Pampalone V.
Sviluppo e valutazione di pratiche soglie per separare le piogge erosive responsabili di processi interrill e rill
For the experimental station Masse threshold levels able to separate interrill erosive events from non erosive events were developed and tested. The Masse database was composed of 258 rainy events (189 non-erosive events and 70 interrill erosive events). Thresholds for separating erosive-interrill events from erosive-rill events were developed and verified at Sparacia analysing 77 erosive events (64 interrill and 13 rill). At Masse the threshold in terms of event rainfall depth, Pe, was, among the analyzed variables, the most effective one to distinguish between non-erosive and erosive interrill rainfall events. The rainfall events with a total depth Pe > 13 mm are identified as interrill e…
Dispositivo e metodo di misura delle caratteristiche energetiche delle precipitazioni
Theoretical advancements on a recently proposed method to measure rainfall energy
Soil erosion induced by rainfall is mainly due to the rainfall impact besides the consequent surface runoff. Rainfall kinetic energy is the most used variable to represent its erosivity. The latter represents the weathering attitude to erode soil and is a fundamental variable of the erosion process. Consequently, precise measurements of rainfall erosivity have to perform to develop a reliable prediction model of the erosive phenomenon. Currently, impact energy can be reliably measured only by disdrometers. These instruments measure the Drop Size Distribution (DSD) which, joined with the raindrop falling velocity, allow to calculate, by integration, the impact kinetic energy. However, disdro…