Daniela Converso
Validación de la versión Italiana del "Spanish Burnout Inventory": un estudio preliminar
AbstractOBJECTIVEThe aim of this study was to develop the Italian version of the Spanish Burnout Inventory (SBI) and to examine its psychometric properties within a sample of nursing staff.METHODThe study was cross-sectional and not randomized. The data were gathered using an anonymous, self-report questionnaire. The sample consisted of 391 staff nurses employed in three hospitals in the Northern Region of Italy To evaluate burnout, the SBI and the Maslach Burnout Inventory were administered.RESULTSAn Exploratory Factor Analysis showed a four-factor structure close to the expected one. All Cronbach's alpha values were satisfactory. Furthermore, correlations support the concurrent validity.C…
Psychometric properties of the «Spanish Burnout Inventory» (SBI) in a sample of Italian health professionals: a gender perspective
El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las propiedades psicométricas del Cuestionario para la Evaluación del Síndrome de Quemarse por el Trabajo (CESQT) en una muestra de profesionales de la salud italianos. La muestra estuvo formada por 695 participantes (453 profesionales de enfermería y 242 médicos). Según el género se identificaron 451 mujeres (64.9%) y 244 hombres (35.1%). El CESQT está formado por 20 ítems que se distribuyen en cuatro dimensiones: Ilusión por el trabajo (5 ítems), Desgaste psíquico (4 ítems), Indolencia (6 ítems), y Culpa (5 ítems). La estructura factorial se analizó mediante análisis factorial confirmatorio. Todos los ítems presentaron valores adecuados para los pa…
Not All Academics Are Alike: First Validation of the Academics' Quality of Life at Work Scale (AQoLW)
Background: Relating to the macro-level changes and the increasing complexity of the academic system, a growing number of studies began to investigate the perceived working context impact on well-being and job satisfaction of academics. A unique duality characterizes this context: academics cannot be longer defined as stress-free, but at the same time they are still satisfied and engaged in their work. There is a need to evaluate the academic environment not only in terms of stressor and strain, but also in terms of which experiences are sources of fulfillment. The study aimed to explore psychometric properties of a new instrument (AQoLW) for assessing context-specific features of the acade…
Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance of the Spanish Burnout Inventory Among Professionals Across 17 Countries and Regions
AbstractStudies on the prevalence of burnout in professionals in service organizations who work in direct contact with the clients or users of the organization have concluded that burnout is a serious health disorder that has increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A significant advantage of the Spanish Burnout Inventory (SBI) over other instruments is that it provides a broader conceptualization of burnout by including feelings of guilt as a dimension of burnout to explain its development. However, the measurement invariance of the SBI across countries has not been investigated. The purpose of this study was to test the measurement invariance of the SBI among professionals across 17 countr…
A New Academic Quality at Work Tool (AQ@workT) to Assess the Quality of Life at Work in the Italian Academic Context
Refereed/Peer-reviewed The present study provides evidence for a valid and reliable tool, the Academic Quality at Work Tool (AQ@workT), to investigate the quality of life at work in academics within the Italian university sector. The AQ@workT was developed by the QoL@Work research team, namely a group of expert academics in the field of work and organizational psychology affiliated with the Italian Association of Psychologists. The tool is grounded in the job demands-resources model and its psychometric properties were assessed in three studies comprising a wide sample of lecturers, researchers, and professors: a pilot study (N = 120), a calibration study (N = 1084), and a validation study …