Ulrich Klages

Perception of Occlusion, Psychological Impact of Dental Esthetics, History of Orthodontic Treatment and Their Relation to Oral Health in Naval Recruits

Abstract Objective: To investigate whether the oral health of young male adults was related to (1) the degree of self-perceived malocclusion, (2) the degree of experienced negative psychosocial impact of dental esthetics, and (3) the history of orthodontic treatment and its duration. Materials and Methods: The study subjects were 470 male naval recruits undergoing a routine dental health checkup. They answered the Perception of Occlusion Scale (POS) and Negative Impact of Dental Aesthetics Scale (NIDAS). The Approximal Plaque Index (API), the Sulcus Bleeding Index (SBI), and the number of decayed teeth (DT) and missing teeth (MT) were examined by a staff dentist. Statistical procedures were…

research product

Development of a questionnaire for assessment of the psychosocial impact of dental aesthetics in young adults

The aim of this study was to develop a psychometric instrument for assessment of orthodontic-specific aspects of quality of life. The study subjects, 194 young adults aged 18-30 years, were interviewed using a pool of 23 items dealing with the psychosocial impact of dental aesthetics. Self- and interviewer-rating of the dental aesthetic appearance of each subject were carried out using the Aesthetic Component (AC) of the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN). Additionally, the Perception of Occlusion Scale and a modification of the Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI) were applied. Factorial analyses identified four measures within the item pool, namely Dental Self-Confidence, Social Impact, P…

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Psychische Determinanten der Mitarbeit kieferorthopädischer Patienten — ein Beitrag zur Frage der Kooperationsprognose

In einer umfangreichen Untersuchung wurden Patienten, die nach Einschatzung ihrer Behandler in der kieferorthopadischen Behandlung besonders gut mitarbeiteten, solchen gegenubergestellt, die besonders schlecht mitarbeiteten. Dabei wurde ein psychodiagnostisches Instrumentarium verwendet, dessen Einzelverfahren so ausgewahlt waren, das sie sich fur Kinder und Jugendliche eigneten und das der erfaste Inhalt etwas mit Kooperationsbereitschaft, Pflichteifer, Gewissenhaftigkeit und Ausdauer zu tun haben konnte. Es ergaben sich mehrere signifikante Unterschiede. Aufgrund der vorliegenden Ergebnisse kann der Typ des nichtkooperativen Patienten beschrieben werden.

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Dental trait anxiety and pain sensitivity as predictors of expected and experienced pain in stressful dental procedures.

A prevailing hypothesis suggests that exaggerated pain expectations in dentally anxious and pain-sensitive patients might usually be disconfirmed by a lower level of pain experienced during treatment. The present study was conducted to investigate whether this contention also holds during stressful dental procedures. Patients reporting high and low levels of dental fear and of pain sensitivity were compared in their expected and experienced pain and in the concordance between the two measures. Participants were 97 patients undergoing extraction and root canal treatment. The measuring instruments used were the Dental Anxiety Scale (DAS), the Pain Sensitivity Index (PSI), affective and sensor…

research product

Development of a questionnaire measuring treatment concerns in regular dental patients

–  Objectives:  The aim of this study was to develop an instrument measuring core concerns about dental treatment guided by Reiss’ expectancy theory of fear. This would include the content domains of injury, somatic reaction and interpersonal concerns, to study the underlying factorial structure, and to determine the test quality of the resulting subscales. Methods:  A total of 555 regular dental patients answered the item pool. Subsamples filled in the Dental Anxiety Scale (DAS) (n = 346) and the Anxiety-Present Scale of the state-form of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-S) (n = 187). A second sample (n = 89) was used to determine test-retest reliability and bias for social desirabi…

research product

Approximal plaque and gingival sulcus bleeding in routine dental care patients: relations to life stress, somatization and depression.

Objectives: Previous research on relations between life stress and periodontal conditions was often based on indicators of periodontal destruction history and stimulus-specific measures of life stress. The present study was undertaken to compare patients showing different degrees of gingival sulcus bleeding with patients without signs of bleeding, using an instrument measuring cognitive impacts of events and assessing reported symptoms of depression and somatization. Additionally the patient groups were compared with regard to dental status and dental visiting behaviour. Analog comparisons were conducted in patients with different degrees of approximal plaque. Materials and Methods: 140 rou…

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Relationship between Patient Discomfort, Appliance Acceptance and Compliance in Orthodontic Therapy

Orthodontic treatment is occasionally a discomfort to patients, due to pain or functional restrictions. In this context, several retrospectively planned studies were performed in the 1980s, but correlations between different aspects of patient discomfort were not investigated. The present study aimed at examining and structuring the psychogenic dimensions of patient discomfort. Furthermore, the impact of the patient's attitude on the intensity of discomfort was to be evaluated in addition to the influences of appliance therapy. The study was performed with 67 patients aged from 9 to 32 years. Prior to insertion of a new appliance, psychogenic scales reflecting their attitude towards orthodo…

research product

Dental aesthetics, self-awareness, and oral health-related quality of life in young adults.

