Ruggieri G.
Repensando las interacciones turismo-desarrollo: una revisión paradigmática
The growth observed in the international tourism sector in the last three decades, together with the existence of satisfactory empirical evidence, in terms of the contribution of tourism activities to economic growth in different countries, has generated a tacit (and uncritical) consensus around Tourism, as an instrument for the development of the world's periphery, causing a growing role for tourism within the Development policies and strategies of both low-income countries, as well as peripheral areas and areas in decline. The present work proposes a review of the Tourism-Development relationship from the Theory of Development and its main paradigms (Modernization, Dependence, Neoliberal-…
Destinazione turistica e networks interni ed esterni: il turismo relazionale
The limitation in the relations between people caused by the pandemic today pushes more and more travellers in search of experiences and interactions with the territories, especially those excluded from the current production processes and the dominant market logic. In this context, the tourism of the roots or return tourism is motivated by a need to rediscover their origins, discover them, or trace them in places related to the history of travellers or their families. We, therefore, describe the main dimensions of the relationship tourism model so that it can be applied to root tourism.
Piani strategici sul turismo delle regioni italiane: un’analisi comparativa
In Italy, the recent constitutional reforms have given regional administrations an increasing weight over government and tourism regulation. Therefore, observing the regions' Strategic Plans represents a valuable model for understanding the Italian tourist reality. For this reason, the article proposes a comparison of the tourist planning documents of the Italian regions, recalling indicators extracted from the paper of the UNWTO - World Tourism Organization - on the policies and objectives of spatial tourism planning. The article analyses the strategic plans through a synthesis indicator, which compares the main items considered in the regional strategies and their presence in the general …
Pnnr e le economie del turismo in Italia: disparità inter ed infra regionali e politiche di ripresa e resilienza
The Italian regions show marked differences in the pattern of tourism development. These disparities can be offset by implementing a common plan supporting recovery and strengthening its resilience to external shocks. This article aims to offer a deepening of the NRPV concerning the economies of tourism and, following a regional analysis, to verify the current disparities and the initiatives of the plan to overcome them. An analysis of the Italian regions on the supply and demand front is proposed using synthetic indices of endowment and the presence of tourist demand to compare the articulation of specificities at the sub-regional level. Finally, some guidelines are suggested on policies f…
¿Por qué Turismo? Repensar el auge del turismo
In the present work we consider the reasons that explain the spectacular tourism boom in the last 5 decades. The traditional responses to this phenomenon, presented a whole "frond" of tourist-economical interactions: tourism as a "motor of development", tourism as "dynamizing the economic system", etc. Therefore, our objective is to contrast this Tourism-Development-Economic Growth framework, certainly suggestive. In order to avoid mystifications it is necessary to define somewhat ambiguous concepts such as Development (and its interactions with Tourism) and to deepen the economic impact of Tourism, the ultimate root of all that "frond" that seems to be the basis of This formidable theoreti…
The Evaluation of the Cultural Industries Impacts on the Local Economies: The Teatro Massimo Foundation
Thanks to its relevant positive effects, the cultural industry, including the Opera Houses, is becoming increasingly important for economic and social well-being. On the other hand, given their cultural relevance and the high costs, these activities require the support of public funds. This evidence generates the need to quantify the economic benefits deriving from its activities to evaluate the opportunity and the return of the public financial support. The study analyses the case of the Fondazione Teatro Massimo di Palermo offering an estimate of the economic, occupational, and fiscal impact on the municipal, provincial, regional, and national territories. The results show how the Opera H…
Condizioni economiche delle isole e politiche di riequilibrio delle disparità territoriali
The results of scientific research confirm that the condition of insularity is an issue that still needs broad sharing and specific policies. The issues to be addressed are widespread in all territorial contexts, large or small. Insularity is a permanent structural constraint. Even though convergence policies have contributed to the convergence process between countries and regions, EU policies for the islands must be envisaged to define joint action to achieve a more balanced territorial equity.
Analisi comparata di tematismi e sotto categorie di analisi per i principali indicatori statistici nel turismo
According to scientific literature, there is a gap in the statistical analysis of tourism due to missing data or poorly structured statistical information production services. This information, which can be classified as public goods, is currently managed by the public sector and national statistical systems. This article aims to deepen, in the literature, the main dimensions for the analysis of tourism divided into themes and subcategories. Through the use of the analysis methodology with the Leximancer software, content analysis was carried out on 202 scientific articles extracted from international literature through a selection of keywords of over 700 terms. The study returns to the the…
Relational Tourism : challenges and capabilities
preferences of the tourist consumer, in the last three decades, have brought to the birth of new ways of interpreting the tourism phenomenon, among these we highlight the Relational Tourism, phenomenon that can be perceived as human-scale tourism, clearly based on territorial, cultural and environmental constraints that include travel formats such as rural tourism, cultural tourism, farm tourism, environmental tourism, tourism, outdoor activity and many new ways, which have shown an important quantitative growth of Relational Tourism demands in Europe and internationally in the last decades, offering an alternative and increasingly more appreciated tourism to the traditional depersonalized …
L'Economia del Turismo della Regione Toscana
Analysis of the tourism economies of a region is relevant for determining the policies and effects of tourism on the productive and economic system. For the Tuscany region, the main economic indicators are analysed using panel data and checking their development and growth dynamics. The article analyses data on tourism spending, balance of payments and impacts, with reference to both ISTAT data and estimates of ignored tourism in the region.
Overtourism and undertourism: ICT in island development policy
Tourism is an important source of revenue and employment for islands, those special clusters and fragile contexts inde- pendent from mainland countries (Ruggieri & Vazquez, 2017). But growth and development brought to an island by tourism could unexpectedly reach an excess known as overtourism, to the detriment of its local community and environment. Many factors explain why overtourism impacts the environment. A new sustainable approach to development is necessary, based on quantitative and qualitative indicators and a broad awareness of the need to preserve and value local resources (Ruggieri & Vazquez, 2017). This should consist of tools and strategies aimed at reaching a level o…
Crescita e resilienza nelle isole mediterranee europee: il ruolo del turismo nel confronto con le regioni non insulari
Il contributo illustra le difformità di crescita esistenti tra le economie insulari e le altre economie regionali appartenenti agli stessi paesi, prestando particolare attenzione alla resilienza al periodo di crisi. I risultati dell’analisi confermano l’ipotesi di fondo che vi sia una maggiore rilevanza per le variabili legate alla domanda e all’offerta turistica nei processi di crescita delle isole e mostrano altresì l’importanza di altre variabili (quali le economie di agglomerazione e l’apertura commerciale). Sebbene tutte le determinanti della crescita siano state fortemente influenzate dalla Grande Recessione, questa sembra avere generato un più ridotto impatto negativo sulla crescita …
L’industria dei viaggi e del turismo in Italia: aspetti definitori, dinamiche intersettoriali ed effetti della crisi
The travel and tourism industry has an increasingly central role in countries’ economies due to its ability to contribute significantly to the production of various economic sectors. Despite this growing importance, the literature’s attention to analysing the productive articulations that characterise appears very limited to date. This article presents an overview of the primary lit- erature on the travel and tourism industry and then conducts a quantitative analysis through the Satellite Accounting of Tourism in Italy. Tourism consumption and production in the years 2010, 2015, 2017 and 2019 are compared, and then the effect of the pandemic is analysed by compar- ing the data in 2020. Fina…