Impacto de la formación educativa de los enfermeros sobre la comunicación, la inteligencia emocional y la empatía
ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the influence of nurse education and training on attitudes towards communication, emotional intelligence, and empathy. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted using three separate instruments to measure attitudes towards communication, empathy, and emotional intelligence, and two questions to determine the academic qualifications of the study participants. The effect of the variables was tested using one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlations, and hierarchical multiple linear regression. Results: The study sample comprised 438 nurses from hospitals in Valencia, Spain. Differences in subscale scores of the instruments according to degree level and specialized …
Psychosocial Risks, Work Engagement, and Job Satisfaction of Nurses During COVID-19 Pandemic
Context:COVID-19 pandemic is a serious health emergency that has affected countries all over the world. Health emergencies are a critical psychosocial risk factor for nurses. In general, psychosocial risks constitute serious problems as they impact workers' health, productivity, and efficiency. Despite their importance, few studies analyze nurses' psychosocial risks during a health emergency caused by a pandemic or analyze their perception of the emergency and its relation to such risks.Objectives:To analyze the perception of COVID-19 by nurses, especially about measures, resources, and impact on their daily work. Also, to analyze these professionals' psychosocial risks and the relationship…
Adaptation and Validation of the Spanish Version of the Instrument to Evaluate Nurses’ Attitudes Toward Communication With the Patient for Nursing Students
Communication is essential to quality of care and patient satisfaction. It has been linked to positive patient outcomes, increased engagement, improved health outcomes and safe practices. Given these benefits and the association between attitudes and behaviours, as behaviours can be predicted by studying attitudes, assessing nursing students' attitudes toward patient communication is critical as future nursing professionals. For this purpose, the main aim of this study was to adapt and validate an instrument to measure nurses´ attitudes towards communication (ACO) for nursing students. The attitudes towards communication with patients were analyzed. Then, differences in the dimensions of th…
Empathy, emotional intelligence, and communication in Nursing: The moderating effect of the organizational factors
Objective: to evaluate the relation and the moderating effect of the organizational factors on the attitudes towards communication, empathy, and emotional intelligence in the nurses. Method: a cross-sectional study was conducted with a convenience sample of 268 nurses from Valencia, Spain. The attitudes towards communication were evaluated by means of the specifically designed instrument, those towards empathy with the Jefferson’s Scale of Empathy for Nursing Students, and those towards emotional intelligence by means of the Trait Meta-Mood Scale, consisting of 24 items. The effect of the studied variables was assessed by means of ANOVA, multiple linear regression models were applied, and t…
The role of empathy and emotional intelligence in nurses' communication attitudes using regression models and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis models.
Aims and objectives: To analyse link between empathy and emotional intelligence as a predictor of nurses' attitudes towards communication while comparing the contribution of emotional aspects and attitudinal elements on potential behaviour. Background: Nurses' attitudes towards communication, empathy and emotional intelligence are key skills for nurses involved in patient care. There are currently no studies analysing this link, and its investigation is needed because attitudes may influence communication behaviours. Design: Correlational study. Method: To attain this goal, self-reported instruments (attitudes towards communication of nurses, trait emotional intelligence (Trait Emotional Me…
The relations of quality of life in patients with lupus erythematosus: Regression models versus qualitative comparative analysis
Lupus erythematosus (LE) is an autoimmune disease that can have negative repercussions on the quality of life (QL) of those who suffer from it. The QL can be influenced by socio-demographic factors are related to the disease itself.To analyse the associative power of socio-demographic (age and sex) and medical variables (type of lupus, diagnostic time and symptomatically associated with lupus) on the QL in patients with lupus by comparing linear relations models and models based on comparative qualitative fuzzy analysis.This is a retrospective cross-sectional design.The sample consisted of 161 patients (88.4% female) diagnosed with LE between the ages of 18-66 years.Data were collected betw…
Bibliometric analysis of six nursing journals from the Web of Science, 2012-2017.
