multiple genotypic approach, consisting of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of 5.8S rRNA gene and 26S rRNA and sequencing of D1/D2 domain of the 26S rRNA gene, which resulted in the recognition of 18 species, including the technological relevant Sac…
La macerazione post-fermentativa prolungata come strategia innovativa per il miglioramento dei vini rossi
Lo scopo del presente studio è stato quello di valutare l’influenza della macerazione post-fermentativa, estesa a 90 giorni, sulla composizione microbica e chimica del vino rosso “Aglianico di Taurasi”. Le analisi microbiologiche hanno messo in evidenza la presenza di popolazioni di lieviti e batteri lattici, vitali e metabolicamente attivi, durante l’intero periodo di macerazione post-fermentativa. Durante il processo di macerazione, la specie principalmente riscontrata era rappresentata da Saccharomyces cerevisiae, mentre al 60° giorno, è stata rilevata una concentrazione simile di Debaromyces carsonii e Zygosaccharomyces bisporus. Tuttavia, è stata osservata una bassa diversità di specie…
Evolution of the lactic acid bacterial biofilms on different wood typologies applied for the production of vats intended for cheese making
The present work was carried out to evaluate the lactic acid bacterial biofilms formation on wooden vat produced with seven different woods, derived from trees species grown in Sicily. The biofilm formation on the wooden surfaces was performed as reported by Gaglio et al. Microbiological and scanning electron microscopy analyses did not show differences in terms of microbial levels and composition within the neoformed biofilms (Fig.1). The specific investigation of Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli and positive-coagulase staphylococci did not generate any colony for all vats before and after microbial activation. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) populations dominated the s…
Biodiversità genetica e fisiologica, potenziale alterativo, di una popolazione di B. bruxellensis isolata da vini italiani
B. bruxellensis è il principale microrganismo alterativo in ambito enologico, in grado di deprezzare fortemente i vini nei quali dovesse svilupparsi. Questo lievito è da sempre diffuso in cantina, ma i cambiamenti ambientali e tecnologici intervenuti negli ultimi anni ne hanno accentuato la pericolosità. Un approfondimento riguardo alla biodiversità intrinseca alla specie B. bruxellensis, e dunque al suo potenziale alterativo, è necessario per ottimizzare le strategie di controllo.
Ecology and technological capability of lactic acid bacteria isolated during Grillo grape vinification in the Marsala production area
Grapes of the “Grillo” variety, used to produce Marsala wine, were harvested from five vineyards with different climatic and agronomic parameters, in order to obtain a first mapping of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) inhabiting the production area. Marsala base wine production was followed at a large-scale, and also two experimental vinifications, with different lysozyme and SO2 concentrations and in combination, were carried out at pilot-plant scale. LAB communities and conventional chemical parameters were periodically analysed. LAB were found on grapes at an average concentration of about 102 CFU g−1 which decreased during the transformation process. A total of 146 colonies were collected, bu…
Changes in soil mineral N content and abundances of bacterial communities involved in N reactions under laboratory conditions as predictors of soil N availability to maize under field conditions.
Proper management of soil fertility requires specific tools for predicting N availability for crops as a consequence of different fertilization strategies. More information is required, especially for organic fertilizers, depending on their mineralization rate, composition, and processing (i.e., fresh or composted manure), as well as their effects on soil properties. Laboratory soil incubations were used as a proxy for understanding plant–soil N dynamics under field conditions. Chemical and microbiological measurements as contents of mineral N, potentially mineralizable N and the abundance of key genes regulating the overall N cycle were used as predictors of mineral N availability to maize…