Becheri E.
L'Economia del Turismo della Regione Toscana
Analysis of the tourism economies of a region is relevant for determining the policies and effects of tourism on the productive and economic system. For the Tuscany region, the main economic indicators are analysed using panel data and checking their development and growth dynamics. The article analyses data on tourism spending, balance of payments and impacts, with reference to both ISTAT data and estimates of ignored tourism in the region.
La programmazione del turismo delle regioni e la Regione Toscana
With reference to the functions attributed to municipalities and provinces, the Tuscany Region has maintained a central role of planning and coordination of activities in the tourism sector. Local authorities and the various territorial levels of the trade associations of undertakings and workers are also formally involved in the preparation of regional planning. For this purpose, some regions have set up consultation tables to involve all public and private stakeholders in the sector. The article delves into the modalities of tourism planning, highlighting the training process and the laws of reference.