Aim The purpose of this study was to perform a bibliometric analysis of the six most important nursing journals according to the impact factor of the Science Citation Index through Web of Science®. The following journals were included: International Journal of Nursing Studies, Nurse Education Today, Journal of Nursing Scholarship, Nursing Outlook, Worldviews on Evidence‐Based Nursing and the Journal of Advanced Nursing. Background In the nursing field, bibliometric analysis and maps have been used to analyse the production of some journals but not for the comparison of different journals. Design/Method Using descriptive bibliometrics, we studied scientific production of different journals a…
What Academic Factors Influence Satisfaction With Clinical Practice in Nursing Students? Regressions vs. fsQCA
Clinical practices are considered one of the cornerstones in nurses' education. This study provides a framework to determine how factors in the academic environment, influence nursing student's satisfaction with their practices. A cross-sectional analytical study was conducted in a convenience sample of 574 nursing students at a private university in Valencia, during the 2016/2017 academic year, 79% (456) were women. Two statistical methodologies were used for data analysis: hierarchical regression models (HRM) and fuzzy sets qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA). The HRM indicate that the students' mean score influences all dimensions of satisfaction. Furthermore, in the fsQCA, the type…
The development and psychometric validation of an instrument to evaluate nurses' attitudes towards communication with the patient (ACO)
Background Patient communication is a key skill for nurses involved in clinical care. Its measurement is a complex phenomenon that can be addressed through attitude evaluation. Objectives To develop and psychometrically test a measure of nurses' attitudes towards communication with patients (ACO), to study the relationship between these dimensions, and to analyse nursing attitudes. Design To develop and psychometrically test the ACO questionnaire. Settings All hospitals in the province of Valencia were invited by e-mail to distribute the ACO instrument. Ten hospitals took part in the study. Participants The study population was composed of a convenience sample of 400 hospital nurses on gene…
Effect of Emotional Intelligence and Psychosocial Risks on Burnout, Job Satisfaction, and Nurses’ Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Nurses are exposed to psychosocial risks that can affect both psychological and physical health through stress. Prolonged stress at work can lead to burnout syndrome. An essential protective factor against psychosocial risks is emotional intelligence, which has been related to physical and psychological health, job satisfaction, increased job commitment, and burnout reduction. The present study aimed to analyze the effect of psychosocial risks and emotional intelligence on nurses&rsquo
Emotional Intelligence, Empathy, Self-Esteem, and Life Satisfaction in Spanish Adolescents: Regression vs. QCA Models
Adolescence is a complex period, in which the individual is subject to profound emotional, physical, and psychological changes. Healthy development during adolescence is crucial for future positive development; self-esteem and life satisfaction are fundamental. The importance of sociodemographic variables (sex and age), empathy, and emotional intelligence (EI) on self-esteem and life satisfaction was studied, comparing complementary methodologies, regression models, and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) models. This is a cross-sectional design in a convenience sample of 991 adolescents (528 females, 53.3%; aged between 12 and 19 years; M = 14.01, SD = 1.40) from Spanish sch…
The Multicultural Personality Questionnaire (SF-40): Adaptation and Validation of the Spanish Version.
The coexistence of diverse cultures in our society indicates the need to examine the factors related to the success of multicultural interactions. The study aims were to examine the psychometric characteristics of the Spanish version of the Multicultural Personality Questionnaire short form (MPQ-SF40), in a convenience sample of 392 university students. Then, the effect of sex and age was assessed, and finally, the levels and percentiles of multicultural personality were measured. The scale’s validity was assessed with exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis (EFA and CFA). Reliability was evaluated with Cronbach’s alpha, composite reliability (CR), and average variance extracted (AVE).…
Empathy in nurses: Spanish adaptation of the Jefferson scale of empathy (JSE) on nurses.
Background: Empathy is a key skill for nurses for providing high-quality care. Aims: To adapt and explore the psychometric properties of the Jefferson Scale of Empathy (JSE) for nursing students in a sample of Spanish nurses, to analyse the empathy levels and to provide some percentiles for interpreting empathy levels. Methods: Factor structure was evaluated with exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis (EFA, CFA), and reliability was evaluated with Cronbach's alpha, composite reliability (CR), and average variance extracted (AVE) in a convenience sample of 500 Spanish nurses. Results: The definitive model composed of 15 items grouped into three factors presented good psychometric prope…
Cross-cultural validation of the Mood Questionnaire in three spanish-speaking countries Argentina, Ecuador, and Spain
This study validates the Mood Questionnaire for adults in three Spanishspeaking countries: Argentina, Ecuador, and Spain. It then analyzes the influence of gender and cultural differences on mood, and whether there is a relationship between mood, emotional intelligence, and the Avoidance of Responsibility. A convenience sample of 1048 adults, with a middle-class socioeconomic background, was selected from three Spanish-speaking countries (Spain, Argentina, and Ecuador). The psychometric properties of the Mood Questionnaire are adequate, which is particularly interesting given the need for transcultural tools to evaluate moods. Moreover, the mood was associated with avoidance of responsibili…
Do organizational variables influence satisfaction with nursing student practices?
