D. Rohe
Realization of a broad-band neutron spin filter with compressed, polarized 3He gas
The strongly spin-dependent absorption of neutrons in nuclear spin polarized 3He opens the possibility to polarize beams of thermal and epithermal neutrons. An effective 3He neutron spin filter (NSF) requires high 3He nuclear polarization as well as a filter thickness corresponding to amount of gas in the order of 1 bar 1. We realized such a filter using direct optical pumping of metastable 3He∗ atoms in a 3He plasma at 1 mb. Metastable exchange scattering transfers the angular momentum to the whole ensemble of 3He atoms. At present 3.6 × 1018 3He-atoms s−1 are polarized up to 68%. Subsequent polarization preserving compression by a two-stage compressor system enables to prepare NSF cells o…
"Table 2" of "Polarization transfer in the He-4(e(pol.),e' p(pol.)H-3 reaction."
No description provided.
"Table 1" of "Polarization transfer in the He-4(e(pol.),e' p(pol.)H-3 reaction."
No description provided.