Francisco Javier Arteaga Moreno
Value, satisfaction and loyalty in volunteerism. Application to a religious megaevent
This paper presents a study of the volunteer as an essential agent in the success of any event, and offers recommendations for improving management of megaevents. To achieve this goal we propose a structural model that analyses the multidimensionality of the value concept as antecedent of perceived value, satisfaction and loyalty. The study sample consists of volunteers who participated in the World Youth Day held in Madrid in 2011, obtaining a total number of 1427 cases. The results support all the hypotheses presented in the proposed model. Thus, it confirms that the multidimensionality of the value (spirituality, social value, play and efficiency) is an antecedent of perceived value whil…
The quality‐value‐satisfaction‐loyalty chain: relationships and impacts
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to explore the classical topics of services literature in a tourism experience with a means‐end‐model on the quality‐value‐satisfaction‐loyalty chain. Within this wide stream of research, this work has a particular interest on value antecedents and on the sense of the link between value and satisfaction.Design/methodology/approachAn overall tourism experience with positive and negative antecedents (benefits and sacrifices experienced) and classical evaluations (perceived value, satisfaction and loyalty as behavioral intention) is analyzed through two competing structural models measured with partial least squares on a sample of 274 students traveling in g…
Measuring socio-demographic differences in volunteers with a value-based index: illustration in a mega event
The phenomenon of volunteering can be analysed as a consumer experience through the concept of value as a trade-off between benefits and costs. In event volunteering, both the expected value (pre-experienced) and the perceived value (post-experienced) of volunteering can be assessed. With this purpose, an online quantitative survey is conducted with a sample of 711 volunteers in a religious mega event, with questions related to five dimensions of their experience: efficiency, social value, play, spirituality and time spent. These five scales, properly tested are used for building a multidimensional index of both the expected and perceived value of the volunteer experience. ANOVAs test show …
La motivación de compra de productos de comercio justo: propuesta de un índice de medición por diferencias sociodemográficas
Entre los diferentes campos de estudio del comercio justo, el basado en el análisis de las características del consumidor es de los más ricos e interesantes. El objetivo del texto es contribuir a dar respuesta a la pregunta sobre las motivaciones que llevan a los consumidores a comprar productos de comercio justo. Para ello, se analizan el concepto de comercio justo y la dimensionali-dad de las motivaciones de compra de este tipo de producto. El trabajo explora empíricamente las diferencias socio-demográficas entre los consumidores en-cuestados, sobre la base de un índice construido a partir de las puntuaciones de la motivación de compra en tiendas de comercio justo. Dicho índice permite de…
Conceptualización y medición del valor percibido: consensos y controversias
[ES] Estudiar el concepto Valor resulta ser necesario y útil en Marketing por ser un concepto endémico para la disciplina y relevante para la profesión. Sin embargo, a pesar de décadas de investigación, la doctrina se lamenta de un cierto círculo vicioso sobre las dificultades conceptuales y de medición del Valor. Este trabajo revisa estas dificultades y las categoriza en torno a acuerdos y controversias, evidenciando sus efectos en la compleja red nomológica construida a lo largo de los años en torno al Valor. Además, explora empíricamente tres modelos causales de relaciones entre dimensiones de Valor, Satisfacción y Lealtad, testados con PLS sobre una muestra de 340 clientes de hotel. Los…