Abstract Clinical practices are a vital component in the education of registered nursing students. This study analyzed the influence of organizational variables on satisfaction with clinical practices. A cross-sectional study design involved 572 registered nursing students. Two statistical methodologies, hierarchical regression models and qualitative comparative analysis of diffuse sets, were used for data analysis. In the hierarchical regression models the number of students supervised predicted satisfaction with clinical educator (β = -.22; p ≤ .001), environment (β = -.13; p ≤ .05) and overall satisfaction (β = -.15; p ≤ .05). However, in the qualitative comparative analysis, the type of…
Job Insecurity in Nursing: A Bibliometric Analysis
Nurses are a key workforce in the international health system, and as such maintaining optimal working conditions is critical for preserving their well-being and good performance. One of the psychosocial risks that can have a major impact on them is job insecurity. This study aimed to carry out a bibliometric analysis, mapping job insecurity in 128 articles in nursing, and to determine the most important findings in the literature. The search was conducted in the Web of Science Core Collection database using the Science Citation Index (SCI)-Expanded and Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) indexes on 6 March 2020. This field of discipline has recently been established and has experienced s…
Efeito dos aspectos trabalhistas na comunicação, inteligência emocional e empatia em enfermagem
Objetivo: determinar o impacto do tipo de contrato e do tempo de serviço prestado da equipe de enfermagem nas suas atitudes em relação à comunicação, inteligência emocional e empatia. Métodos: os instrumentos que avaliam as atitudes em relação à comunicação, empatia e inteligência emocional. A amostra do estudo consistiu de 450 enfermeiras de 7 hospitais. Para avaliar o efeito das variáveis estudadas, foram realizados ANOVA unilateral, correlações de Pearson e modelos de regressão linear hierárquica múltipla, de acordo com o tipo de contrato. Resultados: há diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as variáveis estudadas de acordo com o tipo de contrato. Mais especificamente, a equip…
Satisfaction with the clinical practice among nursing students using regression models and qualitative comparative analysis
Abstract Background Clinical practice is considered fundamental in nursing studies for the effective education of nurses and students' satisfaction. Both the clinical environment and the clinical educator are key factors in students´ satisfaction. Objectives To analyze the influence of the socio-demographic variables of clinical educators and nursing students on satisfaction with the clinical practice. Design This was an observational, cross-sectional study. Settings A clinical practice course at a private university in Valencia, Spain. Participants The study included 527 nursing students enrolled on the clinical practice, supervised by 187 clinical educators. Methods Two statistical method…
The moderator effect of sex on attitude toward communication, emotional intelligence, and empathy in the nursing field
Objectives: to analyze differences in the variables for the object of this study (attitude toward communication, emotional intelligence, and empathy) according to sex; verify correlations among variables between men and women and analyze regression models according to sex. Method: the ATC was used to measure attitudes toward communication; the Jefferson Scale of Empathy was used to measure empathy; and the Trait Meta Mood Scale 24 was used to measure emotional intelligence. The sample was composed of 450 nurses working in 7 hospitals located in Valencia, Spain. The t-test for independent samples was used to verify whether there were statistically significant differences, together with a pri…
Satisfaction with clinical practice among nursing students using regression models and qualitative comparative analysis
Abstract Background: Clinical practices are considered fundamental in nursing studies for effective training of nurses and in students’ satisfaction. Both the clinical environment and the clinical educator are key factors in satisfaction with the clinical practice. The aim of this study was to analyse the influence of the socio-demographic variables of clinical educators and nursing students on satisfaction with the clinical practices.Methods: The study included 527 nursing students enrolled on the subject of clinical practice at a private university in Valencia, Spain. The age of the participants ranged from 19 to 51 years old, (M=24.4; SD=6.1) and 79% (451) were women. An instrument was u…
Inteligência emocional em enfermeiros: a escala Trait Meta-Mood Scale
Resumo Objetivo Nesse contexto, o objetivo desse estudo é duplo. Primeiro, almeja-se explorar as propriedades psicométricas da TMMS-24 em uma amostra de enfermeiros espanhóis e em segundo lugar fornecer alguns percentis para interpretar os níveis de IE em enfermeiros espanhóis. Métodos Um desenho de estudo descritivo correlacional foi utilizado para avaliar as propriedades psicométricas da TMMS-24. Este estudo foi realizado com uma amostra de 530 enfermeiros de 11 hospitais espanhóis da Comunidade Valenciana. Os critérios de inclusão foram enfermeiros ativos (temporário, interino ou permanente) nos centros selecionados que haviam previamente consentido em participar. A idade dos participant…
Impact of work aspects on communication, emotional intelligence and empathy in nursing
ABSTRACT Objective: to assess the impact of the type of contract and seniority of nursing staff on their attitudes towards communication, emotional intelligence and empathy. Methods: the instruments measuring attitudes towards communication, empathy and emotional intelligence. The study sample was composed of 450 nurses from 7 hospitals. To explore the effect of the variables studied, one-factor ANOVA test, Pearson correlations and hierarchical multiple linear regression models were performed according to the type of contract. Results: there are statistically significant differences between the variables studied according to the type of contract. More specifically, the nursing staff with pe…
Validation of TMMS-24 in Three Spanish-Speaking Countries: Argentina, Ecuador, and Spain
Emotional intelligence (EI) is a fundamental skill related to different aspects of human life, such as psychological well-being or mood states. The present study has a triple objective: first, to explore the psychometric properties of the TMMS-24 in three Spanish-speaking countries (Argentina, Ecuador, and Spain)
Evaluation of emotional skills in nursing using regression and QCA models: A transversal study
Abstract Background Emotional skills are fundamental for quality service by nursing professionals, providing more personalized attention and a close relationship between the professional and patient. Objectives To compare linear relationship models (linear regressions) and models based on comparative qualitative analysis (QCA) in the analysis of the possible influence of socio-demographic variables (age and sex), working conditions (type of contract and seniority) and academic training (type of degree and specific training) on emotional abilities (emotional intelligence and empathy) in nursing. Design It is a transversal design in a single temporary moment. Participants The sample of this s…
Lupus Erythematosus Quality of Life Questionnaire (LEQoL): Development and Psychometric Properties
Lupus erythematosus (LE) affects patients&rsquo