The aim of the present study was to explore the putative relationship between dental aesthetics and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL), taking into consideration the potential direct and moderating influence of private and public self-consciousness. The subjects of this cross-sectional survey were 148 university students. Dental aesthetics were assessed by means of the aesthetic component (AC) of the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN). OHRQoL was estimated using a modification of the scales 'social appearance concern' and 'appearance disapproval', and a novel dental self-confidence scale. In addition, the private and public self-consciousness scales were used. Two-factor a…

research product

Anxiety sensitivity as predictor of pain in patients undergoing restorative dental procedures

Abstract –  Objectives:  The personality disposition to anxiety sensitivity refers to beliefs about negative consequences of bodily arousal. The concept has recently been successfully applied in research on chronic pain conditions. The present study investigated whether anxiety sensitivity interacts with dental fear to increase expected and experienced pain during routine dental treatment. Methods:  Subjects were 97 patients undergoing dental procedures of excavation and filling. Anxiety dispositions were measured by the Anxiety Sensitivity Index and the Dental Anxiety Scale. Expected and experienced pain were assessed by affective and sensory verbal descriptor scales and a numerical rating…

research product

Pain and discomfort during orthodontic treatment: causative factors and effects on compliance.

Orthodontic patients experience pain and discomfort to a varying degree during the course of treatment. The aims of the present investigation were to follow the progress of adaptation after insertion of new appliances and to study the relationships between the type of appliance worn and pain or discomfort experienced, between pain sensations and attitude toward the treatment and their effects on patients' compliance. Pain and discomfort experienced by 84 patients undergoing orthodontic treatment, their attitude toward the treatment, and compliance were assessed 7 days, 14 days, 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months after appliance insertion, using specially designed protocols, questionnaires, and…

research product

Irrationale Einstellungen und soziale Belastung bei Patienten in ambulanter Verhaltenstherapie: Verlauf, prognostische und mediierende Einflüsse auf den Behandlungserfolg

Fragestellung: Bisherige Studien legen nahe, dass sozialer Stress und kognitive Dysfunktion zur Entwicklung psychischer Storungen beitragen konnen. Kaum untersucht wurde, inwieweit beide Faktoren die Heilungschance bei psychotherapeutischer Behandlung beeinflussen und mit dem Behandlungserfolg kovariieren. Ziel der Studie war, die 1. Veranderung irrationaler Einstellungen und der Wahrnehmung sozialer Belastung im Verlauf ambulanter Verhaltenstherapie sowie 2. ihre Rolle als Pradiktoren und 3. als Mediatoren des Behandlungsergebnisses bei Patienten mit heterogenen Diagnosen zu untersuchen. Methoden: Eine diagnostisch unausgelesene Stichprobe von 62 Patienten wurde zu Beginn und zum Abschluss…

research product

Dentofacial aesthetics and quality of life

This article reviews, from the socio-psychological perspective on physical attractiveness, recent research on the psychosocial impacts of dental aesthetics. Research on personal impression forming suggests that visual perceptions of detrimental dental conditions might lead to conclusions about social impairments of the target person. Consumers conform considerably with professional assessment of dental aesthetics. Psychosocial impacts of dental appearance in childhood include teasing by peers. Existing research suggests that dental aesthetics contributes to psychosocial well-being of both children and adults. The concept of public self-consciousness is introduced for explaining differences …

research product

Functional and social discomfort during orthodontic treatment--effects on compliance and prediction of patients' adaptation by personality variables.

During the course of treatment orthodontic patients frequently endure a number of functional complaints and are anxious about their appearance. The aims of this longitudinal study were to follow the progress of patients' adaptation to discomfort, to elucidate the putative relationship between the type of appliance worn and functional and social discomfort experienced, to study potential predictability by their attitude to treatment and to evaluate the effects of discomfort as predictors of patients' compliance. Eighty-four patients undergoing either removable, functional, or fixed appliance treatment monitored their complaints during the first 7 days of treatment and rated them retrospectiv…

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Theoretische Ansätze für eine bessere Motivierung der Patienten in der Kieferorthopädie

Eine Zusammenstellung verschiedener theoretischer Ansatze zur Verbesserung der Behandlungsmotivation wird vorgestellt. In der Sozialpsychologie werden das Phanomen des Widerstandes gegen Einstellungsanderungen, die Bedingungen von Verantwortlichkeit und die Wirkung vorbereitender Kommunikationen auf unangenehme Erreignisse erforscht. Aus der Verhaltenstherapie sind die Methoden der Belohnung, der Verhaltensvertrage und der verbalen Selbstkontrolle bekannt. Moglichkeiten der Ubertragung dieser Erkenntnisse auf die kieferorthopadische Behandlungssituation werden diskutiert.

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Dental esthetics, orthodontic treatment, and oral-health attitudes in young adults.

Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate whether young adults with varying dental esthetics and histories of orthodontic treatment also differ in oral-health attitudes, preventive behaviors, and self-perceived oral health. Methods: The sample comprised 298 young adults, 18 to 30 years old, with at least 13 years of primary and secondary school education. The subjects were asked to complete questionnaires dealing with various measures related to oral-health attitudes, preventive behaviors, and perceptions of oral health. Dental esthetics were assessed by means of the aesthetic component of the index of orthodontic treatment need. Dental plaque accumulation was assessed in a sub